- PayItForwardTraffice (PIFT) - I am in the dark with this one, other than a long winded email explaining that the revenueshare had dried up, and how they were going to overcome that problem was to open a new site everyother day ( Well may be a slight exageration on my behalf) but I did ask the question on a forum whether that was the answer lol But it is just a wait and see on this one.
- PacRevenue$hare (PRS) - still holding hope with this one. Gotta give the admins some credit for repeatedly trying to resurrect the flagship program. Again a wait and see project.
- AdVentures4U (ADV4U) - don't laugh, I hung in there for awhile, but not been surfing for a few weeks now. For me a total waste of bandwidth :) At least the emails have eased dramatically. Latest being an ad in the New York Times!! Yeah!! What am I supposed to glean from that? Oops, maybe means something to someone who sent them some gold for smelting. But to me means Jack. Gonna move on.
More positive news in next session. I promise. It's December 1st and it's time to reflect the year that was. As years go, on a whole it has it's up's and down's. The first half for me was ful of trials and not many tribulations, but I managed to move forward taking many positives with me.
Online and offline I had a great life skills teacher. He had some basic hardened rules he stuck by, well mostly. Some boundaries were stretched and it's hard not to fall victim in some circumstances, but I saw the effects. I don't wish to do down that path, knowingly anyway, but I am human too. To some my approach to life might sound weird, but by stopping, listening and taking the time to absorb the happenings around us, (yeah! smelling roses) and thinking outside of the box. . We share this world with many many others, and sharing and careing go hand in hand regardless of nationality or religion. Remember, a smile is contagious. :)