This is from the admin, how he came up with this idea..
Consider this....
In an usual autosurf, members get paid all from cash balance. What if members play big & never reinvested? (very common nowadays)
Conclusion... Dies a sudden death. Every new comers will be in a loss in a very short period even if the program is still in its second or third cycle.
With us, its the other way around. We are here to stay for as long as possible (expected lifespan - 6+ months to 1 year).
Members lose big at first cycle,
BUT as they reupgraded, the loses will become less & less & turn into profit.
Members will indeed earn fixed 25% daily just like any other sites (& get to request cashout daily too), but the cashouts will be calculated according to the cash level of our program using incoming / outgoing fund ratio. Thus, do not be surprised to receive less than the actual cash balance..
So, only by reupgrading, members will be in profit (no compounding allowed). The cycle continues.
There are 2 variables in here.
- recouping initial investment while the active upgrade is running & release profit when members reupgraded.
- this function alone doesn't really help prolonging the program as some members still play big & reinvested minimum upgrades.
Introduced second variable to complement with the first. What this does is calculate overall payout % to members with whatever available fund we have at hand.
Make sure members request cashout daily. They'll realise it'll increase in value on daily basis.
I truly believe, we can go a long way with this system.