Like in any business there a highs and lows. Saying we are in a crisis is a bit of an over-statement as I see it, as there is always an up-side from a down. Look at the Stockmarket, house prices. All have slumps, but those who play their cards right and hang on are the ones who usually end up in the right position when the market regains. Which inevitably they do.
Now is a very interesting market time and how should we be setting ourselves to move into the future with moneymaking?
- You could just walk away. But what's the point of that? Nothing ventured nothing gained.
- You could change with the way you do things. Try something new, a different approach.
With that said I certainly don't feel that we are at crises point as portrayed. Agreed, things aren't how they used to be, but over the years it has changed and of late we have had a downturn of viable longerterm sites. Attributing to this is those who play too seriously, or get too greedy. Nothing lasts forever online. Once you understand the "world" rules, it will become clearer. We are collectively from all corners of the globe and each country has it's own interpretation of the rules. Online betting is a huge industry, and it's done for recreation and or income supplement. I consider this biz the same but with a few more ingredients. Enjoy the fruits and have some fun, that's what it's all about.
So what do we have to do to get through these lean times :) Well actually NOW is the time to lay some building blocks in the next era. Change how we used to do things and go with the flow. That's why I am playing some quick short term high ROI HYIPs. They will come and go fast, but timing is crucial. Get into profit and play with proceeds. This way I am building up my reserves to fund longer term HYIPs.
Whilst others are moaning and groaning about low times
:cry: :cry: I am diligently working on some longer term ops which are just starting out.
Eigeline Network is one of those and now is the time to get settled in there. Of course no guarantees, as there are none in this biz, but I like this program as I think it does have huge potential and over the next few months it's will start getting more exposure. The early bird catches the worm. Of course time will tell. Previous mentions of
Eigeline Network can be found
If you are reading here, you should know by now I am straight upfront and tell it like it is for me. The whole idea is to give a workman's (or ladies in my case) view of how things work and actual, factual experiences. No hidden agenda, unlike commercial bloggers who offer their expertise for free and with the other hand sell banner space, reviews and interviews. How can they be truly open minded? Everyone has their niche in this industry, and mine is technically at Ground Zero. I'm there as a participating member using my own funds and like many others I
do take longer to get into profit than those who have referrals. So it does make me more cautious, other than jumping into something. Sorta weighing up the odds. I know there are many out there in cyberland in the same boat as me but only get access to readily available forums, monitors/blogger sites and of course those teamleaders lol (You know the ones, with the big lists) By dropping by The Shed you can get another take on the situation, if I am playing or general info, as I don't just join anything or everything as my sole purpose is to make money. I seek out, what I consider, better opportunities. Safer bets I call them.
Believe it or not, moneymaking online can be relatively stress-free if you play within your means. I win some and I lose some. lol Nobody is perfect!!
Thanks for reading. I thought I would lay my cards on the table as I always have and let's look forward to some good times ahead. They will happen.