Sunday, 25 November 2007

Help Wanted... calling all members who want to earn safely

BusinessProfitPro Please read on and you will realize you can earn to your full potential being part of a team. "Remember, members make or break programs"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
BusinessProfitPro needs members support. This program has the potential, with member support and promotion and participation, to blow the top off the industry. Let's join together and become part of the team that looks after it's members.

I am not here to promote my link, just join, enjoy the benefits and promote this great site. No get rich quick scheme, but once the wheels are freely turning we can all do very well.

Accepts STP, LR and has a members e-gold exchanger inside the back office. Very reasonable exchange rates. What are you waiting for! This is better than risking your money in a fly by nighter site, of which there are plenty around.

Keep scrolling down and read how far we have come in one month... the obstacles our admin has encountered. He is here for the long haul.

See ya there... payday everyday!!

Saturday, 24 November 2007

BPP Team Program



Now to fill you in what has been happening. The program is one month old, so far these are it’s achievement…

  • They had e-gold blocks early on, and answered it with a successful move to LR and STP. (nobody lost any money)
  • They kept going through hosting solutions until they found one that is successfully blocking the DDoS attacks.
  • They jump right on the occasional payments or upgrades that go pending.
  • They fixed the Referral Link problem that was happening with the previous security, so that new signups go to the referrer correctly.
  • They are continually are enhancing the site .. advertising when you first logon.
  • BPP has now got it’s own exchange service available to members. (So those looking to upgrade with egold can now do an exchange within their back office. But you still need a Liberty Reserve account (LR is fast replacing EG, no account is safe these days..

The way I see it… We have a brilliant concept here with ProfitSharing!! Repeat spending enchances the program. No hit and runners. Of course they are still welcome, it will just take them longer to earn their dollars back and then the profit.

But this program was built for the members to regain stability in the market.

Exist1, the admin has previous experience on our site of the fence. He was a surfer and suffered this time last year with most of us. The uncanny closure of 12by12. He was sitting on the sideline and actually gave away the industry.. but as you all know this is addictive. However he liked the concept of profitsharing, as when it is run correctly it can work. So he decided to become and admin and offer what every surfer wants. A great program, an admin who won’t run off with the money, communitive admin and he got the best of the script fellows Gotenks. After contacting Gotenks, who I will add was in “script retirement” was so excited about Exist1’s plans he jumped at the opportunity.

In saying all of that.. BPP has the best of management a program in this industry can have. They are doing their bit, but a program cannot survive without members. We would all like to keep the money moving, and the only way to do that is to grow.

I find it a shame that this program hasn’t achieved the popularity it should have. The DDos attacked certainly took the momentum out of the start up. There are many potential members out there looking for the right program, and in the meantime they are wasteing their money on totally unknown admin and remember this is the “scammer season” Here today and gone tomorrow.

A question was asked on one of the forums I am in,

“Can some member here please tell me why you trust an admin who won't tell you his name or where he is located? Just curious why you would trust someone such as that.”

Answer from another member:

“They are verified through STP ask stella for yourself.”

Also I wish to advise that I am behind this program as I believe in the concept of Profit Sharing and respending to earn at the rate I am happy with. I put my money where my mouth is. I have been approached by some little known members who think I am here for the referral commission. Believe me I have more to gain by my own deposits, I just would love more members to join. I am not implying that they join via my link. New members can join under whoever you wish, but if a member does join through my link, I donate the referral commission. So if a member would like their referral commission going to a good cause instead of someone elses pocket they have the option to join through my link. Here is the link to my donations page showing the real receipts from real donations. On that note: I would like to thank all those who have joined under my link, and the trickle of RC is mounting. I sincerly thank you all for that, you know who you are..

Friday, 9 November 2007

I have been troubled lately

I have been troubled lately. I can’t see to get into anything, frustrated by the situation I find myself in. I was so excited to get the donation dollars together and give to Trev to take to Brisbane with him last week. I haven’t seen Trev for awhile now, but I gave it to his mum and she said she would give it to him when they get there. The donation was made, I have altered the donation banner to reflect the new total. As of yet I have not been able to get the receipt scanned, due to Trev’s mum hasn’t been able to go to work to do it. (I promise I will post it as soon as able, one way or another)

Things aren’t going very well with Trevor. His mum is devasted, she is such a strong woman, and to see here like this means things are really bad. I checked Trev’s blog, and he hasn’t posted for awhile and quite frankly his last post wasn’t very positive. I have spent the morning with his Mum, she came to visit as I think she needed someone to talk to.

Trevor seems to be on a road of self destruction. Emotionally, mentally and medically. It started apparently about three weeks ago, he was detained by police and bought home to his parents where they questioned him. He was caught on a construction site in a nearby town stealing copper wire from a big bin. He admitted that he had no permission to be there and also to taking the wire, and apparently there was also a starter motor and a power board taken. He gave them the powerboard (after they described what it looked like, as he didn’t know what it was) they then took him to the police station and charged him with trespassing, stealing and in possession of tainted goods. The police told him the powerboard was worth $6000 and he would have to pay restitution. On further questioned they implied that he also stole $8000 worth of power tools from a nearby building site, he has denied doing this… so the figure of $14000 was the restitution for this. He has to appear in court sometime later this month. He ripped up the paper when he got home and said he wouldn’t be going to court, he would be dead by then. He apparently said to his mum that he didn’t realize that taking out of waste bins was stealing, they were going to throw it away anyway. But as us older people know, stealing is stealing. (My heart goes out to him.. really … I feel frustrated like his Mum.. the police just want a conviction, to clear their caseload. I guess you can’t blame them for that… but I don’t think they care about the boy…. He is very special, to me he is anyway, and his family of course)

To make things worse, on the Sunday he went 4 wheel driving with his girlfriend. They got home and had lunch and his spirits seemed to have picked up and he was moving on with things. Then the police turned up. More trouble. Apparently he threw coins out of the window of his car at a pushbike rider.. who reported the incident to police stating that he threw nails at him. Trevor was again questioned, he admitted throwing the five cent coins at a bikerider about an hour before. Reason, well no reason, just thought it was fun. (Kids today and yesterday, don’t think. But no excuse, they know better) Luckily the fellow on the pushbike was a teacher and he didn’t want to press charges, but wanted the police to give the young fella a talking too. I just so happened to be the same policeman who arrested Trev two days before. He was pretty annoyed at his stepping out of line. He fined Trev $200 for not being in control of his vehicle. He went to his room and wouldn’t talk to anyone..

Monday came, he went to his Mum and Dad thought. Trevor wasn’t coming home at night, but his mum noted that he was coming home during the day by the mess in his room and clothes scattered everywhere. In reflection he was avoiding any family contact. By the end of the week his Mum found out that he wasn’t going to work and he had just walked out. All this time he has had no medication. Depression was sinking to lower levels.

The following week his mum tried desperately to get him some help. She contacted his phycoligist, he said he couldn’t help him unless he contacted him. She explained that he wouldn’t contact anyone as he had cut himself off from anyone who could help him. She was hopeing that he could make the first move and call him or something. Apparently he did call Trevor a number of times, but he wouldn’t pick up. The same has happened with the Apprenticship Board. They rang his mother as well, but she explained what was happening… the reply was if he intended to return to work he would have to supply a doctors certificate for the whole time he was off and then they would reconsider, but once the 30 days elapse the contract is cancelled. (I get rather upset thinking that all these people are putting more pressure on his mum. I can do nothing to help, I feel so helpless)

He did decide he was going down to Brisbane to see his doctors and go into hospital to have a test done where they look down this throat with a camera all the way down to his upper bowel. He is really skinny these days, but only yesterday I learnt that when they got to Brisbane he went for his appointment to see his doctor and he walked out. His mum got to speak with the doctor asking for help with him as he is extremely depressed. His doctor said there was nothing he could do, he had to come to them. His mum is so frustrated with watching her son slip away through the system. Trev has made the decision that he won’t be returning to Brisbane to see any doctors, he is not going to take anymore medicines or have any more pain inflicted on him by any tests. His mother is under the impression that his doctors don’t even know this. But she took him to the gastro reception for him to cancel his procedure as it isn’t right that he not just turn up, as there would be many more waiting on the list to have these things done. They asked him why he didn’t want to go ahead with the procedure as he was listed as a category 1 (urgent) and the receptionist told him doctors don’t do that for nothing.. but Trev told her that he was better now and didn’t need it.

As a last ditch effort his mum got him an appointment for his Brisbane Phyciatrist. She saw him and seems nothing has changed…. He walked back to their room and kept threatening to get his own way home.. all he wanted was to get out of there. His mum got the flights changed and came home, and as she said, what else could she do. He is a country boy and he has no money and in a big city who knows what would happen to him.

She drove him home from the airport. He went inside got changed, grabbed his car keys and drove away. That was on Thursday.. it is now Saturday lunch time as I am writing this. He hasn’t surfaced yet.. He has a mobile phone and his mum has rang it a few times, but he dosen’t answer.

How do you help someone that dosen’t think they need help? That is the question his mum has been asking everyone. Trevor needs legal help, he needs phycological help, and eventually he will need medical help. His mum blames herself for all of this happening. She says she was always doing everything for him, his medications, his doctors appointments, travel arrangements… maybe if he hadn’t relied on her so much he may realize what he is doing. See now that he is 17, his mother has no authority over his medical, legal or anything. So what she was doing before for him, he has to do himself. But he just sticks his head in the sand and is hopeing it will all go away. From my experiences in life, that won’t happen. You have to stand and fight for yourself… I can see why is mum is so fearful of the outcome. But Trevor himself has repeatedly in the past told his mum he would have been better off dying. I remember on his blog he actually said that when he came home. I don’t want to think that way. Dam it, the kid has beaten all the odds, why can’t he get that into his thick skull that all he needs to do is ask for help from those who can help him, realizing that now that he is an adult, he must do the asking..

My thoughts are with Trevor and his mum, as well as his family. Seems they have all had a beating.. the family as a unit does not exist any more. His father has removed himself from the scene hopeing that he might come home if he is not there. They clash as a man to man thing. He is so frustrated with the whole situation.