Yeah right!! You probably get them all day everyday. But to newbies out there, this is a trap. I do try and check some of them out as they could be something. To date none have responded to my inquiry, and not surprising. For many years I have thought that all these opt-in mail services are a bit of a con.
Dear Sir or Madam,
This message has been send to you by Make 1000's Weekly Online, No Scams, No Hype to inform you about our web site
Your will find detailed information about golf courses and special green fee discounts on this web site.
Visit us at
Hi Enterpreneur,
Congratulations....You’re about to change your
life for the better. Take a look and read some
of the info's that I am presenting to you.
How Many Emails Can You Process A Day?
Can You Process 30 Emails a Day? If You Can...
You'll Earn $750.00 Every Day.
If you are serious and motivated like I am,
this is your Once in a lifetime Opportunity!
Visit The Link Below or Paste To Browser:
Best Regards,
Ruth Hugheman
I'm building my integrity as your TRUSTED source.
You can always expect that I only offer the one
that will deliver good results to you.
To get things in perspective from my side of things as I see it. For 10 years or so now I have been involved in one way or another making money online. Okay I don't have what people call a downline or an email list, I have always just poked around and made and of course lost money in various opportunities, but overtime I am still ahead with earnings. Not everyone can refer people. I am of the belief that if I join a program, which of course I only join if I see potential of earning there, from my own money, never relying on referrals, then I will add the link here and keep the site updated with how I am doing.
Of course I am always on the lookout of something that will work for me, and there must be plenty of others that are in the same boat as me. Hence looking at a few of the not-so-spammy emails. My beef is that their are so many what could be good opportunities that if driven by the right people, not just email spamming, (yes I consider the no-reply emails as spam) well to me this is doing more harm to the industry than many seem to think.
Ok, lol I admit I am a hard sell. Been round the block too many times to think that everything is a worthwhile venture. However, if these anonymous emailers were in a position to spell out clearly and be contactable, would there not be some better decision making? So if you find yourself presented with the best of the best claim, look closer at the fine print. Note: down the bottom of most of these splash pages is an earnings disclaimer!! yep, check it out (oh, not in this one, ha ha the link doesn't even work!) but saying it is guarenteed you will earn x amount then the disclaimer usually says something like >>> this is based on the highest possibility, and depends on members marketing ability >>> talk about cover their butt lol.
This was just something I wanted to share with whoever stumbles across this post. The moral of the story? If you have what you believe to be a great opp. don't SPAM it, only deters as many have wised up to the systems used.
Take care and live life. I hope I may have saved someone losing hard earned money.