Hello AussieLady
It is with mixed emotions that I inform everyone today that RogerVille has to close today. I watched as the deposits declined the past week. Now it has reached its last day online, with only less than $100 deposited today and about the same yesterday and some hundreds the past weeks. The support that RogerVille has received has declined by a huge margin. This is because of the thinking of many that at this stage a program is not worth depositing more into anymore because it has reached 30 days? Well I hope this attitude of depositors stop soon because this is what killed RogerVille. It may be applicable to some sites but supposed to not be on RogerVille.com.
Please be advised that the deposits today are to be refunded fully. And that is all that we can do as you know this is how I handle sites I have when I close them. No refunds are issued because everyone knows what they are getting into and not an investment site. Everything up front and all cards laid in front of you.
You know how serious I am when I manage my sites and yet some still do not play it with me. We had a good site going but the terrible attitude of too old, too late thing killed it. Next time please, when I am the admin, be assured that I will only manage the program properly and so you can continuously support it so we can make a long lasting program.
We just need to eliminate that attitude that kills programs.
I will be online in 8 hours. Depositing has been disabled already. Please spread the news.
Your account name is AussieLady
You have been registered: 2010-04-29 15:30:41
Saturday, 29 May 2010
29/05/2010 - RogerVille has now ended
Just received this email in the inbox. Well Roger gave it his best shot. I was into my third cycle, but not to be.
Friday, 28 May 2010
29/05/2010 - InvestiHeaven - 2 plans - straight out HYIP game
Ok, plans. Well 144% after 12 days (of course includes your deposit) or 10% daily for 12 days. (120% total so gives 20% profit but reduces risk by daily cashouts)
With this industry the way it is maybe 10% a day cashout would be the best option. Either way it's a gamble. Remember this is a straight up game. I will be posting payments daily as I chose the daily plan. Good luck :)
28/05/2010 - Nothing lasts forever
Why I consider these all as games? Because I would never expect to make a full time living from this. Certainly some extra dollars can and is made. But it is ridiculous for anyone to believe that financial independence can be achieved from one or even a small hand full of good programs. Notice I said good? I don't join too many programs as there aren't, what I consider too many good ones about. I was a member of some of those big programs that have recently either just disappeared or are putting on a facade that they are doing refunds. They did last long enough for a lone player to make some money, and my gamble in those paid off. Of course I left some dollars with them, but I was more than happy with the return I made. "Refunds" now that is a word that gripes me. Rarely it ever happens, and if it does it is only piecemeal as bait for something else. Of course this is just my opinion, but that's how I read from the outside and I do plenty of reading :)
There are plenty of program admins out there willing to take your money. OK? We've all been there. Here today, gone tomorrow. Picking a safer bet is what I try to do. No one is perfect, but I certainly don't scream the world is ending if I lose. From the moment I send my deposit/upgrade whatever phrase is used, well the money is gone. Given to a total stranger and then I play the game. Each time I get paid, of course I'm happy and why shouldn't I be. I am increasing my chances of having a win, or as some put it reducing my loss. Same as whether you say a cup if half full or half empty. lol
Okies I have given a broad spectrum of how it all works for me. Yes I take a huge risk, but I am accountable for my actions. I do take longer to realize a profit on my money than most others as I don't have a team or do I offer any services like monitors do. But a total freelancer can make some dollars in this industry, just playing smart with selective choices and going in with a plan. Sticking to it.
more to come > just have been feeling a bit off these last few days
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
I am sorry to announce we are unable to continue Manor Trust. Not too long ago, $9000 was stolen from our Liberty Reserve Account using a API hack. We were able to protect our account afterwards, but we were never able to catch up after $9000 just vanished from our accounts. Slowly but surely our ability to repay investors got worse. We tried our best to continue. In the end we were not able to.
Thank You,
Timothy Alexander
That is exactly how volitile this game is. No words, just there it is. Fact in cyberspace. Ah well. I am outa pocket on this one. Looked and felt like a good punt, great site but looked liked security wasn't the best. If you gambled responsibly it shouldn't have hurt too much. It's the risk we take.
26/05/2010 - HYIPs vs Surfs (either manual or auto)
The purpose of today's post is to see what really is the difference between the two categories as I see it. HYIPs are probably less work for both Admins and players, and of course the less work on servers. These days, well since the higher ROI surf came in like 12DP and even probably back to 4Daily times, where the ROI (oh Rate Of Interest) in surfs increased, well I see very little difference as a player. Same odds, but it did show more commitment as having to surf the allocated number of sites to earn for the day. So there was always the possibility of a no earning and this would favor the Admin. I don't know if many remember those old surfing days, bit it took real commitment to surf either 50 or 100 pages, depending on each sites requirements, also we had quite a few sites to surf back then. Used to take some hours, with frame-breakers and all. lol The 1% per day was worth it, believe me. (sigh - reminiscing the good old days)
Okay, having said that. Basicly bottom line is no difference between the two. The only main difference is in the false belief of actually being something real. All the angles have been tried and coming up with new spiels is quite entertaining.
>>> more to come
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
25/05/2010-Independent voice
Anyone who takes the time to read here should by now realize I am not a monitor. I don't do reviews and I don't do interviews. I should wear the label of an independent, because that is what I am. A lone player who picks and chooses where I play. I don't accept bribes. I post here and on forums my experiences and views on current programs, the industry and just industry in general related stuff. I NEVER have or will send emails or PM's to others asking them to join me in anything. On occasions I do get a referral or two, but they have joined either through my sig on a forum or here in the shed. So they chose me, and I offer as I see if info here and always to gamble responsibly. I do have RSS feed emails for those who wish to receive emails on new posts here.
Also I am a member of a few forums, and use the same username in them all. Same pic and if sigs are allowed, one of the links will lead here. I have nothing to hide, no hidden agenda, just a player who chooses to be visible and hopefully make some money, have some fun. It is a social outing for me, plus a chance to share my experiences of factually posting when I do in fact get paid, or helping someone with something in a program, also being able to ask questions to others if I am not understanding procedures.
I have been branded as a "cheerleader", "pimp" and part of a team. None of those are correct in the context that was intended by the accuser. Which still to date has not addressed my response to the accusations. However by ignoring me has shown how ignorant that person is, also how "ill-informed" people can be. Assumption is a key word. Heck I can assume many things, but whether they are true or not is harder to back. To use one's position to slanderous personally attacking someone in a forum, and getting away with it, is ludicrous. So over the next few days I will post here my thoughts and experiences, or more to the point, how I see things in this industry.
Why?? Because it will give people an independent view on how things work. Maybe I see two sides of the coin, maybe not. But should give food for thought.
Also I am a member of a few forums, and use the same username in them all. Same pic and if sigs are allowed, one of the links will lead here. I have nothing to hide, no hidden agenda, just a player who chooses to be visible and hopefully make some money, have some fun. It is a social outing for me, plus a chance to share my experiences of factually posting when I do in fact get paid, or helping someone with something in a program, also being able to ask questions to others if I am not understanding procedures.
I have been branded as a "cheerleader", "pimp" and part of a team. None of those are correct in the context that was intended by the accuser. Which still to date has not addressed my response to the accusations. However by ignoring me has shown how ignorant that person is, also how "ill-informed" people can be. Assumption is a key word. Heck I can assume many things, but whether they are true or not is harder to back. To use one's position to slanderous personally attacking someone in a forum, and getting away with it, is ludicrous. So over the next few days I will post here my thoughts and experiences, or more to the point, how I see things in this industry.
Why?? Because it will give people an independent view on how things work. Maybe I see two sides of the coin, maybe not. But should give food for thought.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
23/05/2010 - First month survived - Staunch achievement
Saturday, 22 May 2010
22/05/2010 - Invest who???
Friday, 21 May 2010
22/05/2010 Lay time for Alpha?
Serious problem
We are sorry to tell you, that yesterday we had a serious problem with our script and the earnings were credited to your account twice. We were trying to solve this problem in order to pay you all the money today at 9 (UTC-5). But unfortunately, we have to tell you, that the problem will be solved only tomorrow at 9 (UTC-5). Everything will be alright and you have nothing to worry about. Sorry for this problem. Best regards, Guillermo Hernandez . CEO at Alpha-Money.
08:40 » 19.05.2010
Well yeah is a pretty serious problem when there has been silence every day since. There seems to be nothing wrong with the site, but they still have purchase facilities open and no earning have been posted, plus the timer on the earnings isn't working. Definitely do NOT spend. It is the weekend now, so maybe, just maybe we might at least hear something. It is so early in this program I feel, unless all that money obviously spend on the site has been recovered and the admins decided to call it quits. Nothing known for sure, but currently on an "on hold" status.
22/05/2010 The power came and it went
22/05/2010 PanaMoney - seems finally off the radar
Monday, 10 May 2010
10/05/2010. RockSolidFund - new release [edited 13/5/2010]
13/5/2010 Edited to update: Well as I said I went in here "by the seat of my pants" lol Well I made it to cashout on my first 24 hour stint. Yep got paid the days earnings. However since then, I have been unable to access my account, due to incorrect login details, so the site says. I know they a true and correct. I did't received any member emails about the problem, but on reading the thread on MMG hackers have been in and done some damage. To what extent I don't know for sure, however it seems that some accounts have been affected. Mine evidentally was one of them. Why some and not others I don't know. Wouldn't even hazard a guess. Probably luck of the draw. There are other members that have had no problems and continue to get paid daily. But with the days ticking by I have decided to accept a loss. I have removed any links to the site. But for those who want to play, I am sure you can find it. As always remember whatever happens, you have to take responsibility for your own actions. I took the gamble, with the good and the bad. Simple. Ya live and ya learn. :)
Sunday, 9 May 2010
9/05/2010 - In need of a good HYIP?
He stepped up to the hyip world opening his own site Hydro-Funds. As always it is the hit and runners who do the damage to a site that has a good reputable Admin with the right intentions. Seen it many times in the past. To counteract that, he opened with a total account max of $500. Now to me this really made Hydro-Funds even more achievable to last. Alzander keeps his eye on things and re-assess it every few days, so here we are after 19 day it is only $900. To me the rate of return and the cap of max upgrades along with member support, his outside revenue (monitor site plus ads) it is achievable. Actually I am sure once or twice I have used the phrase about "a two way street" but on reading the FAQ's in the site, well he doesn't mince words. Extract for easy reference to FAQ's:
"What makes me different from other long term mmg supporter members who have started their own hyip?
Well i cant vouch for other members intentions or what their plan was when they started their own hyip. But i can say that i have thought this through and i am well aware of the negative vibes that will come my way.I have been around for a long time, All info in verified pp's, domain , hosting ect is not made up and i am who i say i am.All info is widely available for everyone to see. I have nothing to hide.
Can i trust admin not close up shop and run?
Yes 100%
Can i trust you as a member to support the site and dont do a HAR??
Lets hope so ! After all its not just oneway traffic is it? Its a twoway street.
You support me and i will be here for you."
Okies, with all that said here we are today with 628 members and 403 of them active, and the proof in the pudding, all payments up to date and received in a timely mannor.
What does the immediate future hold for Hydro-funds you ask. To me, I see the program already breaking the mould. Why don't you join and be a part of it. This one has more reason's to join that most out there. Please consider. Hydro-Funds - the hyip that pays :) So if you are here in need of a good HYIP, and who isn't?? Well ya just found it. All players welcome. Accepts LR, SP and STP - no AP (which is another good call by Alzander)
As always, gamble responsibly :)
Saturday, 8 May 2010
8/05/2010 - Has the new revolution in the HYIP industry begun?
Problems to date has been the communication with email. I haven't received any but by signing into the site each day the latest news is presented infront of you and have to accept that you have read it to go to the members area. Good one. At least it is a way to keep us all up to date.
My second cycle has matured (in the high earning split) and I was paid, but being on the weekend with no earnings I decided to wait until Sunday evening server time to deposit again. This is a slower to get into profit program, (don't get me started, sorry joke elsewhere) but I feel by the repeat spending it will work out for the better the way I work.
Remember do your own sums and enjoy the ride/benefits. Usual rules apply.
8/05/2010 Alpha-Money? Real deal? Worthwhile punt if you ask me
So where do I stand in all of this? Ha, I have a vested interest and will continue to watch for changes, but only early days yet and payments being instant on request makes it a better way to judge management here.
So if your looking for a better odds gamble like me, I would be taking a punt here. As always, gamble responsibly :)
8/05/2010. ManorTrust - impressed so far
Depending on the amount of your investment, you will either earn 2.4% or 2.8% daily for 70 calendar days. At the end of 70 calendar days 100% of your principal is also returned.In anyone's books that's a nice return. Of course the usual rules apply, there are no guarantees in life, but a move here might be worth your while.
Friday, 7 May 2010
7/05/2010. InvestBand - Pays daily
A member email was sent out a few hours ago from the management
As you may already know, we have been paying and clearing cashouts daily within a few hours, since the site launched a few days ago.
We are asking for your support in helping us build a solid and lasting program. The support we ask is for you to spend a minute or two to vote for us in forums and monitors to prove to everyone that you are really receiving your payments.
Some of the forums are located here: http://www.investband.com/forums.php
Our monitors are located here: http://www.investband.com/rateus.php
You can also support us by referring others. You will be paid 5% of all investments made by those referred by you.
One thing you should understand about a long term program is that it requires the support of everyone to remain so and to grow solidly. And it allows you to make good profit for a very long time. We are very strong in Forums such as MoneyMakerGroup.Com, DreamTeamMoney.Com and TalkGold.Com and many more forums, but we also need to continue growing in all forums more forums.
Thank you for reading this newsletter.
Best Regards
Management Team
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