As always gamble responsibly :)LRE is now online and functioning
Good Morning and welcome back to the online site of 2010. I have made some changes in the way the site will operate in 2010 that will keep it stabilized.
1. Alertpay and Paypal will be paid only upon expiration. The process of fees has been to costly and having instant payouts just isnt feasible. I will accept them as well as Solid Trust Pay in fact every payment processor can be aceptd but the only one that will pay INSTANT will be Liberty Reserve as there fees are acceptable for instant paying sites.
2. The coming year we should have all sorts of fun and you can, and will make plenty of cash. Make a upgrade now and start earning instant. Thanks GnD
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
LibertyReserveExpress - 10% per day for 13 days Instant Payment - LR
LibertyReserveExpress is back as promised. Some new rules as per below admin email. This admin runs a reasonable program with member support. Remembering instant payments reduce the overall risk. Could be something to get a roll into 2010 with.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Finally PAC has closed the doors
Even though I haven't participated in the last 6 programs offered by PAC, well I feel a sense of release. I do hope many of it's members learn from their experiences there. The promise of refunds is a cruel blow to many and has been lingering for many many months. This even goes to affirm that even with a registered offshore company that does not in itself guarentee anything. Enough said about PAC, personally this one has deep cuts, but now without salt being rubbed into the wounds. I will post the final email here for history and closure.
Hi Everyone,
We hope you had a truly lovely Christmas with your families.
Regretfully Christmas was not good for business with our Programs. Almost all the members who joined with us again were like-minded in their strategy, get in and get out. so they were no redeposits and because the bulk of the big deposits were on day one, the programs went into a Cashflow problem immediately. The games were a complete non-starter.
We honestly thought there was enough goodwill amongst you to make this work but obviously we were wrong. So we will wind down the Programs. Everyone will be refunded their principals. However because most of the big deposits have been paid 138% - we can only pay about 70% to the rest of you.We will do this on Monday.
To those of you who still trusted us amid all the negativity please accept our humble apologies, we failed again.
This was our last attempt at setting things right and we now have to put matters at rest. There will be no more programs from us and no more talk of refunds. We'll stress now as we have done before that, we ran the programs in a fair, honest ethical way. The PPs , if they would, would testify to that . Almost as many of you made money with our Programs as those who lost. We have given our all to the Programs and regret that it has come to this but we truly hope we left some of our members if not all with something. Me2E will come through in the following months. WNP and TVIE are both great, working programs. Put in some effort and you will reap the rewards.
We know there are many of you who are realistic about how all this works and you are more welcome to keep in touch with us.
May 2010 be YOUR year, each and everyone of you. May you all succeed in realising all your goals, Financial and otherwise.
EL and the PAC Team.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Merry Christmas
Time has really got away from me. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the day and treasure the memories the day brings.
I sure wish the elves would help me with the cooking :)
I sure wish the elves would help me with the cooking :)
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Quick wrap up >>> hmm got typers cramp. :)
For most people it is a busy time of year. Is for me to, lol so many things to do before the "big day". So just an update as to what is happening in my neck of the woods. My paying list is getting shorter, well very short. Now certainly isn't the time to be throwing money into anything. Plenty of two-bit new programs, game cyclers, but I wouldn't be moving anywhere currently. Would have to be outta this world to get me overly excited currently. Shame as I like to have some fun. Well let's look at the events over the last few weeks down to today. Good and not so good.
RichAliens - when AP was taken out I virtually walked then as all I had in there was Alertpay. Now the admin tried to help by giving those members not in profit but only had AP upgrades their upgrade in LR and placed in the 14 day plan. Well 20th I believe it should have been payout time for those upgrades, but he just couldn't pull it off. To me regardless of whom he is or was in previous programs, well he did a darn good job. Upgrades and payments are disabled, but he is trying to work on a solution. To me the equation is very simple. The best thing that can be done with a hyip is when the dollars in are less than the dollars out - close. End of the round. Open fresh again when the marketplace is better. That is how hyip's were, now members demand refunds. It is hard to play a fair game in this climate. For me? Kudos to the admin, he ran a fair game.
Rollover-Ads - Even though I am forever hopefull, now 4 days pendings plus todays only just withdrawn, sure doesn't look good. No word from the admin yet. But in from day 1 and still just short of 80% of initial back, yes a "ouch' one for me. With the upcoming holiday season, unless the admin can really pull something out of the hat, well I expect the worst here. Edit: a few hours from posting this: a payment was received and others also posting payments on the thread, so still in there with hope.
MyMarketShares - Gotta hand it to Margaret (the admin) she is trying her best. Times are tough, and not as many members or potential members these days, but one thing I feel is a major downfall in these revenue share programs and that is the huge referral commissions paid week after week. Okay the dollars are down as only internal upgrades, but they are mandatory (50%) which gives more life to the program, but I believe the 15% referral commissions should only be paid when fresh money comes in, not on rollovers. JMO of course, and I know I would get shouted down by the referral hounds, but I can state my opinion. There!! So currently MMS is still paying, hopefully this is just a hump in the road.
GoldNuggestInvest (GNI) - still looking great and performing well.
PanaMoney - going great guns still. No signs of slowing (Note: not many of trading days holidays over the break, remembering you don't earn on those no trade days)
Surf-O-Matic (SOM) - Amazing, still a quiet achiever, could really be the one to take off early next year. Even got paid today, but will give the admin a break over Christmas lol
HYIFund - Well only new to me, but the thread shows members being paid each day. No huge roi, but from .5 to 3% ain't bad. You never get your upgrade back, but you earn "forever" (the time the program runs) on your upgrade. I am compounding for a week, then I intend to mount a sum and cashout. :) Great to just set on autocompound over the break and see how things pan out.
So much for a quick wrap up on things lol wrote a novel. rofl cheers!!
RichAliens - when AP was taken out I virtually walked then as all I had in there was Alertpay. Now the admin tried to help by giving those members not in profit but only had AP upgrades their upgrade in LR and placed in the 14 day plan. Well 20th I believe it should have been payout time for those upgrades, but he just couldn't pull it off. To me regardless of whom he is or was in previous programs, well he did a darn good job. Upgrades and payments are disabled, but he is trying to work on a solution. To me the equation is very simple. The best thing that can be done with a hyip is when the dollars in are less than the dollars out - close. End of the round. Open fresh again when the marketplace is better. That is how hyip's were, now members demand refunds. It is hard to play a fair game in this climate. For me? Kudos to the admin, he ran a fair game.
Rollover-Ads - Even though I am forever hopefull, now 4 days pendings plus todays only just withdrawn, sure doesn't look good. No word from the admin yet. But in from day 1 and still just short of 80% of initial back, yes a "ouch' one for me. With the upcoming holiday season, unless the admin can really pull something out of the hat, well I expect the worst here. Edit: a few hours from posting this: a payment was received and others also posting payments on the thread, so still in there with hope.
MyMarketShares - Gotta hand it to Margaret (the admin) she is trying her best. Times are tough, and not as many members or potential members these days, but one thing I feel is a major downfall in these revenue share programs and that is the huge referral commissions paid week after week. Okay the dollars are down as only internal upgrades, but they are mandatory (50%) which gives more life to the program, but I believe the 15% referral commissions should only be paid when fresh money comes in, not on rollovers. JMO of course, and I know I would get shouted down by the referral hounds, but I can state my opinion. There!! So currently MMS is still paying, hopefully this is just a hump in the road.
GoldNuggestInvest (GNI) - still looking great and performing well.
PanaMoney - going great guns still. No signs of slowing (Note: not many of trading days holidays over the break, remembering you don't earn on those no trade days)
Surf-O-Matic (SOM) - Amazing, still a quiet achiever, could really be the one to take off early next year. Even got paid today, but will give the admin a break over Christmas lol
HYIFund - Well only new to me, but the thread shows members being paid each day. No huge roi, but from .5 to 3% ain't bad. You never get your upgrade back, but you earn "forever" (the time the program runs) on your upgrade. I am compounding for a week, then I intend to mount a sum and cashout. :) Great to just set on autocompound over the break and see how things pan out.
So much for a quick wrap up on things lol wrote a novel. rofl cheers!!
Friday, 18 December 2009
HYIFund - Currently offering free $2.50 investment to new members.
Okay, with Christmas coming up very fast and well I got a bit bored lol. Decided to join a HYIP :) nothing spectacular but a reported constant payer. They say they have been around since 2004, but maybe just not where I would trip over it. Won't cost you to join as currently giving away a Christmas bonus. Interest calculated daily. I thought I would let this compound for a week and if possible leave to earn to cash balance for a week and then cashout. Ah, but to cash out you have to at least put $1 in. I would suggest LR as AP is hard on fees, sorta takes the profit out. Anyway it is HYIFund Can join leave on compound, set and forget until after Christmas.
This is taken from the home page, more info is in FAQ's. No surf, so good to come back next year and see how it goes.
"Each day, 7 days per week, an interest payment is calculated and distributed to each member’s available cash balance. These daily interest payments typically range between 0.5% and 3%, however they have been known to exceed these limits when our investments perform exceptionally well.
HYI Fund is currently offering a free $2.50 investment to all new members. Simply sign up for a new account, and you will automatically receive $2.50 deposited to your account. You can compound your profits, or withdraw, whichever you prefer.
What are you waiting for? Its time for you to see how we’re different! " Join Now!
This is taken from the home page, more info is in FAQ's. No surf, so good to come back next year and see how it goes.
"Each day, 7 days per week, an interest payment is calculated and distributed to each member’s available cash balance. These daily interest payments typically range between 0.5% and 3%, however they have been known to exceed these limits when our investments perform exceptionally well.
HYI Fund is currently offering a free $2.50 investment to all new members. Simply sign up for a new account, and you will automatically receive $2.50 deposited to your account. You can compound your profits, or withdraw, whichever you prefer.
What are you waiting for? Its time for you to see how we’re different! " Join Now!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
PremiumAdsClub RevenueShare
A few hours ago I watched my virtual fortune get wiped clean from the slate in PacRevShares. Sorta knew it was coming as there really couldn't have been anything left, and with the open Peter to pay Paul mentality, well that never works really. The keeping of balances with a restart, totally impossible as the restart would never get off the ground starting out so much in debt. For me it is adieu. The Premium Ad$ Club has been a great learning experience, some fond memories, some not so fond. For those who continue, I wish you all well. Just remember to gamble responsibly.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Busy, busy. Boy what a crazy time of year on all fronts. I got home yesterday to find an AP refund payment notice in my inbox from AdsXtreme. Great I got my deposit back, but another disappointment for both members and the admin. That site would have cost an arm and a leg with the design and script, plus hosting plus plus. Shame to see it go to waste really.
The phrase of black December is being bandied about, (note to self: must add to list of possible admins excuses for future reference) What is coming to mind is fashion/trends, they all come around and start to repeat themselves. How I wish for the good old fashioned sites that lasted!! Are we ever going to see that stability again? Not in it's old format, but I believe it is possible. How many times to admins bend to the wishes of members, yeah and mostly members in their ears saying how they want it to feather their own nests. Sure helping with ideas helps, but to deny the backbone members (the multi little guys) even giving the idea a thought as deemed that it will be unpopular. lol really?? ha Never is a change going to be popular, but in the end times could be much happier all round. ( Just me babbling again ~ due to sheer ignorance and greed that puts good reputations into the scammer bucket )
No, I am not delusional or nutz, just down right practical. I also see these days pleny of vocal bloggers out there these days, interviews with "admins", and yeah things are great (meanwhile whispering: join me so I can make money to pay for the time I spend chasingsuckers referrals) and even over stepping the line by publicly posting in threads "hey just did a review on "blah blah" check it out. Strange thing is though, most seem to have the memory of a goldfish or hide as thick as a Rhino. Or do they think we the punters have goldfish memory. huh! lol Now where was I?
The phrase of black December is being bandied about, (note to self: must add to list of possible admins excuses for future reference) What is coming to mind is fashion/trends, they all come around and start to repeat themselves. How I wish for the good old fashioned sites that lasted!! Are we ever going to see that stability again? Not in it's old format, but I believe it is possible. How many times to admins bend to the wishes of members, yeah and mostly members in their ears saying how they want it to feather their own nests. Sure helping with ideas helps, but to deny the backbone members (the multi little guys) even giving the idea a thought as deemed that it will be unpopular. lol really?? ha Never is a change going to be popular, but in the end times could be much happier all round. ( Just me babbling again ~ due to sheer ignorance and greed that puts good reputations into the scammer bucket )
No, I am not delusional or nutz, just down right practical. I also see these days pleny of vocal bloggers out there these days, interviews with "admins", and yeah things are great (meanwhile whispering: join me so I can make money to pay for the time I spend chasing
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Sad but so-be-it.
Stranger things have happened, but here I am a bit sad as RichAliens was some good fun and it's a shame that AP is no longer accepted. For me that means curtains, as all I had to play with was the e currency that is fast becoming the currency that no one really wants to play with any more. sigh. But RA hopefully with member support should be able to get through the dropping of AlertPay. The admin to date has done his side of things well. Time will tell on how the members decide the fate/survival of RA. I wish all abducted well.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
AdsXtreme - Daily 12% x 10 day and Paid on expiry 12% x12 days
Been wanting to join this one since I first saw it, but funds were tied. The site is extremly active and I see some good movement in and out which is always a good sign. Even though it is leading to Christmas I feel this is worth a go. Is a Gotenks script with the Doris signature, as always has a great feel and look and didn't come cheap. Admin is serious spending these dollars and to date running a tight ship. Sharp with the payments, and that in itself is worth some credibility. But as always, gamble responsibily and hopefully bring home some ham for Christmas.
Edit 9th December: Well I was shocked by the sudden closure. From exterior all seemed well. Another victim of good admin, great site, but short sighted members. JMO of course.
Bit of a weekend update :)
RichAliens I performing brilliantly or should I say "outa this world". Heaps of fun and paying and paying. I now have upgrades running in the daily plan, so the 12 days won't feel so long :) Survived round one now into round two. Payments are at the speed of light, and the admin is very responsive.
Surf-o-Matic Only a relative new member, been there a couple of weeks and the admin, RandyM seemes very committed to his site and members. Not online much but is producing outside income for the site, so that in itself is a good thing. He blew me away by sending cash to member's payment processors as an early Christmas present saying thanks to his members for staying with him. I was gifted as well and I only joined recently, but have been watching for awhile. He had some problems in the beginning but revamped the system and is looking good. Currently only a small band of members, but we are being well looked after.
LibertyReserveExpress It has been hot and cold. Alertpay definately has put a downer on the site as the receival fees make a dent in the upgrade to start with, then the charge backs, but no excuse. The members decide what is best for them, whether to play or not, I guess they have made their decision. I was paid some but not others, a hit and miss affair, currently am daily surfing out an upgrade but yet to be instantly paid on it, hopefully I will be paid at least on expiry.
PayItForwardTraffic Seems to be some movement in the back office. Not sure what is happening here other than it will now become a real revenueshare percentage and paid monthly. As usual, time will tell.
Time is flying and we are rolling fast into Christmas. Busy times, but also some gems out there if you still want to be in a good position come 2010.
Surf-o-Matic Only a relative new member, been there a couple of weeks and the admin, RandyM seemes very committed to his site and members. Not online much but is producing outside income for the site, so that in itself is a good thing. He blew me away by sending cash to member's payment processors as an early Christmas present saying thanks to his members for staying with him. I was gifted as well and I only joined recently, but have been watching for awhile. He had some problems in the beginning but revamped the system and is looking good. Currently only a small band of members, but we are being well looked after.
LibertyReserveExpress It has been hot and cold. Alertpay definately has put a downer on the site as the receival fees make a dent in the upgrade to start with, then the charge backs, but no excuse. The members decide what is best for them, whether to play or not, I guess they have made their decision. I was paid some but not others, a hit and miss affair, currently am daily surfing out an upgrade but yet to be instantly paid on it, hopefully I will be paid at least on expiry.
PayItForwardTraffic Seems to be some movement in the back office. Not sure what is happening here other than it will now become a real revenueshare percentage and paid monthly. As usual, time will tell.
Time is flying and we are rolling fast into Christmas. Busy times, but also some gems out there if you still want to be in a good position come 2010.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Still stability
Just like to touch base as all is not gloom and doom, some great sites out there.
PM just keeps on going oi!! Under the radar for a long time, I am now getting pretty casual with my withdrawals here, now only once a week, but could withdraw after each trading day. If you haven't looked at this one, maybe you should. No hyip or hurry bustle. Just cruisy :)
Site has undergone some upgrading, but has been no dramas. From my rocky start with a lost deposit days to a dream ride with weekly stable payments to date. Certainly has helped me this one, and will continue to do so as time rolls on.
PM just keeps on going oi!! Under the radar for a long time, I am now getting pretty casual with my withdrawals here, now only once a week, but could withdraw after each trading day. If you haven't looked at this one, maybe you should. No hyip or hurry bustle. Just cruisy :)
Just thinkin'
Life is full of twists and turns, very much like this biz of trying to unearth the opportunities that are "user friendly" lol. Meaning the ones that the little guy can make some money in. Firstly it must be something that has substance to be funded from internal and external sources. They are out there, just finding them is the hard part. In the past I have joined being "told" that they are the real deal. Of course I am totally accountable for my own participation and so should everyone. What really urks me is the pressure talk about how great "whatever" would be for you and how you can make "x" dollars. lol Stop, look and listen. Look a bit deeper and down the road. Ask yourself questions, like, how can I contribute other than repeatedly making spends to feather others pockets? There has to be something in it for me? The majority of us in this biz are NOT marketeers or those who have downlines or email lists. That is a fact.
Years ago I made extremely good money in the greatest surf ever. 12DP, I know it is a milestone program and I doubt it will ever be topped. Many try, but times and circumstances are different these days. I had no referrals and the program lasted long enough for us, the mainstream members is what we were, to actually make good profits. Today is a different ballgame. When you think it's safe to come out of the water, snap. Investments lost. Looking at the big picture, somebody made money, but it usually seems to be those whom put a little in and take a lot out or they put a lot in knowing to hit and run. Just take note if you read forums. Also beware of the odd big hitter pumping threads. You are probably saying yeah yeah, we know this why go on about it? Well I see so many little guys sucked dry in the gambles we play or watch due to lack of funds lol. I think a change of the silent majority (the little guys) could change the way of things. Just think before you leap. We are all unique human-beings, what's right for one may not be for others. Horses for courses lol Had my gripe for the day, but definately food for thought I think. I hope ya have a good day :)
Years ago I made extremely good money in the greatest surf ever. 12DP, I know it is a milestone program and I doubt it will ever be topped. Many try, but times and circumstances are different these days. I had no referrals and the program lasted long enough for us, the mainstream members is what we were, to actually make good profits. Today is a different ballgame. When you think it's safe to come out of the water, snap. Investments lost. Looking at the big picture, somebody made money, but it usually seems to be those whom put a little in and take a lot out or they put a lot in knowing to hit and run. Just take note if you read forums. Also beware of the odd big hitter pumping threads. You are probably saying yeah yeah, we know this why go on about it? Well I see so many little guys sucked dry in the gambles we play or watch due to lack of funds lol. I think a change of the silent majority (the little guys) could change the way of things. Just think before you leap. We are all unique human-beings, what's right for one may not be for others. Horses for courses lol Had my gripe for the day, but definately food for thought I think. I hope ya have a good day :)
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Surf-O-Matic - ssshhhhh "quiet achiever in action"
Shhhhh quiet achiever. Joined a couple of weeks back, not often you find a little something hidden. Great plans, no big hyip, plain old surf and earn, and a no surf it that's what ya like. :) Now is a great time to join and get settled in your seat. Also just received a member email today, looking good. With me? Definately worth a look.
Monday, 30 November 2009
I'm back !!
- PayItForwardTraffice (PIFT) - I am in the dark with this one, other than a long winded email explaining that the revenueshare had dried up, and how they were going to overcome that problem was to open a new site everyother day ( Well may be a slight exageration on my behalf) but I did ask the question on a forum whether that was the answer lol But it is just a wait and see on this one.
- PacRevenue$hare (PRS) - still holding hope with this one. Gotta give the admins some credit for repeatedly trying to resurrect the flagship program. Again a wait and see project.
- AdVentures4U (ADV4U) - don't laugh, I hung in there for awhile, but not been surfing for a few weeks now. For me a total waste of bandwidth :) At least the emails have eased dramatically. Latest being an ad in the New York Times!! Yeah!! What am I supposed to glean from that? Oops, maybe means something to someone who sent them some gold for smelting. But to me means Jack. Gonna move on.
More positive news in next session. I promise. It's December 1st and it's time to reflect the year that was. As years go, on a whole it has it's up's and down's. The first half for me was ful of trials and not many tribulations, but I managed to move forward taking many positives with me.
Online and offline I had a great life skills teacher. He had some basic hardened rules he stuck by, well mostly. Some boundaries were stretched and it's hard not to fall victim in some circumstances, but I saw the effects. I don't wish to do down that path, knowingly anyway, but I am human too. To some my approach to life might sound weird, but by stopping, listening and taking the time to absorb the happenings around us, (yeah! smelling roses) and thinking outside of the box. . We share this world with many many others, and sharing and careing go hand in hand regardless of nationality or religion. Remember, a smile is contagious. :)
Where does the time fly?
Strange time of year - but how things are panning out from my end. Don't laugh, but major cash flow problems, an odd miss-timing along with not deep enough pockets. Sound like your story? I think many of us are in the same boat. Pulling home donation monies and a few bucks to do something for Christmas. Probably same situation as most other internet moneymakers out there :)
- AlienAds - first round of the 12x12 plan payments are due to start rolling out this week, the 11x11 daily cashout plans seem to be the go. Daily payments are only enjoyed by those with referrals, so this give everyone a chance to reduce their risk and have some fun.
- RolloverAds - well at least the admin is still paying. Bit controversial requesting that ALL member need to post payment proof in the MMG thread. I don't have a problem with that, but I am a what you see is what you get type person. Some don't like posting in public, let alone have to come to a forum they might not want to. Other than that, the biggest bug bear is the big players (assuming there are some) are afforded exemption, yet they usually post and show their referrals the way. Hmmm just sort of makes you wonder why the intention was to bring out the big guys then many exemptions allowed. Sorta puts me in two minds
- LibertyReserveExpress - now I have to say this is one of the most controvisial sites I have been in ever. Talk about life being enlikened to a box of chocolates lol In all fairness to what punters think, you join any site with your eyes open. If not, well you should ! Personally I wish the admin didn't use AP in the instant site at all, with all the AP dramas with credit card funding and charge-backs, well there is no room for that in this biz. It is not an excuse as has happened in quite a few digs around the place. Back to LRE, still getting payments, not always, but more often than not, and the program is still going. Admin isn't a quitter that's for sure. Just playing with what I can afford, weighing the risk with the gain and see where this goes
- My biggest disappointment - 132Ads - sigh it had so much going for it, but I think Lingo the admin did not have the experience to control behind the scenes. Script error and quickly the wooden stakes where hammered in by members. That one did sting a bit, but life goes on. . I wish success to those whom are claiming AP refunds.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
RichAliens - 12x12 hyip (no surf)
Well look what I found :) A different, quirky 12x12 hyip. Yep no surf. Great design site, and could be a lot of fun. It is hyip season and this one is a better bet than some, but will depend on participation just like everything else. Admin is one part of the equation and the other part is the members. I am prepared to have a shot with this "Alien" rofl. Definately worth a look. Payday is on expiry :) As always - gamble responsibly.
Edit: 27 November. New daily plan added, 11% for 11 days, daily cashout. Is that enough to abduct you? lol
Edit: 27 November. New daily plan added, 11% for 11 days, daily cashout. Is that enough to abduct you? lol
Monday, 9 November 2009
After weekend update
Well what a weekend, some sites are rockin' some rollin' and some just stagnant. sigh No drama we have to go with the flow. Let's have a sneek peek. 132ads - some of the first payments went out, but there is a script problem or cronjob issue. Ok, I for one will cut Lingo (the admin) some slack. Really the mentality of this industry has to change. Not all is instant. Let's see how Lingo goes. Not much else we can do.(Edit 12 Nov- game over - Lingo posted in site members area, too many things to mention here, but final result)
LibertyReserveExpress - As it seems maybe should have been AlertPayExpress. Flavor of ecurrency has driven some doubt into the viability of this site. If an AP customer payments seem to be rolling. LR, well seems a shortage. Instant paying sites work well when funds are even. Also I will wait and see as this week progresses. Been great but last two days earnings have not appeared (LR that is)
PIFT - MyMarketShares Are doing fine. Panamoney and GoldNuggetInvest (GNI) are going great guns!
Newest addition is Rollover-Ads - three days now and max daily share 10%, it won't always stay at that, but who knows, depending on site support and admins actions, so far so good. This is a revenue share with a difference. 150% roi and shares posted daily with daily cash out option.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, now don't work too hard now will ya!
LibertyReserveExpress - As it seems maybe should have been AlertPayExpress. Flavor of ecurrency has driven some doubt into the viability of this site. If an AP customer payments seem to be rolling. LR, well seems a shortage. Instant paying sites work well when funds are even. Also I will wait and see as this week progresses. Been great but last two days earnings have not appeared (LR that is)
PIFT - MyMarketShares Are doing fine. Panamoney and GoldNuggetInvest (GNI) are going great guns!
Newest addition is Rollover-Ads - three days now and max daily share 10%, it won't always stay at that, but who knows, depending on site support and admins actions, so far so good. This is a revenue share with a difference. 150% roi and shares posted daily with daily cash out option.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, now don't work too hard now will ya!
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Rollover-Ads Daily Rev-Share 10% max expires at 150%
Busy minding my own business today, actually having a quiet time and this program appears. Got me to doing some number crunching. Daily paid ROI, not weekly. Upgrades mature at 150%, a 50/50 rule from day 1. Very interesting. Christmas coming up, but still only beginning of November!!. So I purchased coins. lol Neversay script and looks and feels a beauty. Also, got to come with a plan to work to your advantage. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge :)
Remember, gamble responsibly.
Remember, gamble responsibly.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
The only instant site to join. LibertyReserveExpress
Why the only one to join you ask. This is actually run by the master himself. The scriptwriter/owner of the script, and yes he does sell them. Many new programs using this script will start popping up in the holiday season, but really who knows what their plans are to do with them. So all I am saying is, if you want to earn some extra consider LibertyReserveExpress. Takes LR and AP. But remember to read the FAQ, which covers where there usually are problems with the payment processors having down time. As we all know THIS has caused many a program to collapse as members expect to be compensated or earn in times where it is impossible to receive incomings. It has been a long time since an instant site has reached the nearly $1m. Who knows this could be about to change, early days so if you have some spare LR or AP for that matter, 10% for 13 days with earning paid instantly, well lessens the risk.
I have worked a spreadsheet to show how you can be in profit in less than 30 days. Yes check it out, download it and work with your own figures, I have used the min. daily deposit of $13, You actually only need approx $60 LR to get to earning $3.90 profit a day. Check it out here It is early early days yet, less than a week old. ~ Remember as always, gamble responsibly.
I have worked a spreadsheet to show how you can be in profit in less than 30 days. Yes check it out, download it and work with your own figures, I have used the min. daily deposit of $13, You actually only need approx $60 LR to get to earning $3.90 profit a day. Check it out here It is early early days yet, less than a week old. ~ Remember as always, gamble responsibly.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
LibertyReserveExpress - 10% per day for 13 days Instant Payment
It is time for some fun. Instant site, 10% for 13 days, paid instantly into your payment processor. LR or AP. These can be alot of fun, and with daily payments it lessens the risk each day. I joined yesterday, and have been paid twice now, no problems. Those who can promote can make instant referral commissions, so a win win situation for everyone. The more the merrier. Wanna play? Not everyone's cup of tea, but hey life is short, have some fun if you want. Early early days so plenty of potential. I notice in the FAQ's something that does need to be understood by players and a very responsible call by the admin. Looks like LRE means business.
"PROCESSORS OFFLINE AND I DIDNT GET PAID. Pay close attention as to many sites fail when the processor is offline by trying to still make payouts. I repete if there offline you will lose that day forever just like I lose the purchases that couldve been made. You might not like this but how many times you see sites fail by trying to payout when they dont have sales coming in?"
Okay there are the facts, out there and upfront. Remember, always gamble responsibily :)
Let's have some INSTANT FUN
"PROCESSORS OFFLINE AND I DIDNT GET PAID. Pay close attention as to many sites fail when the processor is offline by trying to still make payouts. I repete if there offline you will lose that day forever just like I lose the purchases that couldve been made. You might not like this but how many times you see sites fail by trying to payout when they dont have sales coming in?"
Okay there are the facts, out there and upfront. Remember, always gamble responsibily :)
Let's have some INSTANT FUN
Monday, 26 October 2009
132ads - 132% after 12 days
My first venture out for quite some time. Manual surf, but "lingo" the admin is the admin of 1ads which has to date performed quietly but very well. He is stepping up temp with his new site. Max deposit is $100 per day, so looks good for staying power, and I might add he has gained experience with his smaller site. So I am in here.
Note: Gamble responsibily :)
Note: Gamble responsibily :)
Friday, 23 October 2009
A Thank You is deserved - Matt (Admin MCF)
Those of us who joined Matt, the admin of MyCashForum (MCF) in his venture Accelerated Profit a few months back, well it didn't go too well. Matt pulled the plug before all was lost. Not personally knowing what actually happened, but I noted that the site was struggling, but of course I had already spend my support. No spilt milk here, Matt offered all members to become square. Which really in itself is a tall order, as I assume there must have been some hit and runners and as usual it is the following members who get caught holding the baby so to speak. From all reports Matt has honored his commitment, and paid all members to square. I was paid in the last 7, which is fine, as I was extremely happy to have been paid at all. Immediately those funds were withdrawn to plug a hole in the bucket. To me it was a gift, and I do thank you Matt and if you ever read this. Thank You.
For further info, it was a chunk of money to me, $434 :)
For further info, it was a chunk of money to me, $434 :)
Accelerated Profits
- Closed 5th August - Promised refunds within 90 days from closure Update!! 20th October, I received my refund, and apparently so did the other remaining members!! Well done Matt. You honored your promise. Thank You!!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Dorky's Charity Legacy - Latest Donation
With great pleasure the latest donation was given on October 1st, also hitting a milestone level of $12,000. Been strolling down memory lane in the Donations Blog and went back to the first receipt that Dorks posted. Ironically it is dated 16th October 2006 for $210. So in three years these have added up to a total of $12,000. It is true every little bit adds up. The last two donations which have been under my management are mostly attributed to PAC (PremiumAd$Club)members who joined Dorky there originally. I managed his account since reopening of PAC in April. I would like to personally thank those members who returned to PAC and enjoyed the benefits of earning in the site. PAC meant a lot to Dorks and to be totally honest both he and I were totally stunned by the support he received in the way of members joining him so as he could donate the commissions. So from the depths of my heart and I know he would say the same, Thank you so much. You truly have made a difference. I am not just saying that, I see it first hand, and it gives me great pleasure to see Trev also get the pleasure out of giving.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Personal Observations
Been thinking about a few things lately. Really I never thought it would be so difficult to give money away in a controlled environment. Not that I have much to give, but enough to make a start for those who just don’t have the money to start. (I know I talk in riddles lol) Firstly old PAC members who haven’t received any refund yet and are waiting for one, well they have to join PRS and send their details off to Admin and through the course of time refunds will come from there. But Mordk (MMG member) started a thread to help these members kick off in PRS while waiting. I have pledged all my earnings from the revenue share side of the program to assist her, but seems not many takers. How hard is it?
Secondly, I am a member of what I consider will be a longer term type program. Now they have introduced where you can help fellow members by purchasing (an upgrade) for them in your back office. Over the months to come I intend to use this new facility, however it seems to be you have to know the person to do it? Tad difficult for me as I really don’t know anyone. I asked a few questions, but seems everyone is in this game for personal gain, which I am too, but not from others as in referrals. Responses like, why would you want to give to someone who is not in your downline? What is the benefit of doing that? Of course no in pocket benefit for me personally, however the more the merrier in this industry. More to join and share with. So fact is for starters, I rarely have anyone join me in anything, I am probably what you call a freelancer.(Team leaders, please don’t send me more email asking me to join one) and also without a bag full of money I might add, but what I have,I earned. Profits do happen. I don’t join anything and everything, to me spreading too thin eats your possible earnings, especially with processor fees. I also don’t hit and run. It’s more of a calculated move, starting each program with a plan and sticking to it. Making changes as necessary, and not getting greedy is a crucial point. At the end of the day been doing ok.
Just for the record, some forum members say you can’t make money in revenue sharing without referrals. Really?? I am currently in 3 revenue sharing programs, two of them already in profit, and the third, it is looking stunningly good, and should be in profit in another 6 weeks. All without referral money. It can be done.
Secondly, I am a member of what I consider will be a longer term type program. Now they have introduced where you can help fellow members by purchasing (an upgrade) for them in your back office. Over the months to come I intend to use this new facility, however it seems to be you have to know the person to do it? Tad difficult for me as I really don’t know anyone. I asked a few questions, but seems everyone is in this game for personal gain, which I am too, but not from others as in referrals. Responses like, why would you want to give to someone who is not in your downline? What is the benefit of doing that? Of course no in pocket benefit for me personally, however the more the merrier in this industry. More to join and share with. So fact is for starters, I rarely have anyone join me in anything, I am probably what you call a freelancer.(Team leaders, please don’t send me more email asking me to join one) and also without a bag full of money I might add, but what I have,I earned. Profits do happen. I don’t join anything and everything, to me spreading too thin eats your possible earnings, especially with processor fees. I also don’t hit and run. It’s more of a calculated move, starting each program with a plan and sticking to it. Making changes as necessary, and not getting greedy is a crucial point. At the end of the day been doing ok.
Just for the record, some forum members say you can’t make money in revenue sharing without referrals. Really?? I am currently in 3 revenue sharing programs, two of them already in profit, and the third, it is looking stunningly good, and should be in profit in another 6 weeks. All without referral money. It can be done.
Have received official notice that IchibanSurfer is closing. Real shame, as admin paid out until no longer able to. The sad thing here is, you get an admin that is doing the right thing and can't get the continued support needed to make a great success of a program. But, life goes on. I enjoyed this program even though a little of pocket, but Ronnie's tin got a few bucks, which is always good, thanks to those who joined me to add your bit. Most appreciated.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
PAC Revenue $hare (with an inbuilt 12x12)
WoW, that was the first thought that entered my mind when I saw the new Doris Design. First of the Plan B payments are rolling out as I type. I just got paid :) The girls here are doing an excellent job. A bit of tweaking here and there on the site, but was only put up a few hours ago, the re-furb that is. Great returns and honest admins, really what more could a surfer want? Oops, sorry an advertiser lol Gotta buy them ads to earn, you know the drill. Personal experience here, no drama, just go with the flow and earn. EasyAs
Thursday, 17 September 2009
IchibanSurfer 13% for 10 days - Paid on expiry
Looking great, first round of payments going out today. Let the fun begin. Have hit the 20K intake mark and only day 11 just starting. Gamble Responsibly!!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Earlier I received my second share payment. Week two complete :)
This site is growing nicely, not too fast but moving in the right direction. The admin Margaret is conducting herself well with timely support ticket replies and forum appearances. shssss Also max share again this week
This site is growing nicely, not too fast but moving in the right direction. The admin Margaret is conducting herself well with timely support ticket replies and forum appearances. shssss Also max share again this week
AdVentures4U - essentially now a traffic exchange :)
Many different ideas about ADV4U are floating around, which really isn't surprising considering how this traffic exchange came into being. From revenue share to maybe, just maybe another revenue share. The amount of emails this guy puts out a day has always made me wonder if he ever sleeps. Anyway, my take on ADV4U as it stands today? Well, it is just a traffic exchange. Pushing the goldsite, if may or maynot work, I am not in the gold market, and actually can't really understand how revenue is going to be produced there. So currently by surfing each day we are working for him to get needed hits in his advertising world, and of course our ads seen to. I am not in the loop with the admin, but read threads and their seems to be information coming from elsewhere as was not perceptions relayed in the mass of daily emails. So what am I doing? Just surfing each day and waiting to see where this will go. Not much more anyone can do. Those whom were expecting full payouts to cut even here, I believe were given a percentage, therefore the admin can hold his head and say "every member was given a share" Share being the operative word. I also know that many were out of pocket by large amounts. Hopefully they might take this experience with them into other sphere's of their life, as really there are no guarantees in this world online or offline. One must also be accountable for their own actions. On the other hand there were the winners, also those in between :) of which I was one. Will post more on ADV4U if something interesting comes up, but will keep daily surfing - I am addicted lol
Friday, 11 September 2009
What a week - just a quick wrap up
PLT seemed to dry up quickly, which is a shame. But ran till the AP ran out.
ADV4U - with the continual constant emails, I too am totally confused with what is happening there. Just surfing each day and see what happens, not much more we can do.
PAC - Will close on 30 September to accepting new upgrades and will continue until they mature. Members who are due a refund are requested to join PAC RevShare site as refunds will be handled through there.
PAC RS - interesting inclusion of a 12x12 plan.But cruising nicely, paying as well, gotta luv that. Now paydays will be each Wednesday for share plans. lol roll on Wednesday!! But 12x12 plans, must request after expiry !!
GNI - just keeps paying every week
Panamoney - well only great news on this one. Pays n pays n pays
IchibanSurfer - love the graphics of the site, only new but first expirys are getting closer, and stats look good.
PayItForwardTraffic - extremely happy here, great site, timely payments and just cruising
MySurf4CashClub - currently site is off-line under maintenance, but T.I.M.E forum is where Jack keeps in touch, and all is well. Just waiting to resume my daily surfing.
1ads - ultra quiet program, have to be an MMG member to join this one, limited spots. No problems there.
MyMarketShares - my latest jump into a revenue sharing site. Looked and felt different from the others out there. Plenty of them about these days. Not being a promoter, and most saying you can't make money without a downline, well I have set out on a personal challenge to prove otherwise. Of course if someone wishes to join me then the RC will be withdrawn and put into the Donations bucket, and gratefully accepted and donated. (I would love to push the total donations up the richtor scale lol) As I do with most programs, I joined with a plan. Yes it will take a while, depending on RS percentage, to even breakeven, but with good management, which this site appears to have, together with expanding membership we all have an opportunity here. as usual this is my opinion.
Don't think I have forgotten anything. Was just a quick wrap up.I still need to sort out the rss feed thingy lol. (also looking at creating some new banners for here any ideas? please contact me)
ADV4U - with the continual constant emails, I too am totally confused with what is happening there. Just surfing each day and see what happens, not much more we can do.
PAC - Will close on 30 September to accepting new upgrades and will continue until they mature. Members who are due a refund are requested to join PAC RevShare site as refunds will be handled through there.
PAC RS - interesting inclusion of a 12x12 plan.But cruising nicely, paying as well, gotta luv that. Now paydays will be each Wednesday for share plans. lol roll on Wednesday!! But 12x12 plans, must request after expiry !!
GNI - just keeps paying every week
Panamoney - well only great news on this one. Pays n pays n pays
IchibanSurfer - love the graphics of the site, only new but first expirys are getting closer, and stats look good.
PayItForwardTraffic - extremely happy here, great site, timely payments and just cruising
MySurf4CashClub - currently site is off-line under maintenance, but T.I.M.E forum is where Jack keeps in touch, and all is well. Just waiting to resume my daily surfing.
1ads - ultra quiet program, have to be an MMG member to join this one, limited spots. No problems there.
MyMarketShares - my latest jump into a revenue sharing site. Looked and felt different from the others out there. Plenty of them about these days. Not being a promoter, and most saying you can't make money without a downline, well I have set out on a personal challenge to prove otherwise. Of course if someone wishes to join me then the RC will be withdrawn and put into the Donations bucket, and gratefully accepted and donated. (I would love to push the total donations up the richtor scale lol) As I do with most programs, I joined with a plan. Yes it will take a while, depending on RS percentage, to even breakeven, but with good management, which this site appears to have, together with expanding membership we all have an opportunity here. as usual this is my opinion.
Don't think I have forgotten anything. Was just a quick wrap up.I still need to sort out the rss feed thingy lol. (also looking at creating some new banners for here any ideas? please contact me)
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
PAC Revenue Share plus 12x12 surf !!!!!!!!!!!
When you don't think it is possible for a stable program to get any better, wow check out the new enhancements in PRS Not only do we have a realistic revenue share program with realistic returns, but a 12x12 surf as well, with payment on expiry. I haven't been in a 12x12 surf for sooo long. I am actually excited with the prospect of combining two great attributes into one program. Thought about it for awhile and did some number crunching and well it looks good to me. The plans are workable from the point of view as gives Admins a cashflow to work with and a reserve to earn from other sources. Not to mention the workload of daily payments for all three sites, not that I was in them all, but do read :) I put my money where my mouth is and hope to gain some needed cash here. Also it is great to have some fun in life and I can see MMG PRS thread will be rocking for a long time to come. Join the party, it is a great opportunity. But remember, GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY :)
MY Market Shares - Revenue Share
Today is the first cashout session for MMS so I am just updating on the system. Seems even though I read the instructions I got the wrong idea lol So mucked up my first withdrawal, I intended to do the 50% repurchase and 50% withdrawal, as to keep my initial deposit the same value and reducing my liability (Remember when you join these programs you have to have a plan to be successful) I was used to the same script as it was used by TTN, but it works differently here at MMS. So what one must do is only withdraw to wallet what you want to withdraw, then proceed with the cashout to payment processor to put in your request. Leave the rest and it will automatically be pickup and added to your pips. Yeah, I know, easy once you know. Apparently Margaret is inundated with support tickets on this on. Early days yet, so now armed with actual experience I hope to get next weeks right. In a few weeks should be a veteran lol Also remember you have to surf everyday to be earn here. See ya!
Edit: few hours after posting this lol I just received my first of many hopefully, payments. yay
Edit: few hours after posting this lol I just received my first of many hopefully, payments. yay
Monday, 7 September 2009
ICHIBANSURFER - 13% for 10 days
Don't know why, but something made me do it lol. Take a look and you will see time and effort has been put in here. If you step in, well you know the rules. Out to have some fun and make some money. Will do more DD when I get home and have the tools available to me. Note# they also accept SP.
Edit: 8 Sept: Well the site beams to the world from Chicago US, it a Neversay script and the lovely graphics is by Doris. Admin's name Michael. Other than that, well we could be in for a good ride, depending on member participation, but currently growing nicely. Stats are shown on from page/ Also got paid some Ronnie money today. Thank you so much.
Friday, 4 September 2009
My Market Shares - Revenue Share
To be completely honest I looked long and hard here. Finally decided to take the chance, also have a firm strategy in hand, as I don't calculate in using referral moneys, of course it lessens the risk and many just play with others money, but I am here to make money just like everyone else. Seems that this will have a good chance of doing that, also on the back of the "other" huge rev.share site which lasted in it's original form for what, 9 months? I put my money where my mouth is, so I am ready to rock with this one. You are welcome to join me and be apart of a great program, but getting in now is a good time as we will probably see max profit share for a few weeks before it tones down a little as the member base gets bigger and bigger. But consistency will be of essence. Game On!!
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Ad-Ventures4u - Restructure
What a week in the ADV4U saga. Through all the emails from the admin to all the stories in the forums, well finally the dust has settled. They are not closing, but they are going private. Virtually a new structure. So if you just held on tight to see how the waves would settle, like me, well just do your bit by watching those ads everyday, 15 currently, but could change always check your stats you have done enough. That way you will qualify for a share of the revenue the site makes. Ok, lol what revenue, well their gold site plus the advertising sales in ADV4U. So all is not lost. Lets see how things go. Checked my ventures, and they have increased, so I assume we move on from here. But remember if you want to have a share of this, you do need to surf the allotted number of sites everyday. Yes, actually gotta do some work if you expect to get some pay.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
PAID LIKE THAT!! New Instant Site AP only
I haven't joined anything new lately as I am pretty picky, but lol a brand new program launched today. A new Neversay script. 10% for 14 days. Alert Pay only. Get in and make a few bucks, being paid instantly on request is pretty awesome, and of course lessens the risk factor. Only started today so get crackin' and enjoy, this is the time of year for some good programs to come along. Hope to see ya there, of course threads are in all major forums, don't just take my word for it. Play ya cards right and you will do ok.
Edit: 10 September servertime: Well seems it is over, really just a round. Shame, admin had good intentions and lack of upgrades depleted Alert Pay funds, plus AP is acting up a bit, so that didn't help. Really there are a few good programs about and not enough members willing to play. Hope ya played your cards right and either broke even or didn't lose too much. Is talk about starting again, but history show well you know the drum. Plus restricting to Alert Pay does limit players as well, any way that is my thoughts on the matter. Just a shame, someone musta made some money :)
Saturday, 22 August 2009
This program is preparing for big things. Admin Tony has just upgraded with a new and better I might add, script. Deposits are now instant and quite frankly I think this revenue share stands well. Steadily growing and now is ready for an expansion in business. Worth a look if you have the time. Slowly building there myself and shortly will be in a position to withdraw some weekly.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Debts/Promises/Industry Thoughts
Dorks, I miss you very much. You have no idea how much I leaned on you. Most people say you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone, but I knew what I had and as time goes on I only realize how much influence you had on my life over the last 28 years. There will always be a part of me missing, but it is in safe hands as it is with you.
I get through each day, dunno how, but the days just roll on. I have the highest respect for your cyber-friends. The ones I have had the pleasure to chat or private message with have been supportive and helpful. As you know I have always had my own way of doing things, and I fully stay within the boundaries we set long ago. Lol our “golden rules”. I actually find your standard easy to comply with, honesty is the best policy. Regarding your promises and commitments, well I aimed at 6 months to have them cleared. I made some mistakes, costly, but invaluable lessons. But through thick and thin, I have managed to clear your promises. Paid those whom you kick started and never saw any return for their months of participation, I gave gifts to those whom you requested, and also gave back to those whom you asked to rejoin the industry. Thanks to your PAC referrals, I have also managed to make a $350 donation to RMH. That is all coming to an end, but when and if I can rebuild to some reasonable working capital again and have some earning programs I plan to work on a percentage of profits to be a donation.
This industry has changed so much. I am used to being able to make make money from my own money, however these days it all seems to be about referrals or sponsoring. I have visited old threads of big programs to prove to myself that it wasn’t just me. On visiting “hot” threads now, well it is blatant. Actually it is upsetting to see the hounds in action. Greed playing. It really is of deep concern when trying to work out how to play the game. I know it is a game, but there are always losers and it seems is always the same ones. The participation base is nowhere near the size it was years ago, however I can see why. Being on the losing end consistently and also being ripped off by so many sharks, also the well dressed sharks. You know the ones where they build their huge downlines and say you can’t lose, lol spillover, that word makes me laugh. I am a practical person and have never and will never “hound”. I have asked a few questions around the place regarding others opinions in the money making matters. Well, seems many only wish to talk to you by throwing you a referral link. To be honest I sent one to one person and I regret doing it, the program I feel will be very successful and is outside of the surfing and hyip industry and is based on real income in advertising, no get rich scheme, no need for referrals to steady earn but you do have to do some work for it. Hasn’t started yet with the participation level, but coming soon. I have actually put out advertising without links just to help the program get more coverage. The more members, the more participation, the more money we all can earn. I look at the big picture, and hope and dream for many to be successful in whatever path they take.
Geez I seem to ramble, sorry ‘bout that, but seems I like talking to myself. Sometimes it is good to put thoughts down.
I get through each day, dunno how, but the days just roll on. I have the highest respect for your cyber-friends. The ones I have had the pleasure to chat or private message with have been supportive and helpful. As you know I have always had my own way of doing things, and I fully stay within the boundaries we set long ago. Lol our “golden rules”. I actually find your standard easy to comply with, honesty is the best policy. Regarding your promises and commitments, well I aimed at 6 months to have them cleared. I made some mistakes, costly, but invaluable lessons. But through thick and thin, I have managed to clear your promises. Paid those whom you kick started and never saw any return for their months of participation, I gave gifts to those whom you requested, and also gave back to those whom you asked to rejoin the industry. Thanks to your PAC referrals, I have also managed to make a $350 donation to RMH. That is all coming to an end, but when and if I can rebuild to some reasonable working capital again and have some earning programs I plan to work on a percentage of profits to be a donation.
This industry has changed so much. I am used to being able to make make money from my own money, however these days it all seems to be about referrals or sponsoring. I have visited old threads of big programs to prove to myself that it wasn’t just me. On visiting “hot” threads now, well it is blatant. Actually it is upsetting to see the hounds in action. Greed playing. It really is of deep concern when trying to work out how to play the game. I know it is a game, but there are always losers and it seems is always the same ones. The participation base is nowhere near the size it was years ago, however I can see why. Being on the losing end consistently and also being ripped off by so many sharks, also the well dressed sharks. You know the ones where they build their huge downlines and say you can’t lose, lol spillover, that word makes me laugh. I am a practical person and have never and will never “hound”. I have asked a few questions around the place regarding others opinions in the money making matters. Well, seems many only wish to talk to you by throwing you a referral link. To be honest I sent one to one person and I regret doing it, the program I feel will be very successful and is outside of the surfing and hyip industry and is based on real income in advertising, no get rich scheme, no need for referrals to steady earn but you do have to do some work for it. Hasn’t started yet with the participation level, but coming soon. I have actually put out advertising without links just to help the program get more coverage. The more members, the more participation, the more money we all can earn. I look at the big picture, and hope and dream for many to be successful in whatever path they take.
Geez I seem to ramble, sorry ‘bout that, but seems I like talking to myself. Sometimes it is good to put thoughts down.
Friday, 14 August 2009
This is the big daddy of programs running currently. The admins have changed the script to cater for inevitable growing pains. Over 50k members. Awesome stats, toteing now No 1 in Google Search. So pretty much a big hit site, so needed some serious upgrading. I would love to say I am earning nice here, well I will be :) But due to many script problems in the past and timing at trying to see when cash out button was open, well a rather frustrating time. Most don't seem to have the problem, but a minority do. I am reluctant at sending tickets regarding these trivial issues, also they did advise member that they were upgrading the site to cater for growth. Well it is now looking good, new script with some tweaking here and there, plus they managed to keep their big account holders happy with constant support contact, so all's looking good.
Being prepared to grow with this one, 1% per day over a long period of time is always a money earner. Stability and steady growth part of the equation too. It does take a long time to get into a profit situation here, but if you are into referring friends and family who do the same, you will prosper more quickly. If you intend to build, patience is a virtue, but really dosen't look like this site is going anywhere. Here for the long haul and will be great to start earning and withdrawing some each week.
Friday, 7 August 2009
PremiumAdsClub RevenueShare
Absolutely doing great guns. Definitely worth a look if you aren't a member, this one is built for longevity. Yes it is revenue sharing, most successful programs seem to have taken this path lately, sure beats the hit and runners paradise and give someone like me, that does not reply on referral commissions the opportunity to make some dollars. Unlike the "other" revenue share sites out there the commission is smaller therefore giving the adpack purchaser the benefits. Every day since opening the max percentage has been achieved. An achievement to both members and the dual admins here.
There was recent downtime due to server issues, however daily activity on forums by the admins kept us in the picture of what was going on. Another great aspect of PAC-RS is that you don't lose if you miss a day from surfing or in the case of the server being down, your pack expires when it reaches 135%. Another plus for the site. Can say enough really as this is great earning over time, no hurry and daily payments. Seems they do two runs per 24 hour period, so if your like me and a bit short on cash flow, well request after servertime, do your surfing and with 12 hours you are usually paid. But if not paid that day, all is still sweet, if you can't or don't wish to repurchase (cause you don't have to) you still earn on the day, but 50% of that days RevShare. EasyAs site to earn, again without referrals. I love the concept and with great admins and the support of members the future here is looking bright. Remember if you are a member or thinking of being one, work out where you want to be, what level of earning, and as always only spend what you can afford to lose. Gosh I hate that phrase. Hmm risk what you are prepared to risk!! That's better. We all hate losing lol
There was recent downtime due to server issues, however daily activity on forums by the admins kept us in the picture of what was going on. Another great aspect of PAC-RS is that you don't lose if you miss a day from surfing or in the case of the server being down, your pack expires when it reaches 135%. Another plus for the site. Can say enough really as this is great earning over time, no hurry and daily payments. Seems they do two runs per 24 hour period, so if your like me and a bit short on cash flow, well request after servertime, do your surfing and with 12 hours you are usually paid. But if not paid that day, all is still sweet, if you can't or don't wish to repurchase (cause you don't have to) you still earn on the day, but 50% of that days RevShare. EasyAs site to earn, again without referrals. I love the concept and with great admins and the support of members the future here is looking bright. Remember if you are a member or thinking of being one, work out where you want to be, what level of earning, and as always only spend what you can afford to lose. Gosh I hate that phrase. Hmm risk what you are prepared to risk!! That's better. We all hate losing lol
All is just cruising along nicely here. 1% per day for 365 days. The site is closed to new members, but those who did manage to sign up you have until 15th to upgrade and start earning. After that the admin will delete free members from the database. He likes to keep a tidy ship, so if you joined somewhere just before 31st July, and still wish to participate, get ya upgrade in and start surfing daily.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Ad-Ventures4u - still powering on
Well every man and his dog must be a member of ADV4U by now. 50,000 members. Awesome stats. Wonder how many are active??? That would be a more interesting statistic. I know after I joined I had a handful of similar email and usernames join. To date none have upgraded. Maybe decided to go elsewhere!! But you can't beat hearing of the success of this program, even if the inbox gets a bashing with emails. Admin is very communicative :) Also starting to see some great stories in the threads of how ADV4U has helped many. Certainly breaking records by the look of things. On the other hand, unless you refer family or friends it takes awhile to get yourself into profit here. For those that do or have ventured, still please stay within your means as nobody knows what may lay around the corner. That goes for all money earning, anywhere. Times are tough. Plus there will always be winners and losers. But by the sounds of things, plenty of good times to come for many in ADV4U for sometime to come yet.
MySurf4CashClub = Closed to new members after 31 July
The word is out from the admin. MS4CC is going private. Signups are open until 31st July.
No big HYIP here, just 1% per day for 365 days. Awesome return, and cash outs twice a month with you picking when. EasyAs. Admin has proved his stability and many happy members for well over a year. A stable part of any portfolio.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Well I feel obliged to write my opinion on AccP. Yes this is IMO, but I will feel better for saying it instead of not saying it. Matt of MCF as most are aware is the admin of this program. There are a few things that I see as not good. As I say this is my opinion only.
Firstly, payday is each Friday, so you would be thinking that any admin worth his salt would have funds available. Last Friday he ran out of money to pay but said he was waiting for a transfer to the payment processor to arrive. (That's fine as I suppose delays can happen) but next little red flag was the email to members saying, oh, I forget to tell you I have lifted the max from $1k to $2.5k. hmmm (fingers tapping) now to really start me thinking, he then offers 5% bonuses on upgrades of $100 or more. In my book things are not adding up here. Well they are, that's the problem. Still I have not yet been paid yet either, interesting he said there were two who were not yet paid. I wonder if I haven't been paid because I don't jump around on forums?? Time will tell, but young Mr.Matt Nunn has some learning to do if he wants to be successful as an admin of a program, or admin of a forum. I for one don't read the emails blasted out at the cost of $75 a throw. Far too many. I believe in quality not quantity. Well I said my piece. I am happy now. Will post if paid here in AccP.
Edit: 2 hours after posting this I have now been paid. But IMO caution should be used.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
PremiumAdsClub RevenueShare
Joined the program on 16 July. Not having gotten around to see what others are saying about it yet, but I upgraded when I joined and have been doing the 50/50 to achieve the best performance out of the daily return. I notice there is a grace period for being able to cashout to cashbalance and then repurchasing from within the back office. It only have a couple more days before this will no longer be available. So good to take advantage of whilst able.
This is one of those programs where you have to come with a plan, and to be successful, well you have to stick with the plan. A point to remember with PAC-RS is you have to have some reserve in your PP incase you need to pay in before you receive your request. It is a timing thing, but all in all things look good for PAC-RS. A huge plus is that we know the admins aren't going to run, the other part of the equation is the memberbase. If the base can continue to grow, not only in numbers but increasing in adpacks terms as well, we could be set for a long term earning machine here.
Also remembering that the entry level is getting higher as time goes on, so if you can get in and start, great. If not, well you should have been building in PAC, which will still be open until 1 Oct, so I believe.
This is one of those programs where you have to come with a plan, and to be successful, well you have to stick with the plan. A point to remember with PAC-RS is you have to have some reserve in your PP incase you need to pay in before you receive your request. It is a timing thing, but all in all things look good for PAC-RS. A huge plus is that we know the admins aren't going to run, the other part of the equation is the memberbase. If the base can continue to grow, not only in numbers but increasing in adpacks terms as well, we could be set for a long term earning machine here.
Also remembering that the entry level is getting higher as time goes on, so if you can get in and start, great. If not, well you should have been building in PAC, which will still be open until 1 Oct, so I believe.
This program seems to have been around forever, so I finally joined. Yeah, probably flown under the radar for many due to it being 1% per day for 365 days. Great value these sites. Consistently paying over a long period of time is a good steady earner. Great to finally got into yet another stable site. Cash outs twice a month. Will update in the payout section on the left there.
Note: Getting to be a long list these days, very few changes if any lately :)
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
If I was to say that you could earn money on the internet safely, well many would laugh. Read on if you are serious and not just someone to sit on your hands and hope whatever goes another round. This not MLM, matrix or cycler, just a simple business opportunity where members actually have to do a little work and get returns. Brand new, very innovative idea. As many maybe aren't aware, but advertising is the biggest money earner on the internet. This is basic business sense. No hit and runners and levels start out at an affordable level for everyone.
Now open for signup. CloudShare the start of something big. Join and become involved to earn.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
ACCELERATED PROFITS- Now closed to new signups
Only 4 positions left at time of posting. Then closed to new signups, and new plans on offer. Matt the admin, so far, has been quite impressive. He has a lot at stake here to make things work. Being the admin, not sure if the owner of the MyCashForum, he has some ground to make up for. Considering the seedy past of the last two admins/owners. Enough said, let's see if young Matt has what it takes, so far I am impressed. Of course time will tell. If you miss out this round, he may open for more limited members once he gets himself to a position that he can handle and of course pay more.
Edited 13July - site now closed to new signups, AccP has reached 250 members!! Check back from time to time, it may open to allow some more in as time progresses.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
PayItForwardTraffic - profitshare with magic ingredient
Early days yet for PIFT. The admin Tony has completed the change over to the same script as AV4U ( You all should know by now how popular that one is!!) The same magic ingredient has been applied here (50/50 rule - as in you can only withdraw 50% of weekly earnings, but you can if you wish lol Wow that didn't come out right :) Example of what I mean. Say deposit $100 and your weekly share is $14. If you withdraw the whole $14 your current earning level will decrease to $94, but if you withdraw $7 (50% of earnings) your earning level stays at $100. You can always build so not problem there just let it sit. It gets picked up as earning level eg. left = $107. Does it automatically before next share is issued. Remember there is 200% earning on your deposits and a whopping 15% referral commission. You don't have to start with much, so us little fellas can get in and have a chance of great growing potential. PIFT looks like a stayer, so I am in here for the long run.
PANAMONEY - Still paying and paying
This program flew under the radar for a long time. We joined back in September and to date absolutely no disappointment. A reasonable investment after trialling he smaller plans was placed in October *08. No surfing here, it is a HYIP type script, but depending on your purchase level, which sets your max daily trade earnings - eg. Intermediate is 1.3% max and guaranteed nothing less than .0% From memory I have only seen 1 day of 0% earnings. Earnings depend on the currency matches you choose plus the performance of Panamoney's traders. Purchases are in for 180 trading days, but daily earnings can be requested daily or whenever you wish, but only one withdrawal per day. Now when the purchase matures it goes to your account balance and you can withdraw it or whatever you wish. Days are drawing closer on our original bigger deposit, to me this will be crunch time. Naturally I will be commenting on how things go. Still about two months out yet, but will be interesting. A couple of weeks ago I made an additional purchase, so in fact now have 3 plans running.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
What can I say about AV4U? Only all good things. Site and admins are just powering on. Only joining on 12th May I purchased Ventures thinking that 20,000 members strong, and they all can't be wrong!! Most sites don't give the little guy a chance to build, but in this one you can. Sure looks as though it can and will be around for a longtime to come. Why? It is the formula used. Profitsharing with an inbuilt 50/50 rule. I don't like the standard 50/50 rule where you had to put in fresh money to receive your payout. AV4U is nothing like that. Actually is very unique, and the proof is in the pudding. There are over 30,000 members now. So if you not playing the revenuesharing games, you should be. Will be a few more weeks before I can start withdrawing some of my initial spend, but seems to be no hurry here. Surfing is on a timer and you need to surf 25 pages per day to qualify for a weekly share. (I will say, it is a different script, but plenty of members to help you out in the forums. Finally I think I have my head around it !! )
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Oh Dorks, I am having such a time at the moment. I desperately want to talk to you, but I can’t. Miss you so much. I hurt inside something chronic, tears come constantly. I know I shouldn’t have, but I have spent to morning reading the memorial thread in MMG and ASA, yeah your old stomping grounds. I am amazed, well not really but in ways surprised at the effect you had on people. I know you would tell me not to be silly. Really you have no idea what life is like without you. Yeah, I was always full of bright ideas, and gave you the push on making some decisions, but now I need someone to do that for me. I second guess so much. I talk to you often in my head, constantly thinking would you approve. I so don’t want to disappoint you in anyway. I feel that we are one. Meaning lol wow this is hard to explain, but following your instructions to a tee and also completing the things you started. Just for the record I am getting close to paying your commitments, both that loan and your friends and associates promises made. Lol and boy it’s not been easy, wise decision making and very selective in what I do. Yeah don’t laugh I was burned in real ops. Whatever was I thinking when I gave them our money. But I am learning fast. So far showing on the right side of the books Also I hope you don’t mind, but I have been doing some house-keeping in your blogs, being careful not to alter from your setup, just spiff it up a bit, ok? Also, I may have to change some things, as in the way we operated the referral commissions. Still donating to RHM of course, but will make my first donation very soon. Well Trev will all things going well, but an odd “great” long term opportunity might come my way, so as to help to rebuild some working capital so I can help support Trev from online earnings, well I was thinking maybe I can add a program to the Shed clearly marked that the rc won’t be donated to RMH, but to be used as capital building. Sound fair? Hope you agree, that way if anyone joins my link then they will know their commissions won’t be donated there. Will have to work on how I can do it so I can be ready for it. Something may be coming up soon. ~ Strangely, I feel better now I have “spoken” to you. Note: I see how you used to write you “hidden messages” lol very clever, so I will do the same with this one. Love ya always and heaps of ((hugs))
Thanks to you Dorks...Because you loved me
Thanks to you Dorks...Because you loved me
An interesting observation
Just something that came to me the other day when I was reading some emails, so I thought I would share here.
Years ago I opted-in to receive mailings from this fellow moneymaker just to well see what he was up to. He sometimes had some interesting things going on and kept me in the loop as to what was happening in the www world that I sort of stepped back from.
Well this email turned up, you know the ones that catch ya eye as they slot in your inbox. Catchy headings lol Hadn't seen anything from him for awhile so decided to read it. Yeah the usual, lol,
For some insane reason I was complelled to reply to him. I asked "Are you a millionaire yet? You have been doing this type stuff a long time." I was even more shocked to get an almost immediate response :) His reply "Not yet, I've made more mistakes than a new employee at McDonalds.
I have improved hugely these past 7 years though.
From what I used to know/do to what I know/do now is way different."
Got to give it to him though he was honest. So on that note, it hasn't changed my view on mlm or straight out sucking from downlines to make money. That's why I have stayed in autosurfs, hyip and revenue sharing. Where you can make money on your own. Yes sure you can make more with referrals. But I don't count on that as earnings, if anyone decides to join a program through links from this site, they are helping others as referral commissions are donated. On that note, I also should say Ronnie's tin, (donations) is actually getting a rattle on. I have some monies to donate currently, just waiting to see when Trev goes down. If not within the next couple of weeks, we shall send it through anyway. Thanks to those making this possible.
Years ago I opted-in to receive mailings from this fellow moneymaker just to well see what he was up to. He sometimes had some interesting things going on and kept me in the loop as to what was happening in the www world that I sort of stepped back from.
Well this email turned up, you know the ones that catch ya eye as they slot in your inbox. Catchy headings lol Hadn't seen anything from him for awhile so decided to read it. Yeah the usual, lol,
Blasted from losersville to $5 Million and life of luxury, massive wealth and Lamborghini driving.
How did he do it? Watch this video to discover for yourself
For some insane reason I was complelled to reply to him. I asked "Are you a millionaire yet? You have been doing this type stuff a long time." I was even more shocked to get an almost immediate response :) His reply "Not yet, I've made more mistakes than a new employee at McDonalds.
I have improved hugely these past 7 years though.
From what I used to know/do to what I know/do now is way different."
Got to give it to him though he was honest. So on that note, it hasn't changed my view on mlm or straight out sucking from downlines to make money. That's why I have stayed in autosurfs, hyip and revenue sharing. Where you can make money on your own. Yes sure you can make more with referrals. But I don't count on that as earnings, if anyone decides to join a program through links from this site, they are helping others as referral commissions are donated. On that note, I also should say Ronnie's tin, (donations) is actually getting a rattle on. I have some monies to donate currently, just waiting to see when Trev goes down. If not within the next couple of weeks, we shall send it through anyway. Thanks to those making this possible.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
PAC is BACK!! - New Summer Plan
There are many PAC'ers out there that are skeptical, but I am of the opinion to get involved and start earning with the Summer Plan. - this way you will also be helping yourselves. Of course usual rules apply, but where I like to wade or swim in the moneymaking pond depends on hedging my bets. PAC is a safer environment than many of the shark infested waters out there.
I read the forums and here and there, so I am aware that many members are hell-bent on getting their "refund". Honestly, where do you think the money for those are coming from? Logically thinking people would realize the PAC admins have to earn it from somewhere, plus with momentum in PAC (some will immediately think, yeah using one members money to pay another) yes it does and will happen. Always will, think of your own finances. Ya have to keep some money in your account for those expenses you know you are going to have day to day. The bulk as it builds will be sent to work. Simple business. Also, refunds in any shape or form are outside the boundaries of the Terms of Service. PAC admins have gone out on a limb to do this. I commend them for that, as it is a quality you will rarely find in this industry. I know I am rambling here, but it is so frustrating to see members posting in PAC threads asking when refunds will start as they want to get started in PAC again. I have followed many to other threads where they are posting payments, so they do have some bickies to be a part of PAC and to help the wheel start turning and along the way enjoy the benefits it will bring. Enough of my mind. lol
Now all that outa the way, or off my chest so to speak. What R U waiting for?
PAC v.3.1 now has summer plans!! 10% for 12 days - sounds pretty darn good to me. Payment after maturity. Awesome. Hope to see ya there!!
Monday, 15 June 2009
5 DailyForever -
Very quiet program currently, but worth a look at least, if not a venture into. Old surf script, wow bought back memories for me. Like the old DadnDaves site script.
Now how this works is, if you deposit you earn 5% perday surfing, and ya get advertising too, but once you withdraw, well your account reverts back to zero. So the way to play this is to build to a point where you are in profit, then you work out when you want it out. Easy, the upgrade won't expire until you pull the plug. 'Tis an interesting concept. Just do the sums, it can be worthwhile. Seems like the admin is also very responsive too. Cya!
Now how this works is, if you deposit you earn 5% perday surfing, and ya get advertising too, but once you withdraw, well your account reverts back to zero. So the way to play this is to build to a point where you are in profit, then you work out when you want it out. Easy, the upgrade won't expire until you pull the plug. 'Tis an interesting concept. Just do the sums, it can be worthwhile. Seems like the admin is also very responsive too. Cya!
Edited Mon 29 June - Site is back. Data base well, lost. Anyway, message is re sign up, then sent through contact all you upgrade details and new and old id, user name. Also who you joined under would help. I did and response was quick, upgrade added to account, so I surfed as well. A welcome back to Jon! let's get this show on the road!!
SurfReborn - Celebrates 1 month old yay!!
Gotta give it to Steve, his is still payin', but members do need to support the program, that is how it works. Those who got their feet wet, goodonya! Those watching, well, what are ya waiting for. Todate no problems here. Going good :)
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Finally took the plunge here. Been three days in the decision, but program's admin is Matthew aka MCF Admin and owner. I did hesitate, but after checking here there and everywhere lol. Well he does seem to be going to make a go of it. So, here I am. He did inform me and others that he has other forms of income, this was quoted to me by the admin. [Liqidation Products That I Buy And Sell To generate Profits, Including Advertising Sales From Our Forum Here As Well] Now exactly what that means, well. Reselling? I decided to take the chance, so if you feel inclined? Your call!
Definately worth a look, great plans, 3 in all, one is a no surfing plan. Payday is Friday, so lessening the risk factor. I purchased into two of the plans, hope to be enjoying a long relationship with this one.
Doors will be closing once 250 active members. Current nearly 100 active, so if you want your slice of the action, I would grab a spot now. Hope to see ya!!
Definately worth a look, great plans, 3 in all, one is a no surfing plan. Payday is Friday, so lessening the risk factor. I purchased into two of the plans, hope to be enjoying a long relationship with this one.
Doors will be closing once 250 active members. Current nearly 100 active, so if you want your slice of the action, I would grab a spot now. Hope to see ya!!
Friday, 12 June 2009
TAME-THE-NET - Profit Sharing
I am compelled more by feelings for the admin of TTN. Regretfully he has closed TTN. I don't know the hidden message in the official email explaining the closure, however my heart goes out to him, as I sensed a great loss. Hopefully he can hold his head high, as he put himself "out there" more so than most other admins do. Maybe this has been a problem. You can't please everyone at any given time or place, so Robert's decision I totally respect. It is a shame, and I wish him well in whatever he decides to do in the future. Robert gave it a good shot, and was a man of his word. I respect him for that.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
New script is up and running. Rebate posted today as well 15%!! Lookin good. Admin is still working on the site doing change overs, but goodnews is now we can also do rollovers just like "that other similar site" Here for the long run in this one, sit back and build. Ya welcome to join me and see where this can lead. Growth has be steady, but somehow I think it is about to take off.
Monday, 1 June 2009
PayItForwardTraffic (PIFT) first dividend time close - Monday at Midnight - I can't wait to see how this will work. Extremly early days here - keep watching or get ya feet wet. Your call !!
Edit:(June 3 lol my time) script will be upgraded later this week!! I get good fibes here, the feeling of something getting ready to take off. Tweaking will be done after payouts so the member email says. Keep an eye on this one. I will be upgrading again when paid.
Edit: (June 4 - my time) Paid and repurchased :)
Edit:(June 3 lol my time) script will be upgraded later this week!! I get good fibes here, the feeling of something getting ready to take off. Tweaking will be done after payouts so the member email says. Keep an eye on this one. I will be upgrading again when paid.
Edit: (June 4 - my time) Paid and repurchased :)
SurfReborn Stats are looking great, member base is looking great, repeat upgrading and Steve will deliver. Really up to the members here, but looks good still. Growing steadily as the word is getting around.
AdVentures4U Seems to be the biggest exciting programs around. Boasting over 20,000 members. New video on the front page showing text from members how they have all their family involved and also many making good money. Payday is looming yet again, I can tell by the excitement on the threads lol Looks like a good income stream, for those who haven't joined yet I believe there is plenty of room. Advertising on this site is unique too. Surfing is required, 25 sites per day, but I do 31 just to make sure all's above board.
Tame-The-Net (TTN) Profitshare surf site. Paydays 1st - 15th of the month. Daily rebates have been low, but never nil, however those with the totally surf mentallity will get tired of surfing the mandatory sites of 25 per day to just earn their money out. ProfitSharing is all about exactly that, sharing the profit. If members just withdraw the rebate percentage goes down. Some for me and some for the program is a good rule to follow. That way it keeps the wheels turning. The admin, Robert, has been very upfront how the site is progressing and also his offline earnings. Hang in there and we shall be rewarded. Well that is my opinion looking at the longerterm here.
GoldNuggetInvest (GNI) LegacyFund is username I put most of my eggs in this basket, looks good still, and expecting my weekly payment soon. lol Not yet hatched!! Note: no referrals yet, but doin' fine.
UsDozen - site seemed to really slow, and with a comment left on the thread on MMG by the Admin:-
Rather an interesting comment, seeing I still haven't received an email to say the site is closed, or changeing. This is one of the reasons it is important to keep in contact with running threads to see what is happening. So DO NOT UPGRADE - GAME OVER.
Post #723 | |
| I have disabled upgrading now. Site has been slow on the growth the past weeks. I am just going to payout what is left in the accounts now. Is libertyreserve having an error with logging in to accounts? |
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