As always gamble responsibly :)LRE is now online and functioning
Good Morning and welcome back to the online site of 2010. I have made some changes in the way the site will operate in 2010 that will keep it stabilized.
1. Alertpay and Paypal will be paid only upon expiration. The process of fees has been to costly and having instant payouts just isnt feasible. I will accept them as well as Solid Trust Pay in fact every payment processor can be aceptd but the only one that will pay INSTANT will be Liberty Reserve as there fees are acceptable for instant paying sites.
2. The coming year we should have all sorts of fun and you can, and will make plenty of cash. Make a upgrade now and start earning instant. Thanks GnD
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
LibertyReserveExpress - 10% per day for 13 days Instant Payment - LR
LibertyReserveExpress is back as promised. Some new rules as per below admin email. This admin runs a reasonable program with member support. Remembering instant payments reduce the overall risk. Could be something to get a roll into 2010 with.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Finally PAC has closed the doors
Even though I haven't participated in the last 6 programs offered by PAC, well I feel a sense of release. I do hope many of it's members learn from their experiences there. The promise of refunds is a cruel blow to many and has been lingering for many many months. This even goes to affirm that even with a registered offshore company that does not in itself guarentee anything. Enough said about PAC, personally this one has deep cuts, but now without salt being rubbed into the wounds. I will post the final email here for history and closure.
Hi Everyone,
We hope you had a truly lovely Christmas with your families.
Regretfully Christmas was not good for business with our Programs. Almost all the members who joined with us again were like-minded in their strategy, get in and get out. so they were no redeposits and because the bulk of the big deposits were on day one, the programs went into a Cashflow problem immediately. The games were a complete non-starter.
We honestly thought there was enough goodwill amongst you to make this work but obviously we were wrong. So we will wind down the Programs. Everyone will be refunded their principals. However because most of the big deposits have been paid 138% - we can only pay about 70% to the rest of you.We will do this on Monday.
To those of you who still trusted us amid all the negativity please accept our humble apologies, we failed again.
This was our last attempt at setting things right and we now have to put matters at rest. There will be no more programs from us and no more talk of refunds. We'll stress now as we have done before that, we ran the programs in a fair, honest ethical way. The PPs , if they would, would testify to that . Almost as many of you made money with our Programs as those who lost. We have given our all to the Programs and regret that it has come to this but we truly hope we left some of our members if not all with something. Me2E will come through in the following months. WNP and TVIE are both great, working programs. Put in some effort and you will reap the rewards.
We know there are many of you who are realistic about how all this works and you are more welcome to keep in touch with us.
May 2010 be YOUR year, each and everyone of you. May you all succeed in realising all your goals, Financial and otherwise.
EL and the PAC Team.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Merry Christmas
Time has really got away from me. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the day and treasure the memories the day brings.
I sure wish the elves would help me with the cooking :)
I sure wish the elves would help me with the cooking :)
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Quick wrap up >>> hmm got typers cramp. :)
For most people it is a busy time of year. Is for me to, lol so many things to do before the "big day". So just an update as to what is happening in my neck of the woods. My paying list is getting shorter, well very short. Now certainly isn't the time to be throwing money into anything. Plenty of two-bit new programs, game cyclers, but I wouldn't be moving anywhere currently. Would have to be outta this world to get me overly excited currently. Shame as I like to have some fun. Well let's look at the events over the last few weeks down to today. Good and not so good.
RichAliens - when AP was taken out I virtually walked then as all I had in there was Alertpay. Now the admin tried to help by giving those members not in profit but only had AP upgrades their upgrade in LR and placed in the 14 day plan. Well 20th I believe it should have been payout time for those upgrades, but he just couldn't pull it off. To me regardless of whom he is or was in previous programs, well he did a darn good job. Upgrades and payments are disabled, but he is trying to work on a solution. To me the equation is very simple. The best thing that can be done with a hyip is when the dollars in are less than the dollars out - close. End of the round. Open fresh again when the marketplace is better. That is how hyip's were, now members demand refunds. It is hard to play a fair game in this climate. For me? Kudos to the admin, he ran a fair game.
Rollover-Ads - Even though I am forever hopefull, now 4 days pendings plus todays only just withdrawn, sure doesn't look good. No word from the admin yet. But in from day 1 and still just short of 80% of initial back, yes a "ouch' one for me. With the upcoming holiday season, unless the admin can really pull something out of the hat, well I expect the worst here. Edit: a few hours from posting this: a payment was received and others also posting payments on the thread, so still in there with hope.
MyMarketShares - Gotta hand it to Margaret (the admin) she is trying her best. Times are tough, and not as many members or potential members these days, but one thing I feel is a major downfall in these revenue share programs and that is the huge referral commissions paid week after week. Okay the dollars are down as only internal upgrades, but they are mandatory (50%) which gives more life to the program, but I believe the 15% referral commissions should only be paid when fresh money comes in, not on rollovers. JMO of course, and I know I would get shouted down by the referral hounds, but I can state my opinion. There!! So currently MMS is still paying, hopefully this is just a hump in the road.
GoldNuggestInvest (GNI) - still looking great and performing well.
PanaMoney - going great guns still. No signs of slowing (Note: not many of trading days holidays over the break, remembering you don't earn on those no trade days)
Surf-O-Matic (SOM) - Amazing, still a quiet achiever, could really be the one to take off early next year. Even got paid today, but will give the admin a break over Christmas lol
HYIFund - Well only new to me, but the thread shows members being paid each day. No huge roi, but from .5 to 3% ain't bad. You never get your upgrade back, but you earn "forever" (the time the program runs) on your upgrade. I am compounding for a week, then I intend to mount a sum and cashout. :) Great to just set on autocompound over the break and see how things pan out.
So much for a quick wrap up on things lol wrote a novel. rofl cheers!!
RichAliens - when AP was taken out I virtually walked then as all I had in there was Alertpay. Now the admin tried to help by giving those members not in profit but only had AP upgrades their upgrade in LR and placed in the 14 day plan. Well 20th I believe it should have been payout time for those upgrades, but he just couldn't pull it off. To me regardless of whom he is or was in previous programs, well he did a darn good job. Upgrades and payments are disabled, but he is trying to work on a solution. To me the equation is very simple. The best thing that can be done with a hyip is when the dollars in are less than the dollars out - close. End of the round. Open fresh again when the marketplace is better. That is how hyip's were, now members demand refunds. It is hard to play a fair game in this climate. For me? Kudos to the admin, he ran a fair game.
Rollover-Ads - Even though I am forever hopefull, now 4 days pendings plus todays only just withdrawn, sure doesn't look good. No word from the admin yet. But in from day 1 and still just short of 80% of initial back, yes a "ouch' one for me. With the upcoming holiday season, unless the admin can really pull something out of the hat, well I expect the worst here. Edit: a few hours from posting this: a payment was received and others also posting payments on the thread, so still in there with hope.
MyMarketShares - Gotta hand it to Margaret (the admin) she is trying her best. Times are tough, and not as many members or potential members these days, but one thing I feel is a major downfall in these revenue share programs and that is the huge referral commissions paid week after week. Okay the dollars are down as only internal upgrades, but they are mandatory (50%) which gives more life to the program, but I believe the 15% referral commissions should only be paid when fresh money comes in, not on rollovers. JMO of course, and I know I would get shouted down by the referral hounds, but I can state my opinion. There!! So currently MMS is still paying, hopefully this is just a hump in the road.
GoldNuggestInvest (GNI) - still looking great and performing well.
PanaMoney - going great guns still. No signs of slowing (Note: not many of trading days holidays over the break, remembering you don't earn on those no trade days)
Surf-O-Matic (SOM) - Amazing, still a quiet achiever, could really be the one to take off early next year. Even got paid today, but will give the admin a break over Christmas lol
HYIFund - Well only new to me, but the thread shows members being paid each day. No huge roi, but from .5 to 3% ain't bad. You never get your upgrade back, but you earn "forever" (the time the program runs) on your upgrade. I am compounding for a week, then I intend to mount a sum and cashout. :) Great to just set on autocompound over the break and see how things pan out.
So much for a quick wrap up on things lol wrote a novel. rofl cheers!!
Friday, 18 December 2009
HYIFund - Currently offering free $2.50 investment to new members.
Okay, with Christmas coming up very fast and well I got a bit bored lol. Decided to join a HYIP :) nothing spectacular but a reported constant payer. They say they have been around since 2004, but maybe just not where I would trip over it. Won't cost you to join as currently giving away a Christmas bonus. Interest calculated daily. I thought I would let this compound for a week and if possible leave to earn to cash balance for a week and then cashout. Ah, but to cash out you have to at least put $1 in. I would suggest LR as AP is hard on fees, sorta takes the profit out. Anyway it is HYIFund Can join leave on compound, set and forget until after Christmas.
This is taken from the home page, more info is in FAQ's. No surf, so good to come back next year and see how it goes.
"Each day, 7 days per week, an interest payment is calculated and distributed to each member’s available cash balance. These daily interest payments typically range between 0.5% and 3%, however they have been known to exceed these limits when our investments perform exceptionally well.
HYI Fund is currently offering a free $2.50 investment to all new members. Simply sign up for a new account, and you will automatically receive $2.50 deposited to your account. You can compound your profits, or withdraw, whichever you prefer.
What are you waiting for? Its time for you to see how we’re different! " Join Now!
This is taken from the home page, more info is in FAQ's. No surf, so good to come back next year and see how it goes.
"Each day, 7 days per week, an interest payment is calculated and distributed to each member’s available cash balance. These daily interest payments typically range between 0.5% and 3%, however they have been known to exceed these limits when our investments perform exceptionally well.
HYI Fund is currently offering a free $2.50 investment to all new members. Simply sign up for a new account, and you will automatically receive $2.50 deposited to your account. You can compound your profits, or withdraw, whichever you prefer.
What are you waiting for? Its time for you to see how we’re different! " Join Now!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
PremiumAdsClub RevenueShare
A few hours ago I watched my virtual fortune get wiped clean from the slate in PacRevShares. Sorta knew it was coming as there really couldn't have been anything left, and with the open Peter to pay Paul mentality, well that never works really. The keeping of balances with a restart, totally impossible as the restart would never get off the ground starting out so much in debt. For me it is adieu. The Premium Ad$ Club has been a great learning experience, some fond memories, some not so fond. For those who continue, I wish you all well. Just remember to gamble responsibly.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Busy, busy. Boy what a crazy time of year on all fronts. I got home yesterday to find an AP refund payment notice in my inbox from AdsXtreme. Great I got my deposit back, but another disappointment for both members and the admin. That site would have cost an arm and a leg with the design and script, plus hosting plus plus. Shame to see it go to waste really.
The phrase of black December is being bandied about, (note to self: must add to list of possible admins excuses for future reference) What is coming to mind is fashion/trends, they all come around and start to repeat themselves. How I wish for the good old fashioned sites that lasted!! Are we ever going to see that stability again? Not in it's old format, but I believe it is possible. How many times to admins bend to the wishes of members, yeah and mostly members in their ears saying how they want it to feather their own nests. Sure helping with ideas helps, but to deny the backbone members (the multi little guys) even giving the idea a thought as deemed that it will be unpopular. lol really?? ha Never is a change going to be popular, but in the end times could be much happier all round. ( Just me babbling again ~ due to sheer ignorance and greed that puts good reputations into the scammer bucket )
No, I am not delusional or nutz, just down right practical. I also see these days pleny of vocal bloggers out there these days, interviews with "admins", and yeah things are great (meanwhile whispering: join me so I can make money to pay for the time I spend chasingsuckers referrals) and even over stepping the line by publicly posting in threads "hey just did a review on "blah blah" check it out. Strange thing is though, most seem to have the memory of a goldfish or hide as thick as a Rhino. Or do they think we the punters have goldfish memory. huh! lol Now where was I?
The phrase of black December is being bandied about, (note to self: must add to list of possible admins excuses for future reference) What is coming to mind is fashion/trends, they all come around and start to repeat themselves. How I wish for the good old fashioned sites that lasted!! Are we ever going to see that stability again? Not in it's old format, but I believe it is possible. How many times to admins bend to the wishes of members, yeah and mostly members in their ears saying how they want it to feather their own nests. Sure helping with ideas helps, but to deny the backbone members (the multi little guys) even giving the idea a thought as deemed that it will be unpopular. lol really?? ha Never is a change going to be popular, but in the end times could be much happier all round. ( Just me babbling again ~ due to sheer ignorance and greed that puts good reputations into the scammer bucket )
No, I am not delusional or nutz, just down right practical. I also see these days pleny of vocal bloggers out there these days, interviews with "admins", and yeah things are great (meanwhile whispering: join me so I can make money to pay for the time I spend chasing
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Sad but so-be-it.
Stranger things have happened, but here I am a bit sad as RichAliens was some good fun and it's a shame that AP is no longer accepted. For me that means curtains, as all I had to play with was the e currency that is fast becoming the currency that no one really wants to play with any more. sigh. But RA hopefully with member support should be able to get through the dropping of AlertPay. The admin to date has done his side of things well. Time will tell on how the members decide the fate/survival of RA. I wish all abducted well.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
AdsXtreme - Daily 12% x 10 day and Paid on expiry 12% x12 days
Been wanting to join this one since I first saw it, but funds were tied. The site is extremly active and I see some good movement in and out which is always a good sign. Even though it is leading to Christmas I feel this is worth a go. Is a Gotenks script with the Doris signature, as always has a great feel and look and didn't come cheap. Admin is serious spending these dollars and to date running a tight ship. Sharp with the payments, and that in itself is worth some credibility. But as always, gamble responsibily and hopefully bring home some ham for Christmas.
Edit 9th December: Well I was shocked by the sudden closure. From exterior all seemed well. Another victim of good admin, great site, but short sighted members. JMO of course.
Bit of a weekend update :)
RichAliens I performing brilliantly or should I say "outa this world". Heaps of fun and paying and paying. I now have upgrades running in the daily plan, so the 12 days won't feel so long :) Survived round one now into round two. Payments are at the speed of light, and the admin is very responsive.
Surf-o-Matic Only a relative new member, been there a couple of weeks and the admin, RandyM seemes very committed to his site and members. Not online much but is producing outside income for the site, so that in itself is a good thing. He blew me away by sending cash to member's payment processors as an early Christmas present saying thanks to his members for staying with him. I was gifted as well and I only joined recently, but have been watching for awhile. He had some problems in the beginning but revamped the system and is looking good. Currently only a small band of members, but we are being well looked after.
LibertyReserveExpress It has been hot and cold. Alertpay definately has put a downer on the site as the receival fees make a dent in the upgrade to start with, then the charge backs, but no excuse. The members decide what is best for them, whether to play or not, I guess they have made their decision. I was paid some but not others, a hit and miss affair, currently am daily surfing out an upgrade but yet to be instantly paid on it, hopefully I will be paid at least on expiry.
PayItForwardTraffic Seems to be some movement in the back office. Not sure what is happening here other than it will now become a real revenueshare percentage and paid monthly. As usual, time will tell.
Time is flying and we are rolling fast into Christmas. Busy times, but also some gems out there if you still want to be in a good position come 2010.
Surf-o-Matic Only a relative new member, been there a couple of weeks and the admin, RandyM seemes very committed to his site and members. Not online much but is producing outside income for the site, so that in itself is a good thing. He blew me away by sending cash to member's payment processors as an early Christmas present saying thanks to his members for staying with him. I was gifted as well and I only joined recently, but have been watching for awhile. He had some problems in the beginning but revamped the system and is looking good. Currently only a small band of members, but we are being well looked after.
LibertyReserveExpress It has been hot and cold. Alertpay definately has put a downer on the site as the receival fees make a dent in the upgrade to start with, then the charge backs, but no excuse. The members decide what is best for them, whether to play or not, I guess they have made their decision. I was paid some but not others, a hit and miss affair, currently am daily surfing out an upgrade but yet to be instantly paid on it, hopefully I will be paid at least on expiry.
PayItForwardTraffic Seems to be some movement in the back office. Not sure what is happening here other than it will now become a real revenueshare percentage and paid monthly. As usual, time will tell.
Time is flying and we are rolling fast into Christmas. Busy times, but also some gems out there if you still want to be in a good position come 2010.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Still stability
Just like to touch base as all is not gloom and doom, some great sites out there.
PM just keeps on going oi!! Under the radar for a long time, I am now getting pretty casual with my withdrawals here, now only once a week, but could withdraw after each trading day. If you haven't looked at this one, maybe you should. No hyip or hurry bustle. Just cruisy :)
Site has undergone some upgrading, but has been no dramas. From my rocky start with a lost deposit days to a dream ride with weekly stable payments to date. Certainly has helped me this one, and will continue to do so as time rolls on.
PM just keeps on going oi!! Under the radar for a long time, I am now getting pretty casual with my withdrawals here, now only once a week, but could withdraw after each trading day. If you haven't looked at this one, maybe you should. No hyip or hurry bustle. Just cruisy :)
Just thinkin'
Life is full of twists and turns, very much like this biz of trying to unearth the opportunities that are "user friendly" lol. Meaning the ones that the little guy can make some money in. Firstly it must be something that has substance to be funded from internal and external sources. They are out there, just finding them is the hard part. In the past I have joined being "told" that they are the real deal. Of course I am totally accountable for my own participation and so should everyone. What really urks me is the pressure talk about how great "whatever" would be for you and how you can make "x" dollars. lol Stop, look and listen. Look a bit deeper and down the road. Ask yourself questions, like, how can I contribute other than repeatedly making spends to feather others pockets? There has to be something in it for me? The majority of us in this biz are NOT marketeers or those who have downlines or email lists. That is a fact.
Years ago I made extremely good money in the greatest surf ever. 12DP, I know it is a milestone program and I doubt it will ever be topped. Many try, but times and circumstances are different these days. I had no referrals and the program lasted long enough for us, the mainstream members is what we were, to actually make good profits. Today is a different ballgame. When you think it's safe to come out of the water, snap. Investments lost. Looking at the big picture, somebody made money, but it usually seems to be those whom put a little in and take a lot out or they put a lot in knowing to hit and run. Just take note if you read forums. Also beware of the odd big hitter pumping threads. You are probably saying yeah yeah, we know this why go on about it? Well I see so many little guys sucked dry in the gambles we play or watch due to lack of funds lol. I think a change of the silent majority (the little guys) could change the way of things. Just think before you leap. We are all unique human-beings, what's right for one may not be for others. Horses for courses lol Had my gripe for the day, but definately food for thought I think. I hope ya have a good day :)
Years ago I made extremely good money in the greatest surf ever. 12DP, I know it is a milestone program and I doubt it will ever be topped. Many try, but times and circumstances are different these days. I had no referrals and the program lasted long enough for us, the mainstream members is what we were, to actually make good profits. Today is a different ballgame. When you think it's safe to come out of the water, snap. Investments lost. Looking at the big picture, somebody made money, but it usually seems to be those whom put a little in and take a lot out or they put a lot in knowing to hit and run. Just take note if you read forums. Also beware of the odd big hitter pumping threads. You are probably saying yeah yeah, we know this why go on about it? Well I see so many little guys sucked dry in the gambles we play or watch due to lack of funds lol. I think a change of the silent majority (the little guys) could change the way of things. Just think before you leap. We are all unique human-beings, what's right for one may not be for others. Horses for courses lol Had my gripe for the day, but definately food for thought I think. I hope ya have a good day :)
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Surf-O-Matic - ssshhhhh "quiet achiever in action"
Shhhhh quiet achiever. Joined a couple of weeks back, not often you find a little something hidden. Great plans, no big hyip, plain old surf and earn, and a no surf it that's what ya like. :) Now is a great time to join and get settled in your seat. Also just received a member email today, looking good. With me? Definately worth a look.
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