I just wanted congratulate AggeroInvestment on their first month in business. The admin is very active and is quick to answer or fix any reported problems. He has also introduced a bonus competition and instant on request Liberty Reserve payments. Something new to the industry. It is an interesting site.
Scotia-Ads, Karen today sent out her first member email as below:
Hi everyone,
I figured it was about time I said hello to you all. :)
First off, thank you to everyone who has joined Scotia Ads. We are growing slowly but steadily each day. We should hit 100 members sometime tomorrow. That might not seem many compared to some of the big boys out there but for a lower ROI rate program I am very happy with those numbers.
Surfing has been very smooth thanks to Gotenk’s great script. I don’t think he realised he agreed to work for such a blonde female (I am actually a brunette but have blonde genes somehow).
Wednesday is our first payout day. I will start making payouts from around 6am server time. Please don’t start panicking if you request a cashout before this time and have to wait a few hours.
I truly believe the best advertising is by word of mouth. I will never waste hundreds of dollars on big banners or buying tons of Monitors to say how pretty my site looks. However I would like to mention a few people who have greatly helped in advertising Scotia Ads. The first is My Profit Berry. It is co-owned by Mafaltti and Amrutrk. I did my first interview with them and they have it advertised in their signature.
The second is Austin from Collectiveinvestmentsforum.com. He has been saying wonderful things about Scotia Ads since it started and has now included us in his latest video cast which you can view here: http://www. collectiveinvestmentsforum. I think you need to register to view it but if you haven’t registered there then why the heck not? Seriously, it’s a great forum that is new and fresh. I think it is going to over take the other big daddies in the not too far future.com/index.php?autocom=pages& do=show&id=1
Well I think I’ve yacked enough now. If you need anything or have any suggestions for Scotia Ads then please contact me.
Last but not least.. JRs Amazing Profit Doubler is performing well. I have been a member since the program started over a year ago now. I had never played the doublers until then. I do feel you only need to join one, as member participation is the basis on how it works. It is run by a lovely lady, Jody and a fellow, Raz. Raz really knows his stuff, it is his script and is totally unique. Quite an achievement this program is with two honest admins, always around to assist you if you have any problems. So, if you are looking to become a part of a team, JR's is a great place. You will find the team on MMG forum here. I hope to see you over there.