I wander round a few of the forums and read who and what is said about what and who. Regular cat n mouse stuff lol Yes, old habit, but there are some classical annotations getting about. Some great use and abuse of the English language. On visiting a certain monitor site, geez I which they would change there domain, and name as it really is a minefield for the unknowing. OMG and don't step in without your suit on. lol I am sure most of you can add up and do basic maths concerning a program's offers. However, it seems at least two of the so called "well respected industry guru's" can't work out how many working days in a week. Guess that is understandable considering they probably don't work jobs like the rest of us do. Therefore giving false information to their list/followers. Can't believe that so many unwary followers just follow blindly. If simple maths is beyond a priority when the incorrect results actually were used the term as a ploy for reeling in their masses, one really has to ask the question. How credible are they? I already know the answer,evidently their vision is their own back pocket, after that, nothing matters. Okies, had my gripe for this week lol Until I get annoyed enough to post my rants here again. Tis very frustrating this world :)
Thursday, 29 April 2010
29/04/2010 Overall update and rant session
I wander round a few of the forums and read who and what is said about what and who. Regular cat n mouse stuff lol Yes, old habit, but there are some classical annotations getting about. Some great use and abuse of the English language. On visiting a certain monitor site, geez I which they would change there domain, and name as it really is a minefield for the unknowing. OMG and don't step in without your suit on. lol I am sure most of you can add up and do basic maths concerning a program's offers. However, it seems at least two of the so called "well respected industry guru's" can't work out how many working days in a week. Guess that is understandable considering they probably don't work jobs like the rest of us do. Therefore giving false information to their list/followers. Can't believe that so many unwary followers just follow blindly. If simple maths is beyond a priority when the incorrect results actually were used the term as a ploy for reeling in their masses, one really has to ask the question. How credible are they? I already know the answer,evidently their vision is their own back pocket, after that, nothing matters. Okies, had my gripe for this week lol Until I get annoyed enough to post my rants here again. Tis very frustrating this world :)
29/04/2010 Rogerville - 44% profit after 12 days. No hiding, here's the plan
As always, gamble responsibly.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
28/04/2010 Staunch Finance - Surpassed the 400 members mark
Dear members,
I apologize for not giving any updates the past day or so as it has been busy around here in my household. Anyway, just a few things:
1. We are currently at 448 members and that means somebody won our ongoing referral contest again! Congratulations to member#400 moha444 and upline Globablnymph! Now onto member# 500, keep up the great work!
2. In a few days, many of the high-ROI portion (20% x 6 business days) of your investments will mature. May I request that when you get paid, please post payment proofs on the various forum threads that we have. Post a payment screenshot and we will award some of you cash prizes directly to you account.
Here are some of our forum threads:
3. Speaking of forums, what do you think about having our very own forum?
4. I'm still finalizing the rules of the new contest I'm thinking about, it's not exciting enough for my taste. I might send the rules tomorrow or Thursday. Also, if any of you have any unique contest ideas, please send them to staunchfinances@gmail.com and put on the subject 'CONTEST IDEA' and explanation on the body. If we use your idea then we will obviously award you some cash prizes also.
Thank you for all the wonderful support! You all will be glad that you are pioneers of this revolutionary program. Have a great day!
Not much else to say on SF as really is only early days and of course the proof is in the pudding. Strategy in hand I'm here for the long haul, certainly going to play by the respend rules in this one. A bit for me and remainder back in the pot. You just never know in this biz what is around the corner, so if you gamble responsibly, take responsibility for you actions or in some cases in-actions, who knows where this will lead. Looking forward to the ride :)
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
29/04/2010 Feel the Power - Hydro-Funds
Achievable with repeat spending. 7% Daily for 18 Days - Daily Payments -5% Referral Bonus - Active Members Only - Min spend $3.00. To date this site is pushing the boundaries with new members joining daily and admin keeping a lid on maximum total upgrade of $600. Of course will be assessed from time to time by Alzander. Payments are daily on request, but are all done manually for security so give Alzander time. Sometimes payments seems instant, depends on his payruns. Certainly has stepped up to the plate and now is a great time to join. Nothing really to report as no issues here, just request, get paid and upgrade. Pleasant change in pace here.
Also got to use that great graphic of oPatricko (MMG member) Splashes some nice colour on the post.
You are welcome to test the waters in HydroFunds and don't forget to drop by the MMG thread, having some fun there.
Also got to use that great graphic of oPatricko (MMG member) Splashes some nice colour on the post.
You are welcome to test the waters in HydroFunds and don't forget to drop by the MMG thread, having some fun there.
28/04/2010 - Investband - Multi Plans - 6% for 20 days paid daily to start with
Below is taken directly from the site. As of today I don't see Comodo Cert. But already had my feet wet before the STP issue. So in for the ride and prepared to sit it out and see how she goes. lol Quite probable it can do ok really. But of course time will tell. I waited until I received my first payment, which I got in nano seconds lol Must have requested right at the right time. Will keep this one posted, as sometimes the obvious is not necessilary the end. All in the risks we take.

Fact is I don't quite see everything they have listed as being available.
There are plenty of plans to chose from, however considering I would only be interested in the first two which are 6% daily for 20 day, paid daily [120% Total returned in 20 days] or 1.2% for 30 days, paid daily and principle returned on request at completion of the 30 days [Total profit 36%]
Investband is only 2 days old, so not much to report at this stage. Due for daily payments, so sure to be changing my payment status and dates to suit.
Golden Rule: Gamble Responsibly
Sunday, 25 April 2010
25/04/2010. Staunch Finances - Looking for member 300 It could be you!
Dear members,
Hope you are having (or had) an awesome weekend! As I promised on my last newsletter, I was going to announce a contest. There's going to be two contests, one is ongoing and the other one has a time limit. I will be discussing the ongoing one for now and send a separate email for the other one anytime this week. I am still finalizing some of the details.
Ok, I think I need to give you this stat for the contest, we currently have 282 members. Every 100th member starting at 300 will get a cash prize. I will base their prizes on the member number meaning the 300th member and his referrer will both get $30 to their accounts, the 400th member and upline will get $40 each, 500th member and upline $50 each, and so on and so forth. This way, everybody gets a chance and not only the major promoters, bloggers and monitors. Don't get me wrong, I highly respect them for what they do but they already make a lot of money with commissions. They still do have a higher chance of winning though but at least everybody gets a chance.
That's it and good luck everyone! Thank you for all the support!
P.S. For those new members who haven't read my last newsletter, please click on 'Newsletters' at the bottom of the SF main page. Thank you again!
In a nutshell, currently have 282 members, at 300 members that member will receive $30 !! How good is that? So pick who you want to join and get in, it might be you.
I think it is a great idea to get attention to this program, which btw is not paying monitors, it is up to the members to get out there and show support, which I don't have a problem with personally as long as they deliver to all members the service they are implying. So far, it's early days, but a great time to join. I have a suspicion the sign-up to 300 members will fill pretty fast. Take a look if you haven't already, Staunch Finances - could be the one to change the direction of this industry. Don't wanna miss out do ya?
Edit: Yep didn't take long and member 300 joined, so onto the next level - Member 400, same deal.
25/04/2010. HydroFunds - Growing Great - Responsible Thinking Admin
The great stats shown was the high percentage of members who have in fact upgraded. Which is a testimony to the dedication of this admin.
Ok, we are looking at a HYIP, but not too over the top with returns. Achievable with repeat spending. 7% Daily for 18 Days - Daily Payments -5% Referral Bonus - Active Members Only - Min spend $3.00
HydroFunds tag line is FEEL THE POWER! Certainly characterizes what can be achieved here.
Why did I say in the title "responsible thinking admin"? Take a look around and see the incredible offers made in this biz, and Alzander right from the start put the cap on total upgrades at $500, just yesterday he increased it to $600. Sorta keeps a cap on those hit and runners. Repeat spending is what's needed here, that way we all help each other.Min upgrade is $3.
You are welcome to test the waters in HydroFunds.
(Classy graphic by opatricko - MMG)
25/04/2010. Manor Trust - working seemlessly
Latest email from CEO
For the week ending April 24th, 2010, Manor Trust gained a profit of $36,900 across our investments. With our active investments into the southeast Asian markets, Manor Trust is continuing a highly profitable streak since the beginning of this year. Manor Trust thanks you our investors for your overwhelming support. Several hot products with parts coming from the southeast Asian tech world, such as the iPad are still fueling high profits for Manor Trust. With a new investment of $650,000 into southeast Asian electronics manufacturing, we plan on seeing our profits soar even higher.
A reminder for all of our investors, as a small dividend and token of appreciation for the success we have been having, we have instituted a small deposit bonus. You can view more information on the limited time dividend from us (Deposit Bonus) for new deposits of at least $500 at this address: https://manortrust.com/index.php?a=news#8
Deposit Bonus Dividend:
$500 to $9999 - 5% bonus
$10000+ - 8% bonus
Thank You,
Timothy Alexander
President of Manor Trust
What do they do? They say they are offshore based Asset Managers and are incorporated in the Seychelles, certificate of this is shown on home page of website.
25/04/2010. Time you had that second look at Alpha Money
Since I first joined Alpha Money I have had time to have a good look around and also got used to their unique script, plus been paid. (Yeah the main thing hey?)
These guys seem serious, as the security here is one of the best I have seen, if not the best. You need firstly your logon password to get in, as usual, however you also have a security password to do anything in your back office, that in turn is validated by a pin sent to your email. Considering issues in the past with other big sites this is a great foresight from the script developers here.
There are many plans to chose from, so I won't go into details as they can all be seen when you access the site, however there are principle returned ones and principle included in payments. This is a long term HYIP type setup, and if they are in fact trading, well that's the risk we take. But certainly we are dealing with professionals here shown not just by the script by COMODO Secured Point to Verify Certificate (displayed bottom right had corner of website)
So head over and have a look, instant payments, auto compounding if interested. This has it all. Definately worth the time and effort to take a look. I also notice that cookies are enabled here, so if you are contemplating joining, clear all cookies first and use a fresh window,before proceeding. I even use a different browser just to signup :) Better to join under someone who you want, instead of a clever marketer.
This site is rather different, but once inside and poking around it will all fall into place. As returned are issued after trading days, now is the time to check it out and get ready to start the new trading week. Note: not convinced totally if this is the real deal however prospects do look incredibly good to earn here over a long period of time. Take a peek!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
24/4/2010. Autopilot sites?? Come on, it's either over or not
Now being positive lol Margaret if you do clean up the site, give us a member email, ok? But either take the site down or do your maintenance!
24/4/2010. HYIFund - Hiccup Time??
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
PanaMoney - Technical Enhancement Upgrade April 21 - April 28
Dear Client,
The previously announced new trading system will start its implementation. The procedures will require all payment processors integration and technical upgrade and planned to be executed within April 21 - April 28. The period is included into non-trading days not affecting the investment periods of current investments.
After the integration, all active investments as well as new will be automatically traded with the new trading system, which during its testing stage has demonstrated 20% performance increase compared with the current interest average for all currency pairs.
All accounts will be accessible with the non-trading transactions available, as well as the procedures like bank transfer validation, etc. performed in usual manner.
Sorry for the inconvenience and looking forward to the better profits with our new system.
Sincerely yours,
Customer Support,
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
STAUNCH finances - looks like someone has been reading my mail lol
Each deposit to Staunch Finances is split into 2.
50% goes to a short-term High-ROI Plan - 20% Daily for 6 Business Days. This portion of your deposit is paid upon expiry.
50% goes to a long-term Medium-ROI Daily Plan - 2.5% Daily for 56 Business Days. The returns for this portion of your investment are paid daily upon request.
Feasible? I think so. Built for longer term? Has the right ingredients. Site security? Gotenks script (say no more) Admin: I see admirable service in the past and has really given this some serious thought.
Up for the challenge? Want to be adventurous? Why not? This just could be the barrier breaker from old to new style. Become a Staunch Financier!!
Ha ha, thought I might forget my warning? Nah >> as always, gamble responsibly.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Hydro-Funds - HYIP daily cashouts 7% for 18 days
The site also states this, an extract from FAQ's:
Can I lose on hydro-funds
There is risk involved. If advertising sales/RC/listing fee's ect from my income source ground to a halt we would have to reconsider the % ,plan ect.I will do my best to make sure everyone at least draws even.I will be taken a 5% fee for setup/hosting costs.
Can i trust admin not close up shop and run?
Yes 100%
Can i trust you as a member to support the site and dont do a HAR??
Lets hope so ! After all its not just oneway traffic is it? Its a twoway street. You support me and i will be here for you.
I will give Kevan my support and hopefully the more that do join we can all share in the spoils. Hydro-Funds, feel the power!! lol can feel my feet getting wet for starters. Wanna join me, should be a good ride.
This is a great part of the program. TOTAL ADPACK VALUE IS $500 meaning, you are allowed up to 10 purchases max, but you cannot exceed $500 in total. Now that is a great call by Alzander. Gives the rest of of us a chance to roll along, as hit and runners well it won't hurt the program so hard.
Usual rules apply, gamble responsibly.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Manor Trust turning a profit
Manor Trust Profit update
Manor Trust is reporting to our investors a total of a 6% increase in profit from the entire spectrum of our investment portfolios. With the active Forex trading into southeast Asian currencies as well as southeast Asian tech company investments, we have garnered a 6% increase in profits. For the week ending in April 17th, 2010, a profit was $62,300 was garnered. With the introduction and continuing successful sales of the Apple iPad portable computer has also helped us make a larger than average increase of profit. As usual, I am Timothy Alexander, President of Manor Trust, reporting on our weekly status.
As a reminder to our investors and those who viewed our website prior to the display of our corporate certificate, we have now made that available for viewing. You may view our corporate certificate on our website.
Timothy Alexander
President of Manor Trust
Friday, 16 April 2010
Alpha-Money - worth a look see
I have been paid also and it seems that LR is automatic, but reading forum threads AP might not be. Not 100% sure on that one, but of course wouldn't be hard to find out.
Interesting times ahead I feel. Will keep ya posted.
Is there anyone out there that can give me advice on making swf to gif?? Help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Thursday, 15 April 2010
ManorTrust - 2.4% for 70 calender days.
This is from the "About Us" page: Impressive speil :)
About us
Manor Trust is an offshore asset management group investing in diverse emerging economies around the globe since 2002. Manor Trust employs a global group of asset managers and bankers with at least 10 years of experience. With the introduction of our online unit, we are fulfilling our goal to bring global investing home. Whether you are an average investor at home, a corporation, or an investment adviser, Manor Trust is here to help you reach your financial goals in times of global recession.
Manor Trust's team of asset managers and bankers have years of experience in seeking investments in emerging economies. Our team manages multiple and diverse international investments to bring profit to Manor Trust members. Our members can focus on the core of their lives while our team focuses on global asset management to meet our member's financial goals. Manor Trust has had positive and impressive results since 2002. We are your top investment choice for investing in emerging economies globally.
Naturally, usual rules apply >>> Gamble responsibly
Friday, 9 April 2010
Have your say with what you want to a successful program Admin!! Here's your chance, don't miss it
Well time is winding down and many are asking what is next? Surf-o-Matic.com has been in service for more then a full year. We started out as a high ROI site. That did not work so we took the summer to recoup and revamp the plans and start new plans. NO ONE lost.Time to get vocal say something. Ok? Not everyday you get a chance to spread some light touched with experiences. A bit of history of SOM can be gleaned from reading the MMG thread, here's a link for easy access. It is time for a change so give it some thought and contact Randy via the support link or post in the forum. Invoking member interest and a feasible site, let's see what we can come up with. Also Randy earns external income, so let's start asking questions :) Together we might be able to come up with a realist workable site.
Time continued and surfs lost steam However, our members stuck with us. Since last summer even interest in the paying sites has died and even the forums show very few surf sites still around and no new ones coming out. Surf-o-Matic only has 17 active members meaning of our 267 members only 17 have an active upgrade. Of the 17 members all but about 5 upgrades will end within a few days. Surf-O-Matic only has 3 members who are not yet in profit but will be within a very short time.
This leaves me asking the questions of our members.
Whats Next?
I would love to continue to serve our members, But surf sites is not a viable option, Just not enough members left in the surf industry.
Hyips are still booming and several start every day.
So since It is ultimately the members who will be the deciding factor I would like to know what YOU as a member would like to see happen from here? I would love nothing more then to hear form all members current, Past and even possible future members.
Your welcome to use the contact form on the site and even discuss in the MMG forum as I will be checking that as well.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Surf-O-Matic - Site back up and paying!!
Update 7 April: Upgrade button is disabled. Waiting to hear from Admin regarding the future of SOM. Makes you wonder what he has in mind. Let everyone earn until no upgrades left? Then start something else? Who knows, no doubt in time we shall see.
Xaga Enterprise - Ever hopefull, BUT ???
Saturday, 3 April 2010
GNI - Shocked by email !!!
The New Program:
We have completed a Narrative detailing our new project. It is our intention to keep this program and process absolutely private. Those of you who are interested need to submit a ticket at this link: http://gniforum.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Our new project will require a minimum deposit amount of $1,000.00, and in shares / blocks of $1,000.00. In this ticket we need your current GNI Username and the
approximate amount of "shares" (blocks of $1,000.00) you expect to purchase. Keep in mind, there will be no 'TEST SPENDS' permitted.
Ok, $1000, no test spends??? meaning??? Hmmm once locked in, locked in?
This is a very serious program and will require extensive effort on our end, please keep this in mind when making decisions.
Now this bit gets me. Serious program: check Extensive effort admins end: check ~ Keep in mind when making decisions?? Meaning hmmm - if they loose don't blame us, we tried? or it is ultra risky? or who knows what will happen, but give us your money and if we lose, well we told you to keep it in mind when making decisions. Sorry for reading or miss-reading here, but what the heck is he getting at? If no outside info is forthcoming to possible members, well how does one make an informed decision?
Easter Greetings:
At this time, we would like to take a moment to wish all a very happy Easter. Take a moment to reflect on all the good that you have going on in your life. We know many of you are struggling. This hasn't gone by us unnoticed or unscathed. We are confident the second half of 2010 will only be better for us all. reading or miss-reading here, but what Well I certainly don't know how the second half of the year with GNI Private is going to help those struggling, maybe the "better for us all" is on his level. Geez who can afford $1k min. on an ambiguous gamble? (Maybe I live on the non-affluent side of the planet? I know many US members could not afford this, so maybe these guys have lost touch with the real world?)
Thank You all Once Again,Dunno about the rest of us, but seems the rich get richer. At least I can sleep at night knowing that I haven't fleeced anyone. I will stick with honestly and upfrontedness. Is there such a word? lol This is purely my take on the situation at hand.
Robert and the Reduced in Size, GNI TEAM
Always remember whatever anyone tells you, at the end of the day it's your decision whatever you do. There will always be the "I shoulda" or "I shouldn't have" ~ Gamble responsibly, you can gain or flip-side is lose without too much pain.
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