Thursday, 18 December 2008



What can I say about WOIP.. but WOW lol This is a layback program, 1% per day compounding.. do the sums.. adds up!! and it dosen't take that long either. Purring along, no issues.. pays whenever you request, deposit when you like.. Top site... Just a note from the news section withing the site.. they just opened in Japan.. interesting



Going by admin generated member emails, the memberbase increased dramatically during last weekends - open day promo. The site is again closed to mew members. Admins wife is now doing all the payouts and is doing a great job. I have requested a couple of payments lately due to the Christmas period. I would assume there are others doing the same. But I have been paid well withing TOS and continue to earn.

My take on the going private? I have been asked many times before, well I assumed it was to batten down the hatches for the Christmas holiday season, which I thought was a good move by the Admin. However, when he decided to open for two days again, so quickly after privatisation, I was beginning to have some reservation. I made contact with the Admin to ask for some wording advice to send out an email to those in my downline to offer assistance if they needed it. I have quite a few, but very few have ever upgraded. I thought long and hard and decided not to email my downline, as they had joined me through my blog and I don't have links anywhere else but in my sig in forums, and I am always contactable - if they should ever need me. That way I also meet my standard of privacy. I never contact those who join me, unless in a dire emergency, as I have done recently in another program.

So to be honest about AggeroInvestments.. I am confident it will last into the new year, but it certainly needs to be played within your means.


I don't see much advertising for CentAsia, which amazes me, it seem to be quietly achieving. I just love the instant payment on investments maturity. Running nicely.

There seemed to be an issue with proving paperwork to a forum regarding the registration of their company, which is told is registered in two countries. The response from inside the CA website really is they acknowledge the request, but are in no hurry to get the certificate off the wall and copy it. By the size of some of the payments I have seen, they really don't need to comply with this request.. the way I see it, they aren't looking for huge exposure. With that said, only invest what you can afford to lose. They extremely attractive plans, no surfing. Plus for those who are good at referring,they run a three,tiered referral system..also paid instantly.

Now off course I haven't put the shed in as collateral, but I note through associates that the site has been performing very well. The company "says" it is involved with construction, mineral extraction, and natural gas warehousing fields in the Central Asian republics. This opportunity has been opened to the public via this website since September 2008. I of course have no information as the the verification or non verification of this. But I will post my experiences with Centasia Investments as they happen.


Friday, 5 December 2008


As the year starts winding down for holiday season, many programs also fail due to members withdrawing funds for the festive season, why not.. that's what most people work for all year. But if the program dosen't have any depth of reserve funds, of course they will fail in the lead up to Christmas.

This year is not all doom and gloom.. There are two programs set to ride out the holiday season. The oldest of these programs being AggeroInvestments, but now private as of 27th November. This was timed, in my opinion of course, to cater for the Christmas period, to consolidate membership. I am confident that AggeroInvestments will survive this time of year and rise to heights in 2009. Reserve funds and outside working investments come to play in these trying times. Congratz also should go to the Admin who has singlehandedly continues to run a great opportunity.

The second site I mentioned is PAC Premium Ads Club. The duel lady admins here have not just slapped up a site and are going in on their reputations... they have diligently put together this program, complete with a long term business plan, outside investments, a trader and reserve fund to meet ongoing costs. With member support this program has the capability of reaching great heights. Possibly be the upward trend in the surf advertising world. I don't usually go out on a limb about a program. But these are real people running this program, long time members from within the realms of this industry. They have worked hard to bring us what we really want, of couse it is not the totally finished product. Nothing in this world ever stays the same. Take your time and look at what PAC has to offer.. no hurry, they aren't going anywhere. I am sure when you are ready... most roads will lead to PAC.

Scotia-Ads another surviver... quietly just steadily earning and paying. It may be quiet but very profitable.


Trafficalmighty has been removed from my paying list due to the program will no longer be paying and is issueing some partial refunds.

My paying list is getting shorter, but note I doubt there will be any more changes this year. I also have not at this stage written off Tradelite, but the longer Admin is quiet, the harder it will be to come back.

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Congratz Ladies, you have taken the world by storm.
Right from day one, it was obvious this program was serious. Very professionally put together, a business plan from the beginning, actually a longterm workable plan. Many did not believe in the Duel Admins committment, but already they have shown their true colours. A huge DDOS attack attempted to break the spirit. The only thing it proved was that this program is considered a threat. With the way the script is set up there are no lost days of earnings, even if you forget to surf your adpack purchase stays active until it reaches maturity of 135%.

Key points making this the ultimate program.
  • Admins Kazzy & ExecutiveLady know what members want having been on our side (members) through many highs and lows over the years in various programs.
  • Member support is a big priority and swift payments. TOS is within 24 hours, now currently happening very quickly.
  • Monthly membership fees.. depending on your chosen max adpac purchase. (Can be increased at anytime and expand to a full month from date of purchase.)
  • Real investments behind the program, giving stability, with the business to be registered in the near future.
  • Until Jan 19th members are enjoying the benefit of two withdrawals in each 15 day period from the date of your first purchase. (A great way to get yourself established in a program that certainly has all the potential to be the best opportunity to come our way in a long long time.)
  • Did I meantion the script! Brilliant.. and the site has great protection.
This time of year is one of the times we as members get wary of new sites.. this is one of those sites that come next year you will be kicking yourself for not joining now!! Of course I haven't risked the shed, but this is the safest bet going, so working a fair amount of working capital here.

I am looking forward to working with a great bunch of people here for a long time. Business plan even has plans for going private down the track. I hope to see you there. 2009 is looking fine!


Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Just more dribble

I feel compelled to write my thoughts and feelings. Nobody reads my dribble, so at least I will feel better having said it, to myself anyway. Maybe one day people will get a better idea of what I am trying to achieve, sometimes I am not sure. I am always honest and caring of others. I love to help people, as I was in a position where I wished I could talk to someone and get an honest opinion.

I am not one of those bloggers who do this for the collection of referrals, and as I have stated many times.. I join and are active in programs that I believe I can make money in and I like to share the experience. I do graciously accept referrals though, but it is not for personal gain, as I donate the RC’s to Ronald McDonald House. Any private donations I receive, same thing straight in the tin for RMH. I am honored to be trusted to make the donation. The reason I advertise the programs I am enjoying is sharing an opportunity. I do not join just any program and I will not be paid to promote any program - that is totally unacceptable in my book. I post on forums my experiences and generally share in the fun part of money making. Also, for the record I am not “filthy rich” as some have implied. If only you really knew the simple life I live. But I feel rich in other ways. Helping fellow members who need a hand.- Yes, guilty as charged. Giving them a hand is very different from a handout. It seems that is one of my weaknesses, but I do this of my own freewill, not because I am pressured to do this. I feel complelled to help people. Is that such a wrong thing?

Now… to be honest with myself, I am not as “fighting fit” as I seem. This year I have had two hospital stays and numerous visits to the doctor. Nothing drastic, I am just getting old. Yes I know I can’t live forever and this is why I have set a few things in place for the time when that happens. I don’t want all my work to stop. Trevs Mum, has full control over all PP’s and is very much in the picture with what I do. She does most of the paperwork and getting the donations ready. She was involved heavily in autosurfing long before me, she introduced me to it years back and started me off. But since Trev got to the point with so many miss diagnosis due to the rareness of his disease and his long hospitalized battle for life, she never went back. She is the picture behind me, often we discuss programs and strategies. I have permission of full use of all PP’s, we trust each other fully. Actually without her I wouldn’t be here. I am hoping to reintroduce her to this world, but currently she will the odd upgrade and surf for me as needed. I just want her to know how much I appreciate what she does for me. (Maybe Cath, one day you might read this..I am forever grateful to you and your family for letting me be a part of it. I also thank you for checking on me so I can continue to live out here in my piece of solitude. Thank you.). Every Christmas that comes I think will be may last.. Here comes another one .. wow 2009 coming soon too. Never in a million years I ever thought I would see it. The only thing keeping me going is my desire to help others. I was driven by a heart-wrenching experience to do something useful in my life. I really was dead wood. That was July 2006, I will never forget the experience. ( I tell a bit about it here in a previous diary entry read the “bit about me”) I have a huge wish to fulfill before I leave this earth, well quite a few, but one in particular, and that is to clear the medical bill. Early this year I managed to get it down for $50,000 to $30,000. But, not much since. It is achievable, but I have to be patient, and I am pretty good at that. In the meantime donating to RMH is giving Trev some satisfaction. He was ecstatic and like myself overwhelmed of the generosity of people. Strangers. Plus RCs are at an all time high with three programs I am in. Of course there hasn’t, been any benefits reaching home yet, as I am rebuilding. But, it is getting close now. A close friend told me, maybe a Christmas in July.

While I get the chance I just want to thank all my friends for watching out foe me over the years. I fully respect and admire you. I met some of the most wonderful people out here. Without technology our paths would never have crossed, and I would have left this earth probably deeply sadened. But I have a totally different vision of things.. all the nationalities and customs. I am so gratefull to have met you all.

I felt I needed to write this for my own gratification. Knowing I said what I feel needs to be said. This entry will hide down in the archives and float around cyberspace.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Without honesty there is no future!

Without honesty there is no future!


Having site and security issues currently.. on hold! Interesting.. if you see the below banner.. it is hosted from the Tradelite site :)

Tradelite Finance Corp.