I wander round a few of the forums and read who and what is said about what and who. Regular cat n mouse stuff lol Yes, old habit, but there are some classical annotations getting about. Some great use and abuse of the English language. On visiting a certain monitor site, geez I which they would change there domain, and name as it really is a minefield for the unknowing. OMG and don't step in without your suit on. lol I am sure most of you can add up and do basic maths concerning a program's offers. However, it seems at least two of the so called "well respected industry guru's" can't work out how many working days in a week. Guess that is understandable considering they probably don't work jobs like the rest of us do. Therefore giving false information to their list/followers. Can't believe that so many unwary followers just follow blindly. If simple maths is beyond a priority when the incorrect results actually were used the term as a ploy for reeling in their masses, one really has to ask the question. How credible are they? I already know the answer,evidently their vision is their own back pocket, after that, nothing matters. Okies, had my gripe for this week lol Until I get annoyed enough to post my rants here again. Tis very frustrating this world :)