Sunday, 30 August 2009

Ad-Ventures4u - Restructure

What a week in the ADV4U saga. Through all the emails from the admin to all the stories in the forums, well finally the dust has settled. They are not closing, but they are going private. Virtually a new structure. So if you just held on tight to see how the waves would settle, like me, well just do your bit by watching those ads everyday, 15 currently, but could change always check your stats you have done enough. That way you will qualify for a share of the revenue the site makes. Ok, lol what revenue, well their gold site plus the advertising sales in ADV4U. So all is not lost. Lets see how things go. Checked my ventures, and they have increased, so I assume we move on from here. But remember if you want to have a share of this, you do need to surf the allotted number of sites everyday. Yes, actually gotta do some work if you expect to get some pay.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

PAID LIKE THAT!! New Instant Site AP only

I haven't joined anything new lately as I am pretty picky, but lol a brand new program launched today. A new Neversay script. 10% for 14 days. Alert Pay only. Get in and make a few bucks, being paid instantly on request is pretty awesome, and of course lessens the risk factor. Only started today so get crackin' and enjoy, this is the time of year for some good programs to come along. Hope to see ya there, of course threads are in all major forums, don't just take my word for it. Play ya cards right and you will do ok.
Edit: 10 September servertime: Well seems it is over, really just a round. Shame, admin had good intentions and lack of upgrades depleted Alert Pay funds, plus AP is acting up a bit, so that didn't help.  Really there are a few good programs about and not enough members willing to play.  Hope ya played your cards right and either broke even or didn't lose too much.  Is talk about starting again, but history show well you know the drum. Plus restricting to Alert Pay does limit players as well, any way that is my thoughts on the matter. Just a shame, someone musta made some money :)

Saturday, 22 August 2009


This program is preparing for big things. Admin Tony has just upgraded with a new and better I might add, script. Deposits are now instant and quite frankly I think this revenue share stands well. Steadily growing and now is ready for an expansion in business. Worth a look if you have the time. Slowly building there myself and shortly will be in a position to withdraw some weekly.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Debts/Promises/Industry Thoughts

Dorks, I miss you very much. You have no idea how much I leaned on you. Most people say you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone, but I knew what I had and as time goes on I only realize how much influence you had on my life over the last 28 years. There will always be a part of me missing, but it is in safe hands as it is with you.

I get through each day, dunno how, but the days just roll on. I have the highest respect for your cyber-friends. The ones I have had the pleasure to chat or private message with have been supportive and helpful. As you know I have always had my own way of doing things, and I fully stay within the boundaries we set long ago. Lol our “golden rules”. I actually find your standard easy to comply with, honesty is the best policy. Regarding your promises and commitments, well I aimed at 6 months to have them cleared. I made some mistakes, costly, but invaluable lessons. But through thick and thin, I have managed to clear your promises. Paid those whom you kick started and never saw any return for their months of participation, I gave gifts to those whom you requested, and also gave back to those whom you asked to rejoin the industry. Thanks to your PAC referrals, I have also managed to make a $350 donation to RMH. That is all coming to an end, but when and if I can rebuild to some reasonable working capital again and have some earning programs I plan to work on a percentage of profits to be a donation.

This industry has changed so much. I am used to being able to make make money from my own money, however these days it all seems to be about referrals or sponsoring. I have visited old threads of big programs to prove to myself that it wasn’t just me. On visiting “hot” threads now, well it is blatant. Actually it is upsetting to see the hounds in action. Greed playing. It really is of deep concern when trying to work out how to play the game. I know it is a game, but there are always losers and it seems is always the same ones. The participation base is nowhere near the size it was years ago, however I can see why. Being on the losing end consistently and also being ripped off by so many sharks, also the well dressed sharks. You know the ones where they build their huge downlines and say you can’t lose, lol spillover, that word makes me laugh. I am a practical person and have never and will never “hound”. I have asked a few questions around the place regarding others opinions in the money making matters. Well, seems many only wish to talk to you by throwing you a referral link. To be honest I sent one to one person and I regret doing it, the program I feel will be very successful and is outside of the surfing and hyip industry and is based on real income in advertising, no get rich scheme, no need for referrals to steady earn but you do have to do some work for it. Hasn’t started yet with the participation level, but coming soon. I have actually put out advertising without links just to help the program get more coverage. The more members, the more participation, the more money we all can earn. I look at the big picture, and hope and dream for many to be successful in whatever path they take.

Geez I seem to ramble, sorry ‘bout that, but seems I like talking to myself. Sometimes it is good to put thoughts down.

Friday, 14 August 2009


This is the big daddy of programs running currently. The admins have changed the script to cater for inevitable growing pains. Over 50k members. Awesome stats, toteing now No 1 in Google Search. So pretty much a big hit site, so needed some serious upgrading. I would love to say I am earning nice here, well I will be :) But due to many script problems in the past and timing at trying to see when cash out button was open, well a rather frustrating time. Most don't seem to have the problem, but a minority do. I am reluctant at sending tickets regarding these trivial issues, also they did advise member that they were upgrading the site to cater for growth. Well it is now looking good, new script with some tweaking here and there, plus they managed to keep their big account holders happy with constant support contact, so all's looking good.

Being prepared to grow with this one, 1% per day over a long period of time is always a money earner. Stability and steady growth part of the equation too. It does take a long time to get into a profit situation here, but if you are into referring friends and family who do the same, you will prosper more quickly. If you intend to build, patience is a virtue, but really dosen't look like this site is going anywhere. Here for the long haul and will be great to start earning and withdrawing some each week.

Friday, 7 August 2009

PremiumAdsClub RevenueShare

Absolutely doing great guns. Definitely worth a look if you aren't a member, this one is built for longevity. Yes it is revenue sharing, most successful programs seem to have taken this path lately, sure beats the hit and runners paradise and give someone like me, that does not reply on referral commissions the opportunity to make some dollars. Unlike the "other" revenue share sites out there the commission is smaller therefore giving the adpack purchaser the benefits. Every day since opening the max percentage has been achieved. An achievement to both members and the dual admins here.

There was recent downtime due to server issues, however daily activity on forums by the admins kept us in the picture of what was going on. Another great aspect of PAC-RS is that you don't lose if you miss a day from surfing or in the case of the server being down, your pack expires when it reaches 135%. Another plus for the site. Can say enough really as this is great earning over time, no hurry and daily payments. Seems they do two runs per 24 hour period, so if your like me and a bit short on cash flow, well request after servertime, do your surfing and with 12 hours you are usually paid. But if not paid that day, all is still sweet, if you can't or don't wish to repurchase (cause you don't have to) you still earn on the day, but 50% of that days RevShare. EasyAs site to earn, again without referrals. I love the concept and with great admins and the support of members the future here is looking bright. Remember if you are a member or thinking of being one, work out where you want to be, what level of earning, and as always only spend what you can afford to lose. Gosh I hate that phrase. Hmm risk what you are prepared to risk!! That's better. We all hate losing lol


All is just cruising along nicely here. 1% per day for 365 days. The site is closed to new members, but those who did manage to sign up you have until 15th to upgrade and start earning. After that the admin will delete free members from the database. He likes to keep a tidy ship, so if you joined somewhere just before 31st July, and still wish to participate, get ya upgrade in and start surfing daily.