Thursday, 18 December 2008
What can I say about WOIP.. but WOW lol This is a layback program, 1% per day compounding.. do the sums.. adds up!! and it dosen't take that long either. Purring along, no issues.. pays whenever you request, deposit when you like.. Top site... Just a note from the news section withing the site.. they just opened in Japan.. interesting
Going by admin generated member emails, the memberbase increased dramatically during last weekends - open day promo. The site is again closed to mew members. Admins wife is now doing all the payouts and is doing a great job. I have requested a couple of payments lately due to the Christmas period. I would assume there are others doing the same. But I have been paid well withing TOS and continue to earn.
My take on the going private? I have been asked many times before, well I assumed it was to batten down the hatches for the Christmas holiday season, which I thought was a good move by the Admin. However, when he decided to open for two days again, so quickly after privatisation, I was beginning to have some reservation. I made contact with the Admin to ask for some wording advice to send out an email to those in my downline to offer assistance if they needed it. I have quite a few, but very few have ever upgraded. I thought long and hard and decided not to email my downline, as they had joined me through my blog and I don't have links anywhere else but in my sig in forums, and I am always contactable - if they should ever need me. That way I also meet my standard of privacy. I never contact those who join me, unless in a dire emergency, as I have done recently in another program.
So to be honest about AggeroInvestments.. I am confident it will last into the new year, but it certainly needs to be played within your means.
I don't see much advertising for CentAsia, which amazes me, it seem to be quietly achieving. I just love the instant payment on investments maturity. Running nicely.
There seemed to be an issue with proving paperwork to a forum regarding the registration of their company, which is told is registered in two countries. The response from inside the CA website really is they acknowledge the request, but are in no hurry to get the certificate off the wall and copy it. By the size of some of the payments I have seen, they really don't need to comply with this request.. the way I see it, they aren't looking for huge exposure. With that said, only invest what you can afford to lose. They extremely attractive plans, no surfing. Plus for those who are good at referring,they run a three,tiered referral system..also paid instantly.
Now off course I haven't put the shed in as collateral, but I note through associates that the site has been performing very well. The company "says" it is involved with construction, mineral extraction, and natural gas warehousing fields in the Central Asian republics. This opportunity has been opened to the public via this website since September 2008. I of course have no information as the the verification or non verification of this. But I will post my experiences with Centasia Investments as they happen.
Friday, 5 December 2008
This year is not all doom and gloom.. There are two programs set to ride out the holiday season. The oldest of these programs being AggeroInvestments, but now private as of 27th November. This was timed, in my opinion of course, to cater for the Christmas period, to consolidate membership. I am confident that AggeroInvestments will survive this time of year and rise to heights in 2009. Reserve funds and outside working investments come to play in these trying times. Congratz also should go to the Admin who has singlehandedly continues to run a great opportunity.
The second site I mentioned is PAC Premium Ads Club. The duel lady admins here have not just slapped up a site and are going in on their reputations... they have diligently put together this program, complete with a long term business plan, outside investments, a trader and reserve fund to meet ongoing costs. With member support this program has the capability of reaching great heights. Possibly be the upward trend in the surf advertising world. I don't usually go out on a limb about a program. But these are real people running this program, long time members from within the realms of this industry. They have worked hard to bring us what we really want, of couse it is not the totally finished product. Nothing in this world ever stays the same. Take your time and look at what PAC has to offer.. no hurry, they aren't going anywhere. I am sure when you are ready... most roads will lead to PAC.
Scotia-Ads another surviver... quietly just steadily earning and paying. It may be quiet but very profitable.
My paying list is getting shorter, but note I doubt there will be any more changes this year. I also have not at this stage written off Tradelite, but the longer Admin is quiet, the harder it will be to come back.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Right from day one, it was obvious this program was serious. Very professionally put together, a business plan from the beginning, actually a longterm workable plan. Many did not believe in the Duel Admins committment, but already they have shown their true colours. A huge DDOS attack attempted to break the spirit. The only thing it proved was that this program is considered a threat. With the way the script is set up there are no lost days of earnings, even if you forget to surf your adpack purchase stays active until it reaches maturity of 135%.
Key points making this the ultimate program.
- Admins Kazzy & ExecutiveLady know what members want having been on our side (members) through many highs and lows over the years in various programs.
- Member support is a big priority and swift payments. TOS is within 24 hours, now currently happening very quickly.
- Monthly membership fees.. depending on your chosen max adpac purchase. (Can be increased at anytime and expand to a full month from date of purchase.)
- Real investments behind the program, giving stability, with the business to be registered in the near future.
- Until Jan 19th members are enjoying the benefit of two withdrawals in each 15 day period from the date of your first purchase. (A great way to get yourself established in a program that certainly has all the potential to be the best opportunity to come our way in a long long time.)
- Did I meantion the script! Brilliant.. and the site has great protection.
I am looking forward to working with a great bunch of people here for a long time. Business plan even has plans for going private down the track. I hope to see you there. 2009 is looking fine!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Just more dribble
I am not one of those bloggers who do this for the collection of referrals, and as I have stated many times.. I join and are active in programs that I believe I can make money in and I like to share the experience. I do graciously accept referrals though, but it is not for personal gain, as I donate the RC’s to Ronald McDonald House. Any private donations I receive, same thing straight in the tin for RMH. I am honored to be trusted to make the donation. The reason I advertise the programs I am enjoying is sharing an opportunity. I do not join just any program and I will not be paid to promote any program - that is totally unacceptable in my book. I post on forums my experiences and generally share in the fun part of money making. Also, for the record I am not “filthy rich” as some have implied. If only you really knew the simple life I live. But I feel rich in other ways. Helping fellow members who need a hand.- Yes, guilty as charged. Giving them a hand is very different from a handout. It seems that is one of my weaknesses, but I do this of my own freewill, not because I am pressured to do this. I feel complelled to help people. Is that such a wrong thing?
Now… to be honest with myself, I am not as “fighting fit” as I seem. This year I have had two hospital stays and numerous visits to the doctor. Nothing drastic, I am just getting old. Yes I know I can’t live forever and this is why I have set a few things in place for the time when that happens. I don’t want all my work to stop. Trevs Mum, has full control over all PP’s and is very much in the picture with what I do. She does most of the paperwork and getting the donations ready. She was involved heavily in autosurfing long before me, she introduced me to it years back and started me off. But since Trev got to the point with so many miss diagnosis due to the rareness of his disease and his long hospitalized battle for life, she never went back. She is the picture behind me, often we discuss programs and strategies. I have permission of full use of all PP’s, we trust each other fully. Actually without her I wouldn’t be here. I am hoping to reintroduce her to this world, but currently she will the odd upgrade and surf for me as needed. I just want her to know how much I appreciate what she does for me. (Maybe Cath, one day you might read this..I am forever grateful to you and your family for letting me be a part of it. I also thank you for checking on me so I can continue to live out here in my piece of solitude. Thank you.). Every Christmas that comes I think will be may last.. Here comes another one .. wow 2009 coming soon too. Never in a million years I ever thought I would see it. The only thing keeping me going is my desire to help others. I was driven by a heart-wrenching experience to do something useful in my life. I really was dead wood. That was July 2006, I will never forget the experience. ( I tell a bit about it here in a previous diary entry read the “bit about me”) I have a huge wish to fulfill before I leave this earth, well quite a few, but one in particular, and that is to clear the medical bill. Early this year I managed to get it down for $50,000 to $30,000. But, not much since. It is achievable, but I have to be patient, and I am pretty good at that. In the meantime donating to RMH is giving Trev some satisfaction. He was ecstatic and like myself overwhelmed of the generosity of people. Strangers. Plus RCs are at an all time high with three programs I am in. Of course there hasn’t, been any benefits reaching home yet, as I am rebuilding. But, it is getting close now. A close friend told me, maybe a Christmas in July.
While I get the chance I just want to thank all my friends for watching out foe me over the years. I fully respect and admire you. I met some of the most wonderful people out here. Without technology our paths would never have crossed, and I would have left this earth probably deeply sadened. But I have a totally different vision of things.. all the nationalities and customs. I am so gratefull to have met you all.
I felt I needed to write this for my own gratification. Knowing I said what I feel needs to be said. This entry will hide down in the archives and float around cyberspace.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Having site and security issues currently.. on hold! Interesting.. if you see the below banner.. it is hosted from the Tradelite site :)
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
This is a program I have been watching for awhile. Great returns, and I decided it was worth investing in. There are five levels of investment. You can read them all at the website, but I will say they pay instantly on maturity. Plus they run a three,tiered referral system..also paid instantly.
Now off course I haven't put the shed in as collateral, but I note through associates that the site has been performing very well. The company "says" it is involved with construction, mineral extraction, and natural gas warehousing fields in the Central Asian republics. This opportunity has been opened to the public via this website since September 2008. I of course have no information as the the verification or non verification of this. But I will post my experiences with Centasia Investments as they happen. The plan I have started in is 5.79% daily for 21 days.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Personally I feel much attention has been taken away with the "birth" of the little BIG sister site Premium Ads Club (PAC) which is inevitable due to the nature of the bigger returns. But don't let that put you off, there are big plans for Scotia-Ads, so I suggest you consolidate yourself there and keep that steady earner in your list of payers :) I believe both of these programs, SA and PAC will be achievers.
If you haven't seriously looked at Tradelite, I suggest you do. As I said somewhere - "If you are not already a member, well you are missing out on a great earning opportunity". Over the months I have steadily built my level there. Also something to think about is that they plan to go private, and of course will honor existing members. Even if you aren't in a position to upgrade there yet, it has a minimum deposit of $50 currently, I suggest you join and that way at least you have secured your spot. I am aware that the minimum deposit will increase on privatization, but management will allow for existing members to grow to those levels, which to date are not known. All will be revealed in the next newsletter. Not sure when that will be, but should be over the next few weeks. Definitely a solid program for my portfolio.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
I must say, I am very impressed with this program. I am using it as a storage of funds site, and earning 1% a day, everyday, seven days a week on the account balance... wow.. that is hard to beat. Especially when your funds are always at your fingertips to use when you want. I did my test withdrawal the other day with a few dollars.. the message comes up with your withdrawal has been placed in a queue, you will be paid between 10 minutes and 2 hours!!.. well took about 20 minutes. Apparently it depends when you hit the run time.. they must run it every 2 hours :) WOIP is a pretty handy program to have. But also you can use it as a set and forget type program.
Whilst typing this I remembered I wanted to upgrade in PAC, so I requested a reasonable size withdrawal. I noted the time, actually wrote it down, I just received an email that I have received LR.. checked the LR email.. yes.. my LR is in my LR account smack on 10 minutes.. yahoo.. Can't get much better than that. So you can see there is many uses for a program like this one. If you have a look, you too will be surprised.
Now, my take on the going private issue. I don't consider it a bad thing to close the doors for awhile. It will give the admin more time to devote to his other investments and to capably handle the members he has. Sounds like Aggero will go close to getting 2000 members by 27 Nov. Remember, you can join to get in, and you don't have to upgrade to be included. I am sure after you have a good look at the program, you will probably want to upgrade anyway. But it is your choice what you do. My advice is to have a close look, and if you like what you see then the decision will be easy to become active. With the silly season, Christmas holidays, there will be all the "too good to be true" programs pop up all over the place, for the quick grab. It happens every year regretfully. So be diligent and chose wisely, the more established programs are more likely to be a safer haven then others.
I have multiple upgrades constantly maturing, sometimes I withdraw some and others I just keep reinvesting. As per the Aggero home page.. the word "aggero" means "building a mound". In that case I am aggeroing!! :)
Monday, 17 November 2008
This quite possibly will be the greatest opportunity to come our way for a long time. Many months have gone into the planing and manageability of this site. Brought to us by Karen aka KazzyAdmin (MMG) / littlescot in other various forums, together with ExecutiveLady!!
Great features of the site:
- Script is by Gotenks (IMO his scripts are brilliant and totally safe)
- Hosting is off-shore on a dedicated server
- DDOS protection
- 9% Daily for 15 days
- 2 Cash outs in 15 days
- 5% Referral Bonus (Daily Cash outs)
- $10 per AD pack unit - Minimum 3 units ($30) daily, Maximum 50 Units ($500) Daily
- 5 Membership Levels
- View 10-25 websites
The Day Can Only Get Better!!
I have a nice payment due soon from my favorite off-shore non surf site. No prizes for guessing which one that is.
Being part of the industry at this time has been rewarding with the high calibre of Admins and programs currently in the market. Just a hint, I feel the best is to come.. soon.. very soon :)
Friday, 14 November 2008
World Owners Instant Payment System (WOIP)
All you need to know about WOIP is in their FAQ's. This business has been online for 1 year now. Their business is lending money, so by being a member and depositing you are contributing funds for lending. They only loan to residents of US, Canada and EU. Very interesting, as I said I did watch this one for awhile and joined not quite knowing what to expect. But the service is great, and customer support was good too.
What has influenced my decision? I have decided that I can turn over funds quicker with risk of only 60 days in another offshore investment opportunity of which I have been a member for quite some time. It is my personal choice to do so. Also on doing some research as in reading threads and analysing admin interviews, of course everyone has their own conclusion, but I am uncertain of the sustainability of WB, and also if the truth is being told. This is high risk involving big dollars, and I think it is my time to move on. I do appreciate the payments I have received in the past from Wilkens Bros. and wish all investors there success.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Flurry of excitement.. lol
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Got some loose change in LR? Here is your chance to have a little play and maybe increase it.
LibertyTopSpot is a great new way to play and win with your Liberty Reserve balance. Your chance to win is based on the batch number from the payment processor, compared to the previous winner. The current winner in each game is shown at the top of each game's table below. If the last digit in your batch number is one number higher than the last digit in the current winner's batch number, YOU WIN! You will then INSTANTLY be placed at the top of the table, and from then on you will start earning 80 % of every spend by every player in that game, until someone else wins and takes your place!
So simple - it's as easy to play as 1 - 2 - 3: LibertyTopSpot is a great new way to play and win with your Liberty Reserve balance. Your chance to win is based on the batch number from the payment processor, compared to the previous winner. The current winner in each game is shown at the top of each game's table below. If the last digit in your batch number is one number higher than the last digit in the current winner's batch number, YOU WIN! You will then INSTANTLY be placed at the top of the table, and from then on you will start earning 80 % of every spend by every player in that game, until someone else wins and takes your place! So simple - it's as easy to play as 1 - 2 - 3: Look here for to see how simple, yet effective it is. All rc is donated, remember every little bit counts.. I will be posting how much this is adding to the RMH donations.
If you don't wish to play, well you can still help me, if you wish, just simply by advertising my link, or posting my link in a banner on "your" website or other places you get around on the web. Where to find the link?? I am sure you can work that one out when you click the banner through to the website.. :)
I have multiple investment plans and get paid on maturity, instantly to my LR on request. To date clear sailing, and the weather looks good.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Continuing my update
- MegaSurfWorld - I decided to upgrade here on a gut feeling. "Stop laughing". But to offer AP and STP as the only payment processors (they are considering LR due to popular demand) well that was an indicator to me that this Admin is serious in running a program. The script is good and I have jumped in here with a daily pay plan. They offer three plans, now none of them are over the roof, but certainly better than you would get as bank interest. Just a reminder about the "Golden Rule" I have to even remind myself too. lol So if you want to get into something early that seemingly has the right approach, this is it. I am here to make money and see where this takes me. I get paid to STP daily after I request, not instant of course, but usually with a few hours.
- Instant2U - Certainly a daily earner, paid instantly to LR, but as of today there is no more retro upgrades (where you can upgrade after surfing and earn you 14% on that upgrade paid instantly to LR) So some will have to change their stratagy, but remembering that this is a high risk and participation program. The admin is running it very clean, banning multi accounts, but the script is working perfectly with instant payments.
- PanaMoney - this program intrigues me. It is managed Forex Trading with PanaMoney Technologies Pty Ltd (yes a registered company in the Panama) There are multipul plans depending on your level of upgrade. Currently I am in the 2 nd level and earn 1.3% per day on trading days only. My investment is for 180 trading days. I have already had my test plan expire.. oh forgot to tell you, at the completion of your plan you also get your initial investment back. There are a few ways to invest here, LR is quite popular and they pay timely on cashout request. I am in for the build here, as they have spent a lot of money on their site and for all intents and purposes seem to be on the up and up. But I still take note of what my initial thoughts were quoted from a post on 26th September. where I said "This either will be a great program, meaning I will make some good dollars here, or, this could be a very well dressed HYIP"
To date they haven't missed a beat and I will stick this one out for the long haul. It reminds me very much of a misread opportunity of another program that is now private but still going strong.. If only.. do you ever say that.. well that is why I am here building :) Nothing really to loose, definately not putting the farm in, but if this one performs.. wow...Well, I think I have covered everything to date. Now off the surf my sites to earn.. and look at those that I need do nothing.. :) Also please remember if you decide to join with my link, all RC's received are donated.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Well overdue update!!
- Tradelite - working extremely well. Support is great and the instant payments on request, after maturity of plan, works a charm. Did I mention the ROI.. well three plans available, so you can chose one to suit your needs. Just over the last week alone I have received two payments over the last week and with my strategy I am building.. my strategy.. some for me, and reinvest the rest. Everyone has their own strategy. But at maturity you have the choice to do what you wish. This program is becoming extremely popular, and if you are not already a member, well you are the one missing out.
- WilkensBrothers - another program working extremely well, is still one of my top earning programs with it's timely payment. I have had some comments of concern about no back office, but really it is just more for admin to look after so in fact giving them more time to earn the profits in which we are sharing.
- AggeroInvestment - I feel this program is going to get very busy over the next few months. Currently it is under the shadow of other programs, but it is steadily becoming a great place to be. I have received my payments on time and another aspect is you can upgrade from your cash balance if you are looking at building, saving fees and min. investment is $1. The Admin has announced that the program will be going private soon, also noting the commitment shown by the Admin and the ROI is affordable to sustain with outside investments for the longevity of the program. Another keeper.
- Scotia-Ads - Definitely my favorite low ROI surf. Just keeps on rolling gathering pace. Our third payday is coming on 1st November. There are two plans and I have upgrades in both, with payment of cash balance twice a month with reliability, I certainly don't see anyone complaining. Great Admin (Kazzy) coupled with great support, custom script, an old fashioned surfer certainly gets a touch of nostalgia. Scotia-Ads has also just become my newest member of Dorky's Blog 5 star ratings.
More to come.. I need a rest.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Megasurfworld - Only accepts verifed processors
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
I am happy to report that Instant2U is working well.
Payment for Wilkens Brothers has also been received on time, as usual.
Now AggeroInvestment. This program has be chuffing along in the shaddows of other programs as well. Quiet achieving. No problems, great Admin support, payments well within TOS and mark my words, you are going to be hearing a lot more about this program soon. I recommend you have a good look at this one, and get involved. You will be doing yourself a favor.
Tradelite. This program is absolutely brilliant. No problems, instant payments on request from Cash Balance. Working like a charm! I have two plans working here currently and shortly will have three.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
More payments
My second my payment from Scotia-Ads was requested and received quickly, no problems. In my books this is a definate keeper. Pays a realistic 120% for 30 days, nice sound, safe program. Enjoying this one.
Panamoney, Tradelite, WilkinsBrothers, AggeroInvestment are all performing well. Absolutely no problems.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Instant2u - Been watching and watching
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Payments Received in the last couple of days
Actually all my current programs are performing well. AggeroInvestment has now been upgraded to a 5 star rating on Dorky's Blog, due to I have received 3 payments on completion of three cycles well within TOS. Scotia-Ads is working well, nice steady growth and the second payout date for the program looming.. 15th October. Panamoney I feel will rocket in popularity as serious investors get a hold of this one. I have made a good second upgrade here, and with withdrawals paid within 24 hours on a trading day, well, the program has unlimited possibilites. WilkensBrothers is not missing a beat either, I have another payment looming :)
So all in all the whole industry is looking pretty good at the moment. No doubt the sharks are looming, but I am pretty picky where I put my money these days.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Payment for Today!
Today I received my first payment from Scotia-Ads. This program is set for longterm and I expect it will be around for quite a while to come. So if you want some stayers in your portfolio this is one.
Also today I requested my first payment from PanaMoney. Many of you probably haven't even looked at this one. I find it very interesting, I remember looking at a program 18 months ago, and I joined and well if I only had of kept at it, building as time goes on. That program is now private and doing extremely well. I feel this is one of those programs. Forex trading, show their trades and withdrawals when you want them.. only one per day though. Definately worth putting some LR in. Great script.. have a look.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Just a quick update
I just wanted congratulate AggeroInvestment on their first month in business. The admin is very active and is quick to answer or fix any reported problems. He has also introduced a bonus competition and instant on request Liberty Reserve payments. Something new to the industry. It is an interesting site.
Scotia-Ads, Karen today sent out her first member email as below:
Hi everyone,
I figured it was about time I said hello to you all. :)
First off, thank you to everyone who has joined Scotia Ads. We are growing slowly but steadily each day. We should hit 100 members sometime tomorrow. That might not seem many compared to some of the big boys out there but for a lower ROI rate program I am very happy with those numbers.
Surfing has been very smooth thanks to Gotenk’s great script. I don’t think he realised he agreed to work for such a blonde female (I am actually a brunette but have blonde genes somehow).
Wednesday is our first payout day. I will start making payouts from around 6am server time. Please don’t start panicking if you request a cashout before this time and have to wait a few hours.
I truly believe the best advertising is by word of mouth. I will never waste hundreds of dollars on big banners or buying tons of Monitors to say how pretty my site looks. However I would like to mention a few people who have greatly helped in advertising Scotia Ads. The first is My Profit Berry. It is co-owned by Mafaltti and Amrutrk. I did my first interview with them and they have it advertised in their signature.
The second is Austin from He has been saying wonderful things about Scotia Ads since it started and has now included us in his latest video cast which you can view here: http://www. collectiveinvestmentsforum. I think you need to register to view it but if you haven’t registered there then why the heck not? Seriously, it’s a great forum that is new and fresh. I think it is going to over take the other big daddies in the not too far do=show&id=1
Well I think I’ve yacked enough now. If you need anything or have any suggestions for Scotia Ads then please contact me.
Last but not least.. JRs Amazing Profit Doubler is performing well. I have been a member since the program started over a year ago now. I had never played the doublers until then. I do feel you only need to join one, as member participation is the basis on how it works. It is run by a lovely lady, Jody and a fellow, Raz. Raz really knows his stuff, it is his script and is totally unique. Quite an achievement this program is with two honest admins, always around to assist you if you have any problems. So, if you are looking to become a part of a team, JR's is a great place. You will find the team on MMG forum here. I hope to see you over there.
Friday, 26 September 2008
PanaMoney - Interesting.. well very interesting
Domain Name: PANAMONEY.NET |
Another interesting fact is the member of a couple of forums that posted this site, is new to those forums, but certainly knows what he is doing in posting.. just giving you all the food for thought that is crossing my plate.
My opinion: This either will be a great program, meaning I will make some good dollars here, or, this could be a very well dressed HYIP..
My decision: I have decided to take the plunge and invest here. See how things float. I am not putting the shed in as collateral, but a minimum investment and see how it grows or goes. lol I will keep this blog updated on my experiences. Here is my link if you want to join me in this new adventure!! PanaMoney
You are welcome to comment here, your thoughts and experiences.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
TradElite taking members to new heights
Tradelite - Newsletter - Issue No. II
It has been more than four months since our last newsletter.
Tradelite has evolved a lot since May 2008 when our online
venture was still quite new. For most of you, this will actually
be the first newsletter you have received from us. It will
briefly summarize our activities during the past few months and
it will also give you an idea about our great plans for the
I. Platform News
Our membership count has been experiencing a healthy growth
during the past few months and we did not really see any slowdown
during the summer period. The active accounts (those with at
least one active investment contract) represent 73.12% of all
investment accounts. Let me remind you that our accounts are
obligation-free, which means that there is no time limit for your
active participation into any of our Investment Contracts.
44.91% of all new accounts were created using the invitation link
of an already existing account. The increase of this figure has
once again proven that the word of mouth is the strongest and
most reliable marketing campaign. The pay-for-performance model
of our Invitation Program has been very successful thus far.
Please note, however, that once we reach a satisfactory level of
membership, we would have to gradually decrease the commission
rates paid by our Invitation Program. Our projections show that
this should happen in January or February at latest, 2009.
The average investment figure has soared to $712.98 from $108.65
back in May. 22.76% of all portfolios consist of 20D contracts in
comparison to 36.50% for 40D and 40.74% for 60D contracts. These
figures are a clear sign that most of our members have shifted to
larger investments in contracts with longer investment terms. The
re-investment rate has been 66.83% on average, which is a slight
decrease from our previous figure, mainly due to our current
maximum investment limits, which do not allow most of our members
with larger investments to re-invest part of their Investment
II. Payment Methods
Back in May, we worked with Liberty Reserve (USD) only. We have
become a lot more flexible since those days. Today, we accept
Liberty Reserve, StrictPay, Perfect Money and (AlterGold). We
have also provided Direct Bank Wire Transfers (for both your
investments and withdrawals) based on our free-of-fee guarantee.
In addition, you have the option to carry out your transactions
with us using two major currencies - US Dollars and Euro.
We are currently looking to expand your payment options by
introducing direct Visa/MasterCard credit card transactions. We
are already in discussions with two major credit card processing
companies and we hope to be able to close a deal in the near
III. Tradelite Debit Cards
Since June 2008, we have been offering Free Tradelite Debit Cards
to our platform members. We initially started with Visa-based
debit cards, however due to privacy and mainly due to tax related
reasons, most of our members have opted for an anonymous debit
card with lower fees. Nevertheless, the new card can also be used
at 98% of the cash machines and stores where Visa cards are
normally accepted. Besides the free delivery to your door,
withdrawals from your Tradelite account to your debit card are
free of charge and are processed within 1-2 business days. Our
cards come with a separate online card management account, where
you will be able to track your card transactions.
For more information on our card offer, please visit the
Tradelite Debit Card section within your Tradelite account.
IV. Brief Trading News
I would like to address some concerns regarding the performance
of the Trading Department of Tradelite Finance Corp. during the
recent changes in the financial world.
You are probably aware of the recent market turmoil which hit all
major financial markets, even in the emerging economies. One of
the main reasons for the failure of a company, which became
familiar to Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers recently, is when it
cannot fulfill its short-term obligations - which is called a
liquidity problem. Each Investment Contract is an obligation of
Tradelite Finance Corp. to you as an investor. We have dedicated
a whole offshore portfolio to Sell-Short positions which become
profitable once the prices start falling. Most of the time, our
returns exceed by far the returns we pay out. In addition, we
allocate a portion of our earnings to a reserve portfolio
consisting of less volatile instruments. These reserves are used
to pay out part of our obligations to our investors in case of a
trading period with smaller returns. Your returns are fixed, so
you should not be worried about our trading performance. Our
in-house Value-At-Risk hedging strategy has allowed to us to make
very wise investment decisions a priori to market downturns. Risk
mitigation has been one of the strongest sides of Tradelite
Finance Corp.
V. Platform Development
We are currently working on two minor and one major upgrades of
Tradelite Online Investment Platform.
Minor Upgrades
- You will soon be able to make instant exchanges between
different available balances, so you can minimize your fees by
dealing with only one payment processor;
- Another feature will give you the option to instantly receive
an SMS to your mobile phone each time there has been a change in
your Tradelite account balance.
Multi-language Platform
The major change, which should become reality by the end of the
year, will be the introduction of a multi-language platform in 5
languages. This upgrade will also include multi-language support.
We have already completed the French and the German versions and
we are working on the Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin.
To conclude, I would like to add that if you need our assistance
or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
any time using any of the methods available on our website.
Martin Mitchell
Project Coordinator
Tradelite Finance Corp.
Monday, 22 September 2008
E-gold Major Changes
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Busy weekend
To new and potential participants of this HYIP and Autosurf world there are a few survival rules. One being, you must realize there is a risk with these "ad pack purchases" and "investments".. the ROI is high, therefore the risk is accelerated. The other rule is "anomonyity" I see the constant posting of interviews with admins.. yes anyone can fill out the question sheet emailed to them with the information that they know members want to hear. We really have no idea who they are, and even if we did, would that really make any difference? I think not. We really have to judge each program on face value as it comes along. Some do really well, others not so good. But some are quite obviously quickly put together and used as a money grab. Others are well orchestrated.. but there are also the well thought out sites, with a business plan on how things will work, or should work.. but they too depend on member support even thought they may have external funds working. Without member support no programe would survive.. why bother.. so what I am saying is to those new members.. look around and learn, if you are worried sick about your spend in a program, this may not be the world for you.. Golden Rule: Never, never ever spend more that you can afford to loose.
With that off my chest.. I really have not much to report.
I will note: I did some very interesting reading over at ASA today.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Back in the saddle
Well the news broke a week ago, but looks like Ebullion is down the tubes. Seems there has now been charges laid against the founder. Shame, but after all the authorities are done with the business I doubt there will be much left!!
Another value lesson to all, never leave too much funds in an e-currency or payment processor.. Bad enough we have to be extremely careful where we put out funds to make some money, let alone watching our backs with our (online wallets.. so to speak)
On to brighter notes.Today I was paid yet again by WilkensBrothers. They are indeed doing a great job is looking after all of us who are riding our money on the back of their investments. Thanks WB, a great opportunity for us all. I am using the build up strategy here. Not muchoption really, but been doing it for a couple of months now.
AggeroInvestment is doing ok! I was paid on my initial deposit pronto! The site is slowly
growing, but has had some problems with servers. Definately one to keep on eye on. Admin is active on Money Makers Group forum. Next payment is a little way away yet.
It is a set and forget site, no surfing, a real investment site. My only regret is that I can't get my hands on some more Liberty Reserve. Since 14DHS I have been scarce in that department. If you read, I have some STP to exchange!!
New Program!! Scotia Ads you may wonder what all the fuss is about.. as it is a low ROI surf. Well 4% for 30 days or 2% for 100 days is nothing to be sneezed at when you are looking for a stable site. The admin of this site is Karen aka KazzyAdmin on MMG.Kazzy has been around this industry a long long time, and we know she won't run off with the money.. But with honesty and realistic returns.. this is exactly what we need as a steady earner in our portfolio. Pay twice a month, so payments haven't started yet, but at time of posting only two days old.. have a close look at this one.
Enjoy your weekend, wherever you are in this beautiful world.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Thursday, 26 June 2008
The Next Generation.. Please Read.. so true, so true
'You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one', the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. 'The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon Our space probes have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy,ships and electric and hydrogen cars, cell phones , computers with light-speed processing...and more.'
After a brief silence, the senior citizen responded as follows: 'You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were we invented them.’
Now, you arrogant little gnit, what are you doing for the next generation?'
The applause was amazing.......
Monday, 23 June 2008
MIA LOL now I have heard it all....
What is happening in the surfing world.. well, to be honest I haven’t been to my favorite forum and second home for a few days. Currently I am at a standstill in moneymaking with surfs at the moment. My current situation is due to GoldnDays site being hit by a number of issues. He is a good bloke even though many will scream scammer. If you have been in this business as long as I have you will realize there are many dark forces looming waiting to launch attacks on programs doomed for success. Enough said…
My best wishes are with you GnD, you deserve more credit than you are getting no doubt.
Monday, 2 June 2008
The Best Things in Life are Free!!!
Over my lifetime I have often wondered about different things and always thought I wonder what others think.. A new forum has opened for the moneymakers of our cyberworld. Got some great members there, plenty of good experience up their sleeves and willingness to help. Another source of usefull information is a great tool to have in your bag. I am inviting you to come to CollectiveInvestmentForum and introduce yourself and wander around and get the feel for the place. Grow with the forum, bonus, it will be fun as well.
See you there!!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wouldn't that rip the fork out of your nighty!!
It amazes me that with all the support that was offered, and ideas on how to manage the problems, the admins took it all on himself to do everything. Finally illness, possibly stress related has taken it's toll. It is truely a dream come true site, with many older members returning to the industry. But the indication from the admin is it is not over. We can forever live in hope.
Just for the record, I would like to thank all the A-Team members who did a great job. To believe in something is not a bad thing. Hold you heads high, as you did make a difference to people lives.
I didn't quite make "my dreams come true" here, but I enjoyed the ride and meet some great people along the way. I wish you all the best, and yes, we can always dream about the "what if". Stay positive, and you will be rewarded in this life.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Busy, busy, busy...
14DHS The admin Mr J Fox has certainly got his finger on the pulse. No quick decisions here, they are all very calculated and well thought out. Of course it has an effect on the daily payments, he is a few days behind and blind freddy can realize that he can't just do 6 days of payouts all in one hit.. Nothing can survive that. Steady as she goes, the 14DHS ship is just cruising and I feel within the week it will be back up to full steam ahead.
As I have said before with this program.. LOL 12DP move over 14DHS is here.. so if you haven't joined the partly yet.. this is your invitation.
GoldndaysInstant yes he is back. Launch for this wasn't the best timing, but now that LR is up and running it should start taking off. There is a slight problem with the lag of the LR website with the instant payments, but Goldndays is aware of the situation and did some tweaking but incase there are some glitches he has promised any account balance payments will be done when he is able to do them. He is active on MMG forum, of course he does need some time to himself, so I just remind people if they have a problem, make him aware by using the contact button or if you catch him on the forum. It is only early days yet by a long shot, lets see those figures get past the magic million.. last time he nearly got there.
This is the real GnD don't be fooled by others saying it is not. There have been many clones, or want to be clones and I am sure they will crawl out of the woodwork to try to say otherwise.
iNet-Capital This is a very interesting site. I have been a member here for a couple of weeks now. But with the LR problems the site did slow. It was a bit hard to do upgrades, or get paid. But the admin managed to squeeze out the payments when he was able. During the LR downtime members were kept informed what was happening by member emails. This is a good trait to have in any program.. communication followed by payments of course! You can have as many upgrades as you like running here, so in fact you can be paid daily and it is a great way to compound your earnings. No internal compounds, you have to request your payout, also no surfing.. definately worth a look. I hope to see you there.
Just a reminder to anyone looking for an exchange, these guys are great. Totally reliable and I have repeatedly used their services. Exchanging between LR and STP is becoming very popular these days, and ExchangersPlus do a great service. Plus they exchange other e-curriences as well.
Monday, 5 May 2008
Goldndaysinstant... long time coming, but worth it
It has been a long time coming, but Mr. GoldnDays himself has finally come out with his updated script. Yeah, Yeah, I hear you all say.. well this is fairdinkum (for real in Aussie Language) He sold his old script but he never would have if he would have realized that it was bought by "admins" that couldn't run a coffeeshop.. In my opinion of course..
I have stayed in contact with GoldnDays throughout the whole time since the demise of the original instant surf site from 2006. I was a member there.. and I lost there, but I have always to this day believed in this fellow. He will strive to do overcome any issues that arise, unlike the other instant admins who just zeroed accounts. Please support this program and it will support you. This is a good quick way to earn some dollars, and being instant reduce the risk.. Get out there and promote and enjoy.
I managed to upgrade today, with LR even though the site was slow and I was paid instantly... Looking forward to a great experience.. Please consider.. This is by the Master of Instant Sites!!
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Time for an update.. so much to talk about :)
This brings me to my two long term high return paying programs.
14daysHitSurf: The autosurf of the decade!! Yes I know the benchmark was set by 12DailyPro, but 14DHS has the capability of, and will, in my opinion crush the milestone created by 12DP. At the time of writing this, (as it changes daily)
Total of Active members: 1583
Total of Upgrades Purchased: $3861690
Total of Payments made: $3306626.10
This clearly shows the momentum of program. Max daily upgrade is $2500, but 14 upgrades allowed, that is a fair chunck of money in anyones books. The key, I believe to the success of this program is the no waiting for payments. As soon as your upgrade expires - come servertime - paid automatically to your payment processor. How good is that!! The TOS say payment within 24 hours, well 2 hours have been covering it to date. So there is plenty of time to upgrade again and surf. Yes, it is a surf and you must surf 14 sites to earn your 10% on active upgrades daily. But their are multiplans, even a no surf when you want to go away on holidays. The program has been running since late last year. I am kicking myself for just watching this one for a long time. But I have been in here for a good month or so now and making some good profit. 40% after 14 days!! If you haven't had a look at this one, it deserves a look, you might kick yourself also that you didn't. Today I have finally achieved my spread of 14 upgrades.. so now I get paid daily :)
My second long term program.. actually is my biggest money earner. A breath of fresh air in anyone language. But if you want to know about this one you will have to contact me, as it is a private program. My contact details are on Dorky's Blog.. read down!!
So to wrap things up, 2008 is GREAT!! Looking to be my best year ever. I am aiming to achieve great financial support for the man who inspires me to keep going each day. Without this I am sure I would have been pushing up daisey's years ago.
Trev has also asked me to thank all the donators to Ronald McDonald House Charity. We sincerly thank you all, Trev was so excited about the last donation, it gives him a feel of selfworth, which he lacks in his life. He actually looked forward to playing the xbox when he stayed in the House last week on his doctors visit.
Thanks for reading... note: if you read this you must have read at least some of my dribble.. LOL
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Trying Times
14DaysHitsSurf 10% daily for 14 days. No waiting to be paid, no 50/50 rule, 14 upgrades allowed. I highly recommend this program. Offline investments and an admin who is really making a difference. This site has many plans, surfing and no surfing.. all the choices are there.
Little known but newer program is Priority-Pages building to be a good program, timely payments and some nice plans. Surf Site.
So for me HYIP sites that come and go are a bit of a hit and miss affair. I play at times, but the risk is extremly high, so caution must be used when playing there.. But the abovementioned sites are my bread and butter. So if you are looking for something a bit more secure.. 14DaysHitsSurf is my top pick, and Pathway-2-Prosperity is up there too. Priority-Pages is an up and coming site, with some great earning and surfing to be had. Currently a quiet achiever which is not a bad thing as you can work yourself to profit and reap the rewards, plus a good advertising surf site. There is great opportunities to earn, so I hope to see you there.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
A quick update!! Warning.. be carefull
On a good note.. I have been paid a nice sum in 14DHS, of course I reupgraded and continuing on my earning way. I hope to see you there.
Enjoy you day.. LOL :)
Sunday, 23 March 2008
The Surf Evolution
10% for 14 days = 140% 8% for 18 days = 144% 7% for 21 days = 147% No surf 4% for 45 days = 180% No surf
Also, no waiting to be paid. Payment is within 24 hours of expiry, and 14 upgrades allowed.. always turning the dollars.. How good is that. This is a surfers dream come true.
This program has been going over six months already.. last week celebrated the $1 million payout amount. This has not been seen in such a long time. You ask how all this can actually work.. outside funding. Money exchanging, advertising and a very clever administrator.
Look at this Alexa rating, how popular is that?
Which brings me to my other great site. Moneytrip This site is run by Admin David Hyland, he has turned if successful sports betting into the tool to make outside money to sustain a great surf program. 10% per day for 13 days.. paid after expiry. Still a relatively new program as at time of posting only running 35 days, but growing nicely. Prompt payment and admin avails himself on yahoo, displays his bets in forums. Great program.
The Evolution has started, so if you want to join the new era programs, come in and get your feet wet, or swim LOL As I have said before, 2008 is looking great.
Also if you are looking for a great exchanger, remember ExchangersPlus, I have used them repeatedly to exchange between LR and STP, plus get money home.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Finally back home...
A lot has happened in those first few days. SurfProfitPro and BusinessProfitPro has closed it's doors. I really feel for Dave aka Exist1 and Gotenks. They gave it all, and were beaten in the end. It is so sad to see honesty, integrity and a great opportunity turn out not to be the flavor of the month. I wish them both well in the future, but I doubt we will ever see Dave on the control panel of a program ever again. He tried to change the mentality, and the "baddies" knew he had the potential to skyrocket so his sites were targetted. A lesson has been leaned by all. But we must move on.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
2008 is off to a great start.. I felt the industry changing..and it has
Some facts: 1. I can't sell anything. 2. The work I do pays quite well. 3. I love the interaction with people. 4. I learn something new everyday.
Now with that dispensed.. what a great start to the year. I had a great feeling about changes in the industry, and it has happened. Just knowing where and when to spend money to earn. Always remembering the golden rule..never spend more than you can afford to loose.
My top sites..
Surfprofitpro (SPP) 10% per day for 14 days. You must surf to earn.Cashout requests Sunday and Wednesday. Paydays, Monday and Thursday, if not earlier. This programe is fast becoming very popular with the admin Dave aka Exist1 on forums, being innovative, attentive to members, and just superfast with payouts. Members really couldn't ask for more and they a putting their upgrades where it counts.
Moneytrip This program really excites me. This is the opening comment from the admin there David.
Hello, please call me David. This is the text that may help you to decide join us or not:
Being a member of MoneyTrip is a privilege, not a right, so, what we ask is that you be a part of it in a moral and ethical way, treating other member's and management with respect, politeness and honesty and kindness. We are making our part by offering a great service to the public, it is totally your part to make it pleasant, enjoyable and the most important thing, to make it last.
MoneyTrip is the program you were waiting for, a lot of people remember the golden days we had some years ago, where it was actually possible to make money investing online, they're back. We know and understand that you hear stories like this all the time, and for most people that is the same as believing in fairy-tales, well, we assure you this is not one, if you are still afraid, sit and watch a little, we will prove ourselves as a legit online money making opportunity.
I already have a history with online programs, and I'm back to the industry, this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity, do not let your fear take you away from this, MoneyTrip has great sources of investments, sources that have proved themselves to be very profitable. After all, it's up you to join us or not, we are going to do our best and a lot of money will be made here, be a part of it.
Our motion on MoneyTrip is that money never sleeps, you might be sleeping, I might be sleeping, but our money is growing more and more, and money is never too much, you will never hear someone complaining they profited too much. So, basically, your money will be gathered with other members money, and that is definitely going to grow, it will never be stopped, it will never sleep, and that is our key to success, the success we are going to achieve together, we will make money.
David actually posts some of his bets in the thread at MMG before the games and the results afterwards.. I like the idea of an external income for a surf. I was paid my first payment here earlier today.
Monday, 18 February 2008
MoneyTrip 130% after 13 days
I joined a new surf yesterday. I am a bit partial to funded site with outside income. That is exactly what this is, so I joined confidentially. This is what David, the admin has to say about his site...
" Welcome to MoneyTrip, our own mission is to make money. We know that lately this online investing industry has been filled with promises that never come true. Only time will tell that MoneyTrip will make you profit. We have developed the best investment sources that earn a considerable profit in a short period of time. We are going to combine your money with our money so that both members and MoneyTrip developers can profit. Our plan is solid and has been tested for a long time before it was brought to the public. We hope you will invest with us, your money will be safe on our hands, the profits will come as a consequence of your trust on us. wishes a good investing for everyone who decides to become a member, enjoy it."
130% after 13 days
Upgrade cost $10 per unit (300 max)
5% referral commission
3 free sites to advertise
Random referrals
Surf only 13 sites to get daily ROI
Surf ratio 1:1
$1 per each 1000 unique visitors
Missed days aren't penalized
Minimum cash out $1
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Charity Donation News...
I have thought long and hard about what to do. I asked many MMG members what they think I should do. Plus I returned to the thread often to see the reaction. Took me a couple of days and hours of thinking, but the donation was given in faith that I donate the funds to RMH. So be it. The money is currently in the hands of the exchangers. The donation will be made. Of course I will post the receipt on my donations blog as soon as I can after the donation is made.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those members who all contributed to this balance. So when posted I will note the members as being the donators. I hope this sits well with you guys, as honestly, I was the meat in the sandwich here. None of this was of my own doing. However, I do appreciate your support, past, present and future.
If you wish to see what the donations have been used for.. Look here… you guys even got to be on the plaque.
I would appreciate for you all to have a look. I am very happy about our achievement.
Friday, 11 January 2008
As I said when I posted my link for this account, I do not know the admin. Thankfully I had no referrals in this program.. It will be interesting to wee whether or not in the future this admin starts another program.. I do believe he is honest, but maybe not experienced enough..
Unlike FastProfitPro and Business Profit Pro.. they are still going, growing and paying.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Desireshyip. 20% for 7 days. LR and AP only
Brand new just opened January 4th.. Check the popularity of this site..
Make your own decision if you wish to join.. the admin is totally unknown to me.