As always gamble responsibly - meaning - be responsible for your spends, remembering high returns come with high risk. Don't bet the rent money or farm. Just finding the safer ones is the key, and this one has the right ingredients to date. Responsive Admin and a realistic outside income stream. If you venture, enjoy
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Xaga Enterprise - Eyes Open? Totally feasable - take a look
As always gamble responsibly - meaning - be responsible for your spends, remembering high returns come with high risk. Don't bet the rent money or farm. Just finding the safer ones is the key, and this one has the right ingredients to date. Responsive Admin and a realistic outside income stream. If you venture, enjoy
Friday, 26 February 2010
Double Funds - Sick of sites that fizzle - great tagline :)
So where do we go with DoubleFunds? Really is probably a safer bet than many. The plans are do-able, I get paid within a reasonable time-frame when I request, also the upgrade at anytime option is great, especially for those of us who forget and surf first. I am sticking with this and if he does have some outside revenue, I could be here for quite awhile. Just work what plan is best for you, but from my past experiences I am not keen on internal upgrading. Withdraw then upgrade. Regular upgrading is the core here. But as always, gamble responsibly and enjoy.
My Market Shares - Revenue Share - no revenue = no share
Macroreturns? He hasn't !!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
NanoMoneyCorp - Welcome to the world of future investments and profit available today!
There are three (3) plans in NanoMoneyCorporation, however they are tiered depending on your level of investment.
1. The Pool Program - (Min investment $100 to Max $1000)daily profit in this investment program would be 1.20% and the investment period is 30 working days also you can withdraw your initial investment.
2. The Venture Program - (Min investment $1000.01 to Max $5000)daily profit here is 1.50%! Your initial investment would be returned in 50 working days
3. The Fund Program and
4. VIP program (astounding the bucks mentioned here) way outa my league so I won't even mention here. But is on website if you want to see.
For me, as always like to have something stable in the group. If you are like me and have repeatedly looked over this one, well maybe it's time to look a bit closer. Your call. lol (As always, gamble responsibily)
Note: it has been pointed out to me that RSS feeds on posts are being delivered as full emails. Looks like I will have to find the switch so you will have to come to The Shed to read all my ramblings. So if you find only a few lines in the email, it means I found the switch. lol Laters
Macroreturns - we wish :) MIA
If the site should disappear, well it will also disappear in the listing on the left hand-side here. We can only hope and if you gambled responsibly it won't hurt too much.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
GoldNuggetInvest - paid my Feb withdrawal - within terms
My take on GNI, honestly it's a big reshuffle, some interesting changes, but if there is real external profits coming in, well who's complaining. I would wait and see how this month finishes off, then how next month goes before settling in again.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
247Shack- 120% ROI - LR, PM, STP, SP
I just received a member email announcing 247Shack is going to be having a weekly referral contest!
The rules are simple:
a) the member with the most number of referrals for the week (Monday to Sunday) will receive $15 to the processor of his/her choice. The amount will be available for withdrawal immediately.
b) the member with the highest referral deposit amount total for the week will receive $25 to the processor of his/her choice. The amount will also be available for withdrawal immediately.
c) and just for fun, every Monday, I will randomly pick a member with an active deposit of $100 or more to receive a $10 bonus to the main processor he/she is using. The amount will be available for withdrawal immediately.
d) any member can win one, two or all of the cash prizes!
So for you entrepreneurs out there here's a better quality product to market and great rewards.
My personal experience so far? No drama's, payments well within a timely manner. Looking forward to grow with the show lol.
So for you entrepreneurs out there here's a better quality product to market and great rewards.
My personal experience so far? No drama's, payments well within a timely manner. Looking forward to grow with the show lol.
Monday, 22 February 2010
HighYield Investment Funds
Check out the daily interest rate being paid here. Thread in MMG started 8th July 2009.
Feb 22, 2010 Interest: 1.14% Feb 21, 2010 Interest: 1.07% Feb 20, 2010 Interest: 1.05%
Feb 19, 2010 Interest: 1.07% Feb 18, 2010 Interest: 1.16% Good huh?
DoubleFunds Email - interesting tactic and points - my response
Did you bump your head? Not that I remember lately :)
Hi AussieLady,
Ive seen a huge slow in support for my program.
I still have enough cash to pay for 5-6 more months,
yet I still get no support from YOU. Generically I know you are talking to all members, however many of us can only do so much. Personally I open the door and let the proof of the pudding speak for itself. (If the opportunity can perform, the members will come.)
Instead I see users posting and making purchases in scam sites.
I opened double funds to push the scams out.
You should know better by now that sites need to have numbers that add up. Of course that is your personal take on those sites, yes I agree some are obvious, however some are probably like yourself and have all the best intentions, but just don't get the support.
I mean every 2 days a new scam site opens and I see you jump into it.
Come on we have seen over 50 sites open and close within the last 4 weeks.
We all know the forum owns almost everyone. Its not like they are even trying to hide it.
Look as the designs. The links and everything all the same as 100 other scams opened by them. Users that jump into sites do so of their own freewill. Heck, we jumped into your's didn't we? If a shopper likes what they see, and for me, if I think I can make some money with what's on offer, I purchase. For the record, I don't join that many sites. But I look :) As for your comment implying that forum owners own almost everyone one of them, well that is a rather bland statement. Which forum owners would that be. Many programs are run by the same group or reincarnated admins, that is obvious, and some are probably forum owners. Anyone can open a forum. As to hiding it, well I must be blond (no offense) but I think you underestimate many of your members. I would say they are more aware than you give them credit for.
I am trying to get the surf world back in action.
But the scam sites are hurting real sites like mine. It must be frustrating from where you sit, but you must also realize from where we sit, we have been told time after time that this is the one to change things. We are all wary, and rightfully so, even if you told us your life story, would that make members join? No. Keep the site running and paying, do something to make it fun. Attract attention. Don't go offering a referral competition lol The average member isn't game to refer anyone to anything these days. (This is my opinion of course, but I can see that I would strike a chord with some of the members if they ever read this)
I mean why would you invest in a site that cant even make it to 3 weeks open?
I have been open for 20 days plus and show that I am here to stay. Me too, as long as I can keep earning
My name is Mark Diamond I am sick of scam sites.
I figured everyone else was too. Your damn right we are, but DoubleFunds has yet to prove itself
I am a honest site yet it seems you would rather go with high fly by night sites that wont last.
If you want to make money the safe way invest with me. I am not going anywhere. We hear ya. But flaming others doesn't always sit well with the crowd :)
Anyhow it is just upsetting to see the industry in a down hill because of 2-3 scam admins opening a new site everyday.
And somehow you bite ... I guess you cannot teach a old dog new tricks.
You know it is you the users letting the forum admins and scam admins keep stealing your money.
When are you going to stop? Scam admins? hmm Forum admins? whatever you call them, well probably as long as time immortal. lol You can't protect people from themselves and plenty of people die trying. All one can do is offer a safe stable environment and eventually they will seek shelter, but still venture out occasionally. It's human nature.
If the numbers dont add up then it wont last.
I know you would like to believe in the money fairy. but its not there.
The only truth in investing is the numbers. Numbers do not lie. Scam admins do. What!! No money fairy lol (joking)
Ive done my part by creating a program where the numbers add up. Would be interesting to see how you work the numbers to add up.
I have also done my part by being here and paying without any trouble.
now go do your part. POST everywhere. Make new purchases. Tell everyone.
Otherwise this industry is done. Without the support of you I do not see a reason to try and save this industry.
Sorry to rattle on but toegether we can save surfing and flurish. I must also apologize for rambling here, will probably be the longest entry in the Shed, however I believe it needed addressing, from my end anyway. I would love to see the industry flourish so the average member could earn, however times have changed. I don't know the answer to what is needed to bring it back, except a dam good paying program, with solid source of outside revenue. That is something that you haven't mentioned, as how you are funding this program. Without new funds, money going out will eventually be more than coming in. Maybe that is something for you to work on and/or advise us.
On another note I have ended all purchase bonus's. Good, as to many that in itself is a red flag
I expect to see you supporting our program for at least the next 3 months. Personally I support any program that is supporting me. lol Keep paying, members keep supporting.
How about if you are a forum user you place your referral link in your sig? There are plenty of ways to advertise, rotators, traffic exchanges plus plus. Reminds me of a huge program last year, I got sick and tired of seeing it everywhere, so I gave in and joined it lol
Mark Diamond
Double Funds
Well there you have it. My thoughts and questions regarding the email. Hopefully someone might read this and give comment. I have overdone myself today. Laters.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Easier access to what the visitor might want to see. Thumbnail listing.
FenixInvest - to be or not to be (the latter I am afraid)
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Nothing ventured, nothing gained >>>> or lost for that matter lol
Hope your days are enjoyable. Mine are hectic and fly too fast, but in the AS and HYIP world it has been a successful day :) A few payments are always good. Received today MacroReturns, HYIFund and also 247Shack Also STP business account has been verified for 247Shack, so it will be added today or probably already is by the time this comes out lol. I note on the payment note with my LR it now says 247Shack Network. A sign of things to come?
Sadly there has been no word from either FenixInvest or FundUpgrader. Looking lost now, but life and opportunities are around. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Assume personal responsibility for both successes and failures.
Happy moneymaking or breaking lol
Sadly there has been no word from either FenixInvest or FundUpgrader. Looking lost now, but life and opportunities are around. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Assume personal responsibility for both successes and failures.
Happy moneymaking or breaking lol
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Don't forget to book your seat for 247Shack
This week is screaming away, but looks like we have some positive things happening, fingers crossed.
Don't forget to book your seat at 247Shack
Payments received from MacroReturns, HYIFunds and also got my first cashout from 247Shack yay.
FenixInvest. Ouch, not sure exactly what to make of that but of course 100% will never know. They are MIA and some random refunds were issued. Very selective I might add, then to have it thrown in your face by a comment of a forum Administrator that he got his refund and didn't care if the program came back or not. Really showing how much he cares for his members, but remember the disclaimer, lol Interestingly he has moved on the beating a different drum now lol (Beware)Gives me at least the thumbsup now as what not to waste time in looking at.
FundUpgrader - currently site MIA. Hard to come back now, however I believe the admin there was trying hard, it is a two way street and if members just leave after the first round, well what can an Admin do? Must be frustrating. But no official word yet, so placed in problems section.
Don't forget to book your seat at 247Shack
Payments received from MacroReturns, HYIFunds and also got my first cashout from 247Shack yay.
FenixInvest. Ouch, not sure exactly what to make of that but of course 100% will never know. They are MIA and some random refunds were issued. Very selective I might add, then to have it thrown in your face by a comment of a forum Administrator that he got his refund and didn't care if the program came back or not. Really showing how much he cares for his members, but remember the disclaimer, lol Interestingly he has moved on the beating a different drum now lol (Beware)Gives me at least the thumbsup now as what not to waste time in looking at.
FundUpgrader - currently site MIA. Hard to come back now, however I believe the admin there was trying hard, it is a two way street and if members just leave after the first round, well what can an Admin do? Must be frustrating. But no official word yet, so placed in problems section.
Monday, 15 February 2010
247Shack - Two plans - great options
New site, Gotenks script and a good combination of plans. Definitely worth a closer look if you are looking for that surf with the criteria that we have been missing. Playing responsibly we have the chance to see some great returns.
Plan 1 - 6% daily of your ad purchase for 20 days in which payment can be requested daily
Plan 2 - 8% daily of your ad purchase for 15 days in which payment can be requested after expiry
As always, gamble responsibly.
Plan 1 - 6% daily of your ad purchase for 20 days in which payment can be requested daily
Plan 2 - 8% daily of your ad purchase for 15 days in which payment can be requested after expiry
As always, gamble responsibly.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Quick update - stay tuned for a great program soon, very soon
Just dropping by to give a quick update on things. Firstly MacroReturns - timely daily payments, looking good. HYIFund is cruising along nicely, XagaEnterprise, Panamoney and NanoMoneyCorp still just plogging along no issues I've seen. NanoMoneyCorp has increased it's minimum initial spend now to $100. So it will cost you more to get in the door.
Surfs, well DoubleFunds with it's unique auto split deposit (sorta inbuilt anti HaR system) has been paying daily and is here to stay if that's what the majority of members want. Admin is doing a great job todate, sorta one of the quiet achiever programs out there. To date, looking very stable from what I can see. Then there's FundUpgrader into the second cycle, so far so good. Daily payments there are timely, no complaints :)
I have probably missed something, but stay tuned.................. something coming very very soon that you might be interested in, a surf site with some great plans. Catch ya laters :)
Surfs, well DoubleFunds with it's unique auto split deposit (sorta inbuilt anti HaR system) has been paying daily and is here to stay if that's what the majority of members want. Admin is doing a great job todate, sorta one of the quiet achiever programs out there. To date, looking very stable from what I can see. Then there's FundUpgrader into the second cycle, so far so good. Daily payments there are timely, no complaints :)
I have probably missed something, but stay tuned.................. something coming very very soon that you might be interested in, a surf site with some great plans. Catch ya laters :)
Monday, 8 February 2010
Macro is back with his new HYIP - MacroReturns
Been waiting to hear from Marco, previous site admin of GouldInvest, which he closed a few weeks back, respectfully. Ran over the holiday season successfully. Promised to return with a site offering members a fair run program, and here it is. A few plans to choose from so best to read up on the site. I am actually hard pressed for time and as it just opened I thought I would give anyone who wanders past the early thumbsup :)
Tick, tock - seems we all live by the clock

Now where are we at today. No surprises, so that's a plus. A couple more payments received today which is always a plus. Panamoney, HYI Fund, FundUpgrader and my current favorite DoubleFunds
Margaret, the admin from MyMarketShares did send a newsletter and came to MMG forum and explained exactly as was thought, no revenue, no share, but will be keeping the site open in hope things might turn around. Personally I would love the situation to change there, however the only ones hanging on would be those like me that are in loss, so unless her investments work miracles and the site is not dependent on new purchases, well you know the story. Not much more to say on this one, except it shows even with a dedicated admin good opportunities can still be killed off by members themselves.
Will work on some better news tomorrow. lol
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Sundays are for lazing. Aren't they?

A couple of payments came my way today. DoubleFunds are paying like clockwork, FundUpgrader is also feeling great and received my payment no problems.
A few weeks back I joined a quiet program FenixInvest of course all the tyre kickers have added opinions, yet I think this one may have a chance so I took the plunge. I chose a weekly payment option and last week received my first cashout, and requested today and yay been paid. STP payment received and an LR one as well :)
With my steady performing programs Panamoney , NanoMoneyCorp and XagaEnterprise I only usually withdraw once or sometimes twice a week. All seems fine with those, but update on NanoMoneyCorp is that minimum is now $100, was $20 before so if you were thinking of getting in it will now cost you more. Great program though.
Time to do some reading and off to bed, early start tomorrow. That dreaded four letter word. W##K
Thursday, 4 February 2010
DoubleFunds - the update I promised yesterday :)
Time and me just don't mix. lol Anyhow, back to where I wanted to comment about DoubleFunds. Interesting this one, as very unlikely to be affected by hit and runners because of the way it is set up. There are two plans here, however you don't choose, it automatically put 50% of each upgrade in each one. Example. Deposit $100 you get $50 in the 10% for 13 days plan and $50 in the 2% for 100 days. Plus there's more!! You can compound some of your earnings as well, $2 min for that function. Just think about it and see how with support this can actually work. No get rich quick plan, but a fairer earning platform. Also you can upgrade even after you have surfed for the day and earn on that upgrade, another thing, cash outs are daily. An interesting way to build a program and keep momentum going. Naturally gamble responsibly.
Also, a little birdie told me that a RMH donation was given yesterday :)
Also, a little birdie told me that a RMH donation was given yesterday :)
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
DoubleFunds - two plans in one. Built for longevity - Worth a look :)
Hot off the press this one. Saw it posted and wow the plans and the script say it all. Will post more asap. Still at work but wanted to give you the "hot" tip if you wander past here. More laters, well sooner than later lol
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Interesting gambling technique - working for nearly a year now
Raining is a happy occassion here, as we don't get that much and it has been dry for so long. Downside is, can't get the washing dry, roads closed. Sigh! Never happy, lol.
Just a touch base on a few things. I have been watching and waiting to get some dollars together to enter the gambling world of comps. XagaEnterprise say they are the one and only investment program based on casino comps, which virtually is a guaranteed income source the way he does it. Check out the videos and see how he does it, also do some of your own due diligence. Of course there is no 100% guarantee that he will be around in another years time, but if you play smart returns are very feasible. Nearly be running a year, so definitely worth a look. Sort of another quiet achiever really. Around but not that popular. As always enter at your own risk and gamble responsibly.Again time has got away from me, been meaning to catch up here everday since my last post, but busy, busy busy. Be back later.
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