- MegaSurfWorld - I decided to upgrade here on a gut feeling. "Stop laughing". But to offer AP and STP as the only payment processors (they are considering LR due to popular demand) well that was an indicator to me that this Admin is serious in running a program. The script is good and I have jumped in here with a daily pay plan. They offer three plans, now none of them are over the roof, but certainly better than you would get as bank interest. Just a reminder about the "Golden Rule" I have to even remind myself too. lol So if you want to get into something early that seemingly has the right approach, this is it. I am here to make money and see where this takes me. I get paid to STP daily after I request, not instant of course, but usually with a few hours.
- Instant2U - Certainly a daily earner, paid instantly to LR, but as of today there is no more retro upgrades (where you can upgrade after surfing and earn you 14% on that upgrade paid instantly to LR) So some will have to change their stratagy, but remembering that this is a high risk and participation program. The admin is running it very clean, banning multi accounts, but the script is working perfectly with instant payments.
- PanaMoney - this program intrigues me. It is managed Forex Trading with PanaMoney Technologies Pty Ltd (yes a registered company in the Panama) There are multipul plans depending on your level of upgrade. Currently I am in the 2 nd level and earn 1.3% per day on trading days only. My investment is for 180 trading days. I have already had my test plan expire.. oh forgot to tell you, at the completion of your plan you also get your initial investment back. There are a few ways to invest here, LR is quite popular and they pay timely on cashout request. I am in for the build here, as they have spent a lot of money on their site and for all intents and purposes seem to be on the up and up. But I still take note of what my initial thoughts were quoted from a post on 26th September. where I said "This either will be a great program, meaning I will make some good dollars here, or, this could be a very well dressed HYIP"
To date they haven't missed a beat and I will stick this one out for the long haul. It reminds me very much of a misread opportunity of another program that is now private but still going strong.. If only.. do you ever say that.. well that is why I am here building :) Nothing really to loose, definately not putting the farm in, but if this one performs.. wow...Well, I think I have covered everything to date. Now off the surf my sites to earn.. and look at those that I need do nothing.. :) Also please remember if you decide to join with my link, all RC's received are donated.